Slush Piled!

At about 3PM yesterday, all my publishing pals pinged me to report that I had achieved true publishing geek nirvana: Tally was name-checked in Tales from the Slush Pile!

Slush Pile is a comic strip that’s part of Children’s Bookshelf, the email spin-off of Publisher’s Weekly that covers our corner of the business. I rushed to check, and there Tally was in the first panel:

She is now part of publishing culture. Rejoice!

Click here to read the strip from the beginning.

The next time I blog, I’ll be in California!

68 thoughts on “Slush Piled!

  1. Bahaha.
    That tickled my funny bone :]
    Congratulations on that!

    You should come to New Hamphsire some time. Lovely foliage.

  2. ha. knowing a person like tally isn’t exactly a good thing though. no offense, but she must be hard to be around. look at shay.

  3. and i don’t write when i’m happy either. but my poetry is *not* depressing. (people who’ve read it might disagree with me) mostly i write when i’m bored. or so inspired i can’t focus on homework. or in other words procrasinating. wow, i post on here way too much. i’m gonna go get a life now.

  4. CONGRATS!!! That’s so bubbly-making!!! I agree – it’s hard to write when you’re in a really good mood.

  5. COOLIO!!!! GO TALLY!!!! but wait… I DONT GET IT! URGH! ahh so confused! o well. CONGRATS! Have fun in Cali!

  6. I feel so geeky for getting that comic completely and laughing out loud. Wow.

    Knowing someone like Tally would be fun. I wish Tally was my friend! Is Tally based on anyone you actually know, Scott?

  7. Hehehehehe!! That’s cool. 😀 The one guy looks kinda like a Klingon.

    I kinda the opposite with writing though. I need to be happy, or it helps, anyways. 😉

  8. That’s hilarious! You’ve got to be angst-making to write anything.

    The sad thing is that I’ve read both of the books mentioned in that cartoon.

    Feed was a fawesome book. It really made you think about society and what we’re doing in the world today. It had some awesome parallels with Uglies, and I’d have to put both in a growing list of amazing future world books.

    Congratulations Scott!

  9. congrats scott and who is the author of feed? and writing idk i can write whenever but i think the best for me is when i wake up after having a dream cuz well me dreams are just wierd but inspiring… (he he im like just adding myself to the convo cuz i feel like i need to input) and scott it was awesome seeing you in wisconsin !!!

  10. That’s so cool! Uglies is becoming main-stream! Soon everyone’s going to know what I’m talking about when I say stuff like happy-making or pretty-making! 🙂

  11. funny!

    today I went to the book store and there was a big display of all your books and they were talking about extras and I was like “oh yeah i’v read that, great book” it was so cool. your books are so famous.

    today’s my b-day ya i got a video ipod nano!

  12. I JUST GOT EXTRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    congrats Amy-la!

    I JUST GOT EXTRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😀 😛 😀 😛

  13. Congrats!!! Oh and have a safe trip to cali! You really should come to the east coast *cough* south carolina *cough*. Anyways… Its sooo good to see Tally finally getting out there. What i thought was so funny was that all my friends relate to the book in order to make a clearer picture…. if that makes sence… XD

  14. thats totally bubbly-making, i mean i always luved
    scotts books, and had been trying 2 get people to read his books. i never new that he would become that famous. who im i kidding, this is scott im talkin about! my most favorite author!


  15. they should totally have feeds for everyone in our time. the heck with JK! we could chant!


    he’d be A HUNDRED times more famous than her in SECONDS! what with all the LOYAL Scott-la fans an all.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  16. am i a horrible person if i say i tried to read Feed, thought it was impossibly dull, let it sit in my bathroom for two weeks, continued trying to read it and eventually just returned it to the library?
    and i’m not a person who ever doesn’t finish books. usually i read all the way through, even the horrible ones, but i just couldn’t finish feed.

    and dude, getting way offtopic is our goal here! what, are the comments supposed to be related to the blog post or something? ha!

  17. wouldn’t darkling werewolves rock? come on, think about it. like, they only turn into a darkling wolf at midnighter or somesuch?

  18. is there any one here that knows how to use a TI-84 PLUS? i just got mine yesterday, and i need to know how to use it. (i need it fot geometry)

  19. it would be nine kinds of awesome. see?

    kind of awesome #1—would be a fourth midnighters book

    awesome #2—would be a scott westerfeld werewolf book

    awesome #3—would probably have awesome werewolf explinations

    awesome #4—would be written by scott westerfeld

    awesome #5—would be cool with full moon/midnight/dark moon mythos

    awesome #6—would introduce new characters

    awesome #7—could have dess in it, kicking @$$ and doing math.

    awesome #8—could be a chance to erase the pain of midnighters ending!!!!!

    awesome #9—dude, DARKLING. WEREWOLVES.

  20. calculators confuse me. and oddly, i was just talking about them with my dad. i stick to adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing and sometimes fractions stuff.

  21. I FOUND A MISTAKE IN EXTRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    “Aya nodded slowly. “Like I said…

  22. thats cool that it says her name and the book. Awsomeist!!! Just one thing………….please explain to me what there saying! I dont understand.

  23. I am curious if Scott has to be sad or upset to write? His books don’t strike me as the product of angst. It is probably better without distractions like new love though…

  24. hi i love your books i read all 3 over the summer and when i herd that extas cam out on the secondi freaked … lol i love your books and that is soo kool about the comic thing .. have fun in Cali bye

  25. bogus!!!
    my sister has extras, and she’s on the computer, and she ISN’T EVEN READING IT!!!!!!!!
    so i tried to sneak away with it, but it didn’t even get it off the computer desk before her hand reached out and stopped me….
    YES!! she stepped away from the desk and she made the HUGE mistake of leaving it in plain sight!!! now excuse me while i enjoy as much of it as i can in this tiny amount of bubbly, happy-making time……well, when she saw it she said that i could read it till she needed it….bubbly!!! but now my mom asked me to make bread….happy-making that we’ll get bread tonight….but still bogus that this is precious time…..oh well…..later.

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