24 thoughts on “Buy or Die

  1. Must… read… Peeps…
    Unfortunately, it’s one in the morning and I can’t rush out to buy it :'(
    Well, it’ll definately ease the suffering of back to school time.

  2. Heya Scott,

    I love that photo – great scary stuff!

    In fact, I loved it so much, I’ve put a copy on my blog (with acknowledgement of course). I’ll also update the HorrorScope web log about Peeps’ imminent release. I hope it’s a mega success!


  3. You should have seen what she looked like before I wiped the blood off her incisors.

    Awhh . . . A father’s work is never done.

  4. Also, Shane, John (creator and owner throughout eternity of said photo) says feel free to repost to your heart’s content, provided you commit no alterations other than resizing. As may you all.

    As should you all.

  5. Hi, I just found your website. I absolutely ADORED “Uglies” and can’t wait for the next.

    However, I must lament your timing. I have a deadline on Wednesday for my first novel, and it’s not *quite* done, and I’m off to buy and read PEEPS anyway. Because, well, see above.

    Thanks heaps.

  6. I am an employee at an independent bookstore in Tampa, FL and I had a chance to read Peeps after the BEA conference. I loved Uglies and was excited to get my hands on another one of your titles and even though I have never been a big vampire fan, I absolutely loved it! Since we are a small bookstore we get to pick our favorite new titles each month to recommend to our customers, so if you want to read my review check out our website after Sept. 1st!

  7. I’m so excited it’s out! Now my friend Kelsey can GIVE ME BACK MY ARC and buy her own! Wow. That picture scared the crap out of me. It sounds like one of those threat IM things I get all the time. “Pass this along, or the dead girl who sent this will visit you during the night.” *shiver* That’s one freaky picture……. I’m so saving it.

  8. Hey there! I have read “The Midnighters” series and “The Uglies”. All I can do is drop hints about “Peeps” for now seeing as my birthday is in three days. I had a question about “The Uglies”: Did you get at least a teeny-tiny bit of your idea for the book from the “Twilight Zone”? The episode “Number Twelve Looks Just Like You” is eerily “The Uglies” this only applies if you watch the “Twilight Zone”. I love your work!!

  9. Wow. I hope my if i ever have a little girl that it looks like her!! great work. and cant wait to read the book.

  10. Laura: Thanks for the review. Can’t wait to read it.

    Carolynn: There are actually two Twilight Zones about cosmetic surgery. Rod Serling was, after all, a chain-smoking New Yorker transplanted to Los Angeles while he was doing that show, and I think he got obsessed by Los Angelans being obsessed with their looks. And yeah, I do remember “Number Twelve” now, I think. Although that’s more your everyone-is-changed-to-look-the-same plot. Sometimes I think Uglies is a combination of that plot, the Tripods series, and Fahrenheit 451. But with hoverboards.

    Shana: Yes, me and the owner of Books of Wonder are trying to work out a date in October.

  11. Wow. Went out yesterday at like 8pm and bought it, and now, saturday at 6 am am finished. I LOVED IT. All of your novels are brillant. Can’t wait for Pretties and Midnighters 3! Thank you for sharing your work with us!

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