Inside a Dog

Just when you thought obsessive refreshing was the most fun you could ever have . . .

This whole month, Justine and I are guest-blogging at Inside a Dog, the premier website for Australian YA. We’ll be posting more frequently than I do here, and answering reader questions. It should be fun.

And while you’re there, you can explore the rest of Inside a Dog’s ( awesome contents:

Tons of book reviews.

Interviews with YA authors like M.T. Anderson, Margo Lanagan, Carol Wilkinson, and many more. (Oh, and me and Justine!)

Audio dowloads and screensavers.

And, one of my favorite features, the first chapters of new and upcoming titles. Highly useful.

Before you ask, the whole first-comment-wins-a-sampler thing doesn’t work over there. But we will be giving away some cool stuff over the next month. Because we have I’m an Extra T-shirts all over the place, and they must go!

We’ll be blogging there until August 6*, so come over and check us out.

*And I’ll be here too, of course.

P.S. The NY Times reports what we already knew: librarians are cool.

260 thoughts on “Inside a Dog

  1. the curiculum changed here in michigan and we had to start learning physics last year in 8th grade and it sucks ’cause now I have to get five math credits in high school

  2. the good odds are still here, don’t worry. i have horrible luck so i’ll lose no matter what!

    eek sorry i’m a slow poster…the camp is at like this local building/club/whatever from 8 till 12, and at 12 we go to the beach until 3:30. then i had to give my friend (fellow counselor) a ride home (not me, my mom–no i definitely can’t drive!), and then i had to run some errands with my mom and i FINALLY got back.

  3. Yeah it’s due the very first day of school, or the second depending on how my schedule is

  4. i live super close to it…there’s a big lake in my town (it’s 32 miles long–once i did a project on it). but yeah in a way i guess i live at the beach…i’m always there! always use sunscreen, kids! DON’T GET SKIN CANCER!

  5. I live about 20 mins from a beach! I love going to the beach, and im super sunburned right now!! Like bright red!

  6. darn my slow posting…yeah it’s fun. sometimes the little kids can get annoying, but most of the time they’re pretty sweet. i also work at a local t-shirt/souvenir shop (the lake makes my town a big tourist spot in summer).

    and ouch, jessie! once i forgot to reapply after i got out of the water, and my shoulders were bright red when i got home. i’m not like super-pale though…i don’t burn that easily.

  7. Yeah I ALWAYS forget to put sunscreen on again! And im not that pale either, but i’m blonde, so I burn easier.

  8. You live in Tennesee!! Thats so cool! I live in Florida, we go to Tennessee every year at christmas!

  9. ooh i’ve been to tennessee before! a few times, actually. i liked it. it was for NASCAR races. go dale earnhardt jr! i was seven at the time though

  10. i live in New York…small town, nowhere near NYC, so i haven’t been able to go there when scott’s been at signings yet

  11. thats so cool!! NYC is so much fun i went there like once
    it was so different from where i live lol

  12. the city’s awesome! i’ve been there a bunch of times, but never when scott’s been there. i have a few relatives there. i’ve been like begging my parent to let me stay with my aunt there for like a week this summer, but so far they aren’t cracking. usually we go in fall/winter. i want to go to 5th avenue! lol.

  13. I WAS SECOND!!!! We posted in the same minute! It still said 0 comments when I posted I thought I had won! I was so sad!

  14. oh, so CLOSE *Jessie*
    when I posted second, I was three minutes away
    no competition there

  15. Yeah I think mine was the 1000 sk8trs one. You can look, the times are the same! Which makes me wanna say I won 2! lol

  16. thats so sad!!
    lol i think i was like 8th and that one made me super mad i dont no what i would’ve done being 2nd

  17. I screamed really loud! For like an hour, and punched random things like pillows saying, “If only I was a half a second faster @ pressing refresh.” lol

  18. has anyone noticed that the winners have all been like the people who hardly ever comment? it’s never anyone like you (jessie), ally-wa, or kheidi-la!

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