107 thoughts on “International Pixel-stained Technopeasant Day

  1. Yay, I’m the first comment! (if I type fast.)

    That was an okay story, actually. I wasn’t expecting to like it because basketball’s not my thing. Chapter 2 was good.

    The weird thing is, your style seemed kind of leeched from that. Sorry, if that’s offending, but it seemed like some editing guy made you write generically.

    I have no idea who you were writing it for.

    This has been a long and rather meaningless post.

    Ummm…yeah. *shuffles out shyly*

  2. I have NO earthly idea who that was written for. But it’s a shame it’ll never be published…*whisper* answer my email, scott-la…

  3. I really like the style of writing, but sports aren’t really my thing, unfortunately.
    Still like it, though.

  4. i think that would make a good book i want to now what happens… you should post the rest of the book!! lol 😛

    i have not a clue as to who the story was written for… but i would love to have some one write a story about mee!! lol taht would be a pretty stupid story with no meaning lol 😛

    this is randome… but its sooo warm out!! i lvoe it it was really nice out this weekend and my freind was over and i was driving the four wheeler and my sis was on the back with my dog (taloula) and i did this really sharp turn and the four wheeler went on the side with 2 wheeles on the ground and 2 in the air and she started to like fall and i didnt now what to do (i dont weigh that much so i couldnt just lean to put it back on all fours) lol so when we stoped taloula jumped off cuz she was soo scard it was funny lol 🙂

  5. Sorry, but I couldn’t read this since I got distracted by the protag’s name. Jason Taylor! Jeez louise…

    I prefer to keep thinking you ghostwrote for Tom Clancy, but I’m quite sure this wasn’t going to be a Clancy novel. Though his people might be called Jason Taylor too, I suppose.

  6. OK, so I steeled myself, and chapter two is interesting! Pity the celeb-who-wasn’t-clancy flaked out on you, I quite enjoy Teresa, even if I haven’t the first clue about basketball.

  7. I liked it! I’m not really a sports person, but this looked good. Thanks for the post!

    Oh. I have not the slightest idea who this might be ghost written for. At all.

  8. I have no idea who you ghost wrote this for… but it was pretty good. The only problem was that I have no clue about basketball!! But It still was pretty good!!!!!

  9. wow i have no idea but i do have a book that reminds me of peep… well more like tld(as scoot says) its by stephen king’s CELL. bum bum bummmmmmm its graphic and violent yeaaaah yea so you should read it

  10. Okay, i don’t know what that is from, but haven’t you done a few goosebumps books? i thought i read that somewhere.

  11. i dont really play sports like on a team but i play them with like friends and stuff… and i do get some of the stuff in basketball… a way lot better then football!! lol 😛 and i think im pretty good but i couldnt play 1. cuz i was in gym and we were playing basketball and i broke my finger, and 2. cuz i didnt get my physical in time so yea

    and i think it would make a very good story and scott you should finish writting it and pubish it that would be totally fawsome!!! yeah

    also how is Extras coming along?? i hope your not stressing to much but i dont think you are because you have been blogging a lot!! yeppe for bloging!! lol wow 🙂

  12. Yola Alexa and Capt! I’m a huge..can you guess??………………..if you guess Soccer, WRONG! I’ll give you three clues Hint-i dont wear shoes while doing this sport…………Gymnastics?? NOPE!
    Hint – It’s not really THAT popular….
    Hint – big Olympic Sport!

  13. That was really good! I love basketball (pretty much any sport that involves breathing), so it hooked me!

    When you have some time on your hands (if you ever have ‘time’), I would defintely consider carrying on the project.

    post script. I just finished Peeps. Loved It. Starting The Last Days tommorow!

  14. There is something incredibly sexy about the way you write. I’d snatch this up in a heart beat if it were ever published!

  15. yo shan im gunna guess track runner?? or cross coutry?? thats my guess lol i used to play a sport can you guess…. 3 hints

    1. it requires running

    2. it has a different name in some other countries

    3. you need some kind of equpitment

    ok their hint 2 kind of gives it away lol but i couldnt think of anything else to say so yea

  16. Alexa..i said no shoes are required for the sport i do…^_^ Lets see, you obviously play soccer, cuz it’s called football or footie in England.

  17. lol yea shan your right!! lol and if you DONT need shoes then is it swimming??

    and im looking for a 13 letter word… that means something cool (or fool) lol because i just got this pretty fawesome braclet and its silver and i need to name it… and i cant find a good enofe name… i did find one word but it has the ing on the end so i dont thing it will count….
    Scintillating- it means like bright dazzling shiny 🙂

    yea and thats about it tee-hee so any ideas please tell me 🙂 lol

  18. yup! I swim! bingo! I like Transorbital..but thats from the story. lol! I like Scintillating..and it should count..right? Hmmm..

  19. Scintillating totally counts. Dess used that name on the microphone stand. Resplendantly Scintillating Illustrations.

  20. fool… i guess im a pretty good guesser… lol kidding

    and i dont remember Dess using that word but thats what im naming my braclet… and thanks!! lol 🙂

  21. o yea now i remeber it was in the first one and she was talking about how she just got done with the carvings and every thing… wow

  22. Sports aren’t really my thing, but if you published it I’d read it, Scott.
    Okay, 13-letter words…disillusioned, deliriousness, misunderstood, and refrigerators. That’s all I can come up with. I feel brain-dead today.

  23. ok thanks for the 13 letter words… buts whats the meanings?? lol jk u dont have to look them up lol and i named it scintillating!! yeah:) lol

  24. whoops, sorry ppls, that comment came from me, Shan..idk, that was very odd… Buffy is my friends thingy..name..w/e..and her name popped up on my computure..thats SO weird! lol!

  25. lol its all good… lol one my name went back to my old name one time… and what are your 13 lettered words??

  26. Aw, I’m too late to comment on the AWESOMENESS of the new “Peeps” and “The Last Days” covers. Boo-hoo 🙁

    As for “Crossover Dreams” I really have no idea who it was ghost-written for. Not even the slightest idea. Except maybe that it was written for Capt. but somehow I doubt it…


  27. Ah! Sorry! I know everyone (including me) hates double posts so I’ll make this quick…

    Oh my gosh I loooooove CELL! Such a good book though not very PEEPSish. But it is gory. So anyone who is reading this who isn’t Haddy-la should read it. If they like gory bloody stuff. That’s gross. So…

    Okay, that’s all. Sorry (again!!!)

  28. Great first chapters!!!I wish i could read more.Who the heck did you write for???Ray Romano?That was really random but “Everybody loves Raymond”just came on.I hate that show.

  29. cool story… even though at first i thought kerry was a girl (well, James’s girlfriend in the Cherub series, by robert muchamore is called kerry).

    no idea who it was ghostwritten for, though.

  30. lol today is my friends emilys birthday!! 🙂 she is now 13!!!!! so yeppe for emily everyone!!! 😛

    and i dont care who the story was written for… and how can you hate raymond?? he is so efing tall and the show is pretty funny to!! lol but i shouldnt say anything about tall people cuz im 5’6 and im 14 so im pretty tall for my age!! 🙁 but it has its advantages and disadvantages!! but everything has that so yea… any way sorry for rambiling lol 🙂 but thats alexa for you!!

  31. o yea… shan do you have an AIM screen name?? if so can you give it to me so we can talk on aim… and jamies?? lol that would be really totally fawsome!! yeppe! 😛

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