Extras UK Cover

Since this week is all about covers from other countries, check this out:

Yes, it’s the UK cover of Extras, which comes out November 3, only a month after the US release date. You can order it here.

I’m not quite sure what kind of bottle that is. A milk bottle? Or is it more lab equipment?

In any case, it’s just as brain-rattling as the previous Uglies covers from the UK:

The chopped-up doll parts makes these covers much creepier and darker, as if the series was about surgical atrocities. Which you could argue that it is, I guess. The images and colors are all so intense, especally the one for Specials, which focuses more on the cutting than the US one. Too much so for me, but the booksellers over there love it.

And you gotta appreciate how the image sets up the tag line: “Don’t let fame go to your head.”

Heh, heh. (Because it’s, like, heads. Oh, yeah, you got that already.)

Update: Because a couple of people have asked, this link to all my books listed on Amazon.co.uk gives you a quick overview of the British covers.

78 thoughts on “Extras UK Cover

  1. wow I like those U.K. covers.. I like the amputated doll parts one, I don’t know why it just gives off this certain vibe. it does make it seem all dark and creepy. yeah the German covers are… interesting. lol.

  2. i know you said this a long time ago courtney, but there’s 2 sasha cohen’s: the ice skater (girl) and sasha baron cohen (from the “Borat” movie). i think scott was referring to the latter.

    and i’ve heard that barbie qoute too!

  3. whoa thats pretty creepy i must say. but why dont they hav a barbie on the specials cover?? thats actually Pretty cool (he he he…) the covers are so bright and colorful yet so dark and eerie…. extra awesome!

  4. I actually am a big fan of the razorblade, I found that to be a really disturbing, though interesting, part of Specials, and one which was not discussed all that much.

  5. Wow thats …interesting?

    when my friend first showed me Uglies it was for a book report and she acutally tied a barbie to the Box we had to use…

    can’t wait for Extras (i keep scaring my friends by how much about your books i know)

  6. Why don’t you ever come to DC or anyhwere near there! please i’m begging Meeting you is like my life dream! Not to mention i have about 25 other friends that would want to come plus all their friends =) i understand if where you go isn’t completely up to you but maybe ask?

  7. actally Morgan-la, they say many times that the Cutters use knifes only! and branders but that’s beside the point.

  8. This does seem like a pretty ridiculous first comment here (I’m pretty terrible at commenting…), but I think you can buy bottles like that from Ikea…I think I have some.

    I just recognised them…most likely different, I don’t remember the fancy sticking-out trim thing around the bottleneck (YEAH at that description), but yeah…Ikea. (I spend too much time in Ikea).
    Defiantly creepy-making. 😛
    This does seem like a pretty ridiculous first comment here (I’m pretty terrible at commenting…), but I think you can buy bottles like that from Ikea…I think I have some.

    I just recognised them…most likely different, I don’t remember the fancy sticking-out trim thing around the bottleneck (YEAH at that description), but yeah…Ikea. (I spend too much time in Ikea).
    Defiantly creepy-making. 😛

    I’ll write something long and interesting when I’m not hungry and suffering from homework/Ikea-nostalgia overload…

  9. haha. yeah i was like, “isn’t Parasite Positive just the old name for peeps?” or whatever.
    (i like peeps much better, sorry)

    i have to say, i dont really like the UK covers. like someone said, they make it really girl and targeted at like, 12 yr olds. not that that’s bad.. but it doesnt really cover the full scope of distopia/cutting/beauty thing.

  10. dammit. why do i keep forgetting to write stuff?


  11. “i know you said this a long time ago courtney, but there’s 2 sasha cohen’s: the ice skater (girl) and sasha baron cohen (from the “Borat” movie). i think scott was referring to the latter.”


  12. Cool cover!!
    That’s annoying… I thought the UK book was coming out at the same time as the US one. That’s a long time to wait!!

  13. i dont like them ether! i still have nightmares about barbies! ever since my old babysitter ripped the head off of half of them when i was like 6 or something, i havent touched a single barbie. chills.

  14. lol yeah i have a few barbie horror stories.

    like once i was playing at a friend’s house when i was about 5, and i left two of my barbies there.
    well, she had two dogs, and the next day she gave them back to me in tears because her dogs had gotten ahold of them before she noticed, and my barbies no longer had feet.

    and I JUST GOT TO GO BACK-TO-SCHOOL (clothes) SHOPPING TODAY! i got this one shirt that says “I love peace” in hebrew on it. people are gonna be like “what’s that mean?” which was kinda my goal. i always get at least a couple of things that people either a) have to laugh at, or b) are extremely bewildered by.

  15. Ahh! Personally, I love the UK ones much more than the US ones. No offence. But the UK ones are gives off that vibe that something is most certainly wrong with the world. And the US ones are just kindof… boring. Not that they are bad. Just perfer the UK ones. So yeah. The Specials cover is creepy though. I’m not quite as fond of that as the other ones. But the Extras one is great. I really like that one.

  16. i just got this shirt with writing that takes up the whole thing. it says like…when i went to the store today, i saw this shirt and so i decided to read it (more boring stuff around here) it was kind of weird. i was trying to figure out what it meant when i realized that it really didn’t mean anything. then i started to feel kind of stupid by the time i got to the bottom. i’ll bet you’re feeling really stupid right now huh?…and that’s the end!

  17. my dad didnt know and accidentally got me the UK version of pretties.(luckily it’s in the same language and i didnt get like, german or something) so i hadnt seen the real united states version other than on here until my best friend got it and that was maybe a week ago and then,the whole cover!!!! geez this all a shock to me!!!1

  18. I really like the U.K. covers. There as good if not better than the U.S. covers. I think they explain more about the books and how perfection is key in the cities. I mean, come on, what can say that better than a Barbie doll? Barbie is perfect.

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