I did an interview with Public Radio International late last year, and the results have finally appeared online in an episode of To the Best of Our Knowledge, called “Apocalyptic Fictions.” I’m one of three authors (and one editor) interviewed. The whole thing is pretty interesting, featuring tales of zombies, warnings of mass extinctions, and ponderings of epidemics. What’s not to love?
I’m a bit out of place, actually, talking about the post-apocalyptic world of Uglies and Extras. All the other books are set during an apocalypse, which is a different sort of thing. Still, I’m always happy to be included.
Here’s radio KUAR’s page about the episode.
And here’s the MP3 if you want to listen to the show.
If you’re in a hurry and want to skip the other authors, I’m the last interview, about 75% of the way in. But they’re all good, really.
Warning: If you saw me on tour, the stories may sound a bit familiar. But I’ve only got so many jokes in me, okay?
15. Don’t burst out laughing when you cut your leg with a coke can. You’ll spill it all over the place and get really weird looks.
16. If your gonna eat string cheese, make sure to swallow it all at once or youll end up gagging
18. Dont let your guy friends wear your braclet, they usually end up taking it home and who knows what they do wit it!
19. When your dad says he makes home made pie and you dont like it, tell him, or he just makes more
We should write a book
20. If you gonna let your friends dog stay at your house, make sure to remove tape; they only eat it and tangle themselves with it.
21. If you happen to see a cute guy standing next to you and you giggle, cover your fathers mouth before he has a chance to say “If there not laughing there farting!”
22. I got four words for airplane rides:
Dont. Sit. By. Bathrooms.
lol yeah, 100 things not to do!
U left out 17
17. don’t use the bathroom in charter buses. Especially when going on a bumpy road or around turns.
Hahahaha! Omg, thats a good one!
I have them all on 1 list
Things you should never do. (started by Bran-la)
1.If you just drank a glass of cranberry juice; dont run up and down the stairs, u feel like ur gonna barf.
2. Dont ever ask people if you run funny; the answer is always yes.
3. If you have a guy-girl party, dont invite guys who will complain about your mothers cheese dip and eats all your mini hot dogs.
4. For Halloween, dont be book a character; old guys think your a goblin.
5. If your going to talk about someone in a bad way, make sure there not in the room.
6. When your friend brings a camera to school and then takes pictures of you when your running retardily; make sure you tell them NOT to put it on there MySpace.
7. If your friends decide to put a shrimp tail in your skirt or flick on oozy bannana @ you; make sure you dont flick it back @ them because they only throw it at your face
8. dont stick a battery in someones bun, if they turn their head it might knock over soda
9. when you make dog biscuits let em cool down, before u add peanut butter dollops, penut butter does melt
10. you can’t bend a cracker, beileve me ive been trying
11. socks are good especially when u have cold feet
12. check these out, i worked hard
13. .scented erasers do NOT taste as good as they smell *couch* dont eat them *end couch*.
14. be sure that the candy rapper is OFF the candy before you shove it in your mouth…painfulness…
15 .Don’t burst out laughing when you cut your leg with a coke can. You’ll spill it all over the place and get really weird looks.
16.If your gonna eat string cheese, make sure to swallow it all at once or youll end up gagging
17. don’t use the bathroom in charter buses. Especially when going on a bumpy road or around turns.
18. Dont let your guy friends wear your braclet, they usually end up taking it home and who knows what they do wit it!
19. When your dad says he makes home made pie and you dont like it, tell him, or he just makes more
-from Bran-la
20.If you gonna let your friends dog stay at your house, make sure to remove tape; they only eat it and tangle themselves with it.
21. If you happen to see a cute guy standing next to you and you giggle, cover your fathers mouth before he has a chance to say “If there not laughing there farting!â€
22. I got four words for airplane rides:
Dont. Sit. By. Bathrooms.
I put them on a list and posted it but it is awaiting moderation
I learned that from experience
23. If you dont want to sit on the seat of the port-a-potty and you squat, make sure your pant are out of the way before u pee on yourself.
o trust me, the one about my dad and pies and guiys i had to learn, all the ones ive said i had to learn!
the coke can..personal experience
Things not to do and some complete randomness
lol yeah personal
24.Never give the name of the book you want for your birthday to your parents. You’ll end up with underwear. Ask for a gift card to the bookstore instead.
man i could totally write a book
excuse me
I have them all saved in my RANDOMNESS file on my computer
[contains random facts and epiphanies I don’t want to forget, rants, jibberish, secret codes, randomness(obviously), and more]
I saved them too. There funny.
We should try to reach 100
25. Never record yourself singing, especially if you think you’re good, but you’re not. If you’re really good, someone else will tell you so (your mom doesn’t count).
26. Never shout, “Well, at least we have booms!” across an orchestra room of middle schoolers. Especially if you’re a guy *cough* Ryan *cough*
Ok, so 26 might not make any sense but I still lmbo when I remember it…
27. Never attack the person you hate at soccer practice, especially when the rest of the team is her friend and parents are watching. Trust me, it’s not worth it.
GO TO MY BLOG!!!! it is ever so lonely *sigh*…
28. don’t see how many times you can spin around and then jump in the pool, it can only result in a colluision with the cement.
29. don’t go in your hot tub in the winter while your mean cousins are over, they will only throw snow balls at you and pour buckets of snow on you when you try to dash for the house.
30. don’t double-team your friend who isn’t that great at skaing and pull them faster and faster until they fall, it will only result in you being pulled down with them and split pants.
30 happened to my friend. she and and another friend tried to pull me really fast and i ended up falling and taking them down with me and my friend split her pants infront of our entire class. it was pretty hilarious.
sheesh! there was some huge convorsation going on! but just to put my faves in beatles are awesome. they are legendary!
I loved the twilight serise. I liked New Moon the best. but yes, it was painful to read!
my favorite movie is Juno. its hystaricle! oh! and the Lake House, cause i was in it! 😀
Clarissa-wa 😀
Bri-la- I left a comment on you blog! 😀
Clarissa-wa you were in the Lake House???? omg who did you play?? …i love that movie.
Well I was just an extra in the backround. just walking around. it was really fun! but its not like im famous or anything. 🙂
oic…that’s still very fawesome though! what scenes were you in? and did you get to meet Keanu Reeves or Sandra Bullock?
Ok i think i no what my next book is going to be ‘The Complex Infrastructure known as the Female Mind’. It sounds so fool Bri-la. Thanks to you i want to read it!
Oh! sounds interesting! whos it by Bran-la?
Relient K or somthin like that
Its on Bri-las site.
You know what Scott, you need a MySpace.
I just got The Secret hour w/ the new cover
Wow, im bored. Nothing to do at 9:19, i already did my math homework……….
Kay-wa- I got to meet Keono Reeves, but if you had a camera or a maker you would lose your job and get kicked out! i was in the scean where they are going to like that walk. i dont know. i was just walking in the backround! 😀
aw poor Bran-la 🙁
I sorry
I haven’t finished my homework 🙁
And my friend is spending the night
so I don’t plan to do it soon
HaHaHa!!!*falls over laughing and stops breathing*
Can I add one? cuz I’m going to anyway.
31: Never drink anything while your idiotic friends are…well…being themselves-idiotic.It can only result in you choking and spraying said drink all over everyone.(and yes that one is from personal experience.sadly.)
See Ya!
32. If a door doesn’t open the first time, don’t smash into it again, seeing if it will give THIS time. Just back up, see if it’s a “PULL” door, and then continue once you have evaluated the situation.
(Yes, experience. I am brilliant about doors.)
33. If you and your friend are shouting out random objects to each other, do not yell “Condoms!” when you cannot think of anything else. Because then it is really awkward and appears as if you have a very demented mind.
(I am a GOOD girl! I swear! But I couldn’t think of anything. Sad.)
34. Always check your fly before exiting a bathroom.
35. Don’t go to this site if it is late, because then you will be on until the wee hours of the morning, and hate life the next day.
(Also experience)
You compose music too?! Where are these songs located? What little I heard of the one on the show was lovely.
Woops, never mind. Gotta learn to actually check the blog links before asking these silly questions. XD
36:If you burn yourself on something its still going to have the same reaction the second and third time. So do NOT touch it again.
(light bulbs look warm and inviting but beware.Vicious, I tell you, Vicious!)
I’ve done that before. Got hurrrt…Stpid pull doors. The signs should be more obvious!
I have also shouted out innapropriote things at inaproproate times…Its funny though!
Another little tip:
Mine managed to restart my computer and open my documents? I’m not sure how she did it…Shes not too smart. But yes. Very bad thing to let them sit/lie down on it. DO NOT ATTEMPT!
Omg. I love #33, 34, and 36 too funny! I am seriously going to write a book about these things. It will be fun! ‘Life Advice: stupid things teenagers do’. I can just laugh and laugh about it all day!
37. If the girls bathroom over flows with water, don’t let your father convince you to use the guys bathroom.
38. When your little sister has a friend over you might want to watch them before: they dump the trash can on the dog, the dog run into a glass horse, the horse break and your dog yelps.