Page 16

So those of you who live in the greater NY Times-reading metrosphere can see the listing of Specials finally committed to paper.

You see, although it’s been five weeks since I made the list, the Times only puts its children’s bestseller list on papyrus every 4-6 weeks! Because Specials listed right after the children’s list had been printed, I had to hang on for five weeks to see my name in newsprint.

Well, mission accomplished:

Note that newsprinty goodness. (It’s on page 16.)

Okay, enough about that.

On Friday, Justine and I head off for New Orleans and the ALA Annual Conference. I’ll be posting my schedule tomorrow for the librarians who read this blog. Can’t wait to see you guys there.

In New Orleans, I’ll be photoblogging a bit. I visited NOLA in 1991 and 2000 and had a great time, but I haven’t been there since Katrina. Can’t wait to discover what one of my favorite cities looks and feels like these days.

I’ll let you know.

19 thoughts on “Page 16

  1. kk…well i am back from vaction now so i can come on here 🙂 congrads Scott. Specials was my fav. book out of the three i think?…i am re-reading them all again

  2. Yeah…Specials was definitely my fav of the 3. But that also might have something to do with the fact that I was waiting forever for it to come out.

  3. oooh, new orleans, you’ll only be about six or seven hours from houston… hmm. that could be exciting. did you know only one of houston’s major freeways theres this huge billboard that says “Re-elect OUR MAYOR: RAY NAGIN!” i love it. my school alone adopted about 200 Katrina refugees. some have gone back, but i know a lot of them have stayed. i like (mosr of) them, personally, because i just moved here and i feel like they’re new kids too.

  4. New Orleans….is it just me or are alot of big tours hitting that city recently? I think the U.S is trying to tell the public to go back to the tourism that used to hit that city.

  5. That’s terrible! I can’t believe they stole his work and called it their own, then got comments from people telling them to continue….plaigerizers. If that’s how you spell it. If you want some quick cash, you can sue them, Scott.

  6. Hey Scott! You’ve got your wish… everyone is talking on and ignoring your blog. Lol.

  7. we aren’t *ignoring* your blog. we’re just posting there a lot more than here. 😛 which isn’t too bad, because we get to talk, and you get to write.

    i don’t mind mentioning the dangling carrot of big news every once in awhile though.

    and how much we would love to see the last days cover…


  8. Can’t agree with any of you. New York is the best!! (Especially 42nd st.) Congrats.on specials Scott. The book was so amazing, you have no idea. It was so good, I couldn’t stop reading it.-(I read it in one day adn then kept on rereading some parts) That book was off the hook! Again

    NEW YORK CITY RULES!!!(im never moving out of here!!)


  9. Wow, they totally captured the whole plot of Specials in that one-line summary. Not. Haha, it’s funny!
    Woot for Specials being in the newspaper!!

    Wow. The forum is making us leave the blog alone…

  10. Michelle-wa: Yes, I will be reading them soon. We’re going to ALA in two days, though, so all is in a rush.

    Yeah, Jane-la, my uncle is the principal of a Houston school, and had a bunch of refugee kids added. It’s going to be weird to see how much the city’s changed.

  11. Congrats on officially making in into the paper! More praise for Specials, the amazing third book of just about my favorite trilogy. =D You’re making it big time, Scott. Hope that you keep it up with future books as well.

  12. I loved Specials! I love the whole trilogy! Keep writing please please please! I think you should add on to the Uglies Series though but oh well!

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