Thanks for all your cantankerous, feisty, opinionated comments about the possible The Last Days covers revealed in my previous post. I appreciate your brutal honesty. And you know what? They’re just rough versions and certainly I didn’t design them, so I don’t mind if you blast away.
Frankly, I didn’t much like the direction those covers were going in. I agree with a lot of you that the images weren’t genre-rific enough. Not really making me think horror, sf, dark fantasy. More like . . . Bop Magazine.
Like many of you, I have been asking for fangs, so maybe we’ll see one of these re-imagined with more tooth. Or maybe some Peeps-esque eyes. I also agree with those of you who want more goth, more zombie-licious grime, and more intimacy. We shall see what happens.
Just as long as they don’t go with this.
Below are two more possibilities. Now we all know we want more fangs and such. So don’t forget to talk about the composition, fonts, colors and such.
Rock on:
so far out of all the 4 possible covers i like the 1st one, from the post before this one, best. the 2nd one here is interesting because of all the solid black, but i dont like the colors used for the title and the picture in the corner isn’t too great. i’m thinking maybe “the last days” could be written in huge letters and then the letters could be filled in with black and white pictures of a band…? just an idea. i look forward to seeing more of the covers.
As said it just doesn’t scream The Last Days. I mean I seriously want the cover to stir a feeling inside of me like loneliness, helplessness, anything related to The Last Days. I just felt that some of the covers were very So Yesterday, you get what I mean? Maybe something dark but also entrancing like the Aussie cover of Peeps. THAT would be cool.
sry peeps, but i dont like either one of them at all, btu i ‘spose if i HAD to choose, it would be the first
I really didn’t know this was connected to PEEPS until you said so. It needs to be just more vamp-ish and a bit … dark.