New Midnighters Covers

Yes, I realize that Justine and I have been spending all our time over at Inside a Dog, but I have not utterly abandoned you!

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the first cover for the new trade paperbacks of Midnighters!

Pretty cool, huh? That’s Jessica of the red hair and green eyes, of course.

Remember, these are the same old book, just with new covers. And they aren’t available until early January 2008, so don’t go scouring for them. But I thought I’d give you guys your usual chance to sneak peak and comment.

Or you comment over at Inside a Dog.

70 thoughts on “New Midnighters Covers

  1. That cover is gorgeous… *drools* Can’t wait until we can see the rest!! (Melissa, Dess, Rex on covers? Yes? *crosses fingers*)

  2. ok cool to know that i’m not the only one who couldn’t seem to access it…and shelltheshark i liked your covers!

    but yay it’s back! haha i’m going to see if there’s any new entries for the cover contest!

  3. I couldn’t get onto it until a few minutes ago…I wonder what happened…

    Kadie-Wa. Sorry, don’t feel like retyping all of the numbers!

  4. And Jillian, remember Mellisa was his favorite? If anyone, I think that it will be her and Dess on the covers. (My favs, but I like Jonathan too.) ((For some reason, Rex just scars me.))


  5. Hmmm, there should be a different Midnighter on every one. Meaning that Scott is just going to have to write two more Midnighters books.

  6. That is AMAZING!
    Thats how i always imagined Jessica!
    But you know what would be awsome?…..if you would right a fourth one!!!

  7. Kaitie Bug: I love Dess 2! 2 me, everybody’s insane xcept 4 Dess. Thats sort of Y i stoped reading #3. It was getting kind of boring… (no offense Scott.) But I absolutely LOVED the others! 🙂

  8. No fair. The trade covers of your books are always cooler than the hardcover. Definitely with Peeps- and now with Midnighters, too!

  9. I love Midnighters soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and that cover is so cool! Can’t u just make a 4th?! Pleeeeese?

  10. I think that this cover is much better because it shows us what jessica day looks like!!!

    i love it!!!

  11. This is really cool.It took me forever to get the symbols.Now i have fun guess which will be at the end of the chapter

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