The Extras cover has gone in a new direction, which I think is pretty cool. I never was quite down with the first version.
Let me know what you think!
Update: This comment thread is full of massive Specials spoilers. Be warned!
Update 2: Extras is available now for pre order!
Update 3: This cover is an April Fool’s joke, people. The art is from a quick sketch by Katerate, more of whose fan art can be found here.
POTATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y DONT U COME ON ANYMORE??????
i’m not aloud to so don’t tell any one i miss you guys like a tun!!
oh man do i miss you guys i will come on every now and then but not to often okay talk to you guys latter!
awwww… i cried about zane dying when i read the book (and i was in writitng and not paying attention lol) everyone asked me what was wrong… embarrassing. and now im about to cry again thinking about it, poor tally-wa
but it was a good joke i must admit, but i prolly wouldnt read the book if i didnt know the story behind it lol
i thik tally might get back with david myself but that is just my thoughts
I never really liked Zane because Tally was saposed to be with David. I was still kindof sad when he died though. I falt so bad tally. Now she can go fall back in love with David. GO DAVIIIIIIIIIIID!!!! So I didn’t really want him to come back. If he did though I don’t know if Tally would want to be with him since would kinda be a zombie. Well he’s dead and hes gona stay dead. Deal with it
I agree with you to. I liked Zane, but he should have been for Shay. I like David better. But he’s not that funny…oh well…some guys are betta like that!
Luv Kadie-Wa
108 Days until Extras
or 3 months 16 days
or 9,331,200 seconds
or 155,520 minutes
or 2592 hours
or finally 15 weeks
i still have some Dess in my even though I’m done with the series. *sob sob*
Ha, ha, that’s pretty great, but not great enough to be the actual cover. If Extras looked like this…well…
If that really is Zane… then… I LOVE YOU SCOTT! Yeah, it’s a pretty weird and it doesn’t really follow your normal cover, but why not shake things up a bit once in a while;)
so is this a clue that Zane comes back? plz i hope it is, i dont want Zane to be gone…him and tally are perfect lol
wow, you people keep rambling on…
I dont know how many people are going to actually going to see this, but potato you suck!!!! zane rocks!!!!!!!
omg!! I almost died for a second there!!!!!!!but like could anybody tell me if zane is comin back or not cuz i really loved his character poor tally!!!! but i love the cover but the tagline is the best!!!!!!
Please let ZANE-LA come BACK i LOVED HIM. *sob sob* I wish he never died. Oo hopefully his brain rewired himself again while tally was gone to look for Dr. C and she doesnt know yet!! Yay that would be awesome!!!!
Personally… I don’t see why Tally chose Zane over David in the first place! I would DEFINATELY choose David! I know this probably sounds horrible, but im glad you took him out of the story, Scott.
oh yeah… and bye the way, nice cover! shame its not the one you’re gonna use. 😉
Potato: Im reading past comments. why were you so mean 2 veronica? 🙁 (thats my moms name by the way so watch it! 😉 jk)
Die, potato!
Zane doesnt come back in extras…
there isnt really even any mention of him, well except when tally talks about her last kiss.
nice april fools joke.