Leviathan for iPhone

Hey, I just decided to whip up an easy piece of Bonus Stuff to put on the new site.

So here it is, the amazing Leviathan iPhone wallpaper!


(Surprisingly, this took a while.)

Obviously, not everyone has an iPhone, or any sort of mobile phone at all. But this is pretty much the only thing I can do myself. Rest assured, though, the clever marketing people at S&S US and UK, and at Penguin Australia, will probably think of more and better stuff soon!

So leave your suggestions in this comments thread. What kind of Leviathan-related stuff would be cool for decorating your websites, Twitter feeds, phones, and other personal digital domains?

Bonus points for originality.

67 thoughts on “Leviathan for iPhone

  1. Ooh, this is awesome! I have an iTouch, and I can’t wait to put this image on it! 😀

  2. It would be cool if there was a countdown to the release widget for blogs and stuff, something with spinny cogs (like the new layout). 🙂

    I like the new lizard message. 😀

  3. I like Dahlia-wa’s idea about the countdown to releases. It would be really useful. (for me at least) 🙂

  4. This looks great on my iPod touch! I agree that a countdown widget would be pretty cool. I also think a wallpaper for computers would be awesome! (I need a new wallpaper. Mine’s boring.)

  5. if you had some icons or something thatd bee cool!

    or reg cell wallpaper!

    lol cant wait for the book.

    and ping to THE OTHER tally youngblood: what do you mean?

  6. Ooh! You need a ringtone! That would be so cool! You could just have some sort of catchy adventure music. Or something more gloomy? You could give a preview of the book! And it wouldn’t be too informative at all!

  7. Maybe cellphone covers and have the cover design and the word “LEVIATHAN” really big on the back cover so that people can walk up and ask about what it’s all about.

  8. You should have like stickers and fake tattoos! That would be awesome! And maybe like rings/ bracelets/ necklaces! … oh wait…this stuff isn’t electronic.

    Umm…well the obvious like countdowners, icons, wallpapers, screensavers,
    And even though I don’t have an i any thing, maybe some apps (countdowns, bios, stuff) for them.


    Oh and (obviously) I can’t wait for the book!!

  9. I can’t wait for it to come out!!! And it’s a good reason not to do homework and go to marching band practice!!! 😉

  10. -Desktop Wallpapers
    -Countdown Widget
    -Banners! That link to a promotional Leviathan website!

  11. It’s my birthday today!! I’m fifteen now! Yup, July 28th. I got my hair done, and it looks awsome! I got it straightened and layered. I’m waiting for my friend to come over for cake! And I love the new website! And guess what else?
    THE COVER FOR TEMPTED HAS BEEN REALEASED!!! And on my very birthday, too! How cool!

  12. I would like to see an online game, complete with customizable airships!!!
    Well, maybe that’s not so plausible. How about icons? =)

  13. I agree with the ringtone thing, and the computer desktop backgrounds. I don’t really use anything else. Countdown’s cool too…idk I don’t have any new ideas sorry =(

  14. hey guys. im back, and totally missed like 1000 new posts
    -countdown widget (for both the movie and leviathan, if u even know when the movie is gonna come out.)
    -but what song would you use for the ringtone?
    -icons, desktop wallpapers
    -some new fonts would be nice
    -pictures pictures pictures!
    -email alert for new posts

  15. oh, and when the movie comes out, there just HAS to be a video game!!!
    for nintendo DS, and Wii, and xbox, and w/e else you can think of!

  16. omigosh!
    this is gonna be awesome
    i agree about the countdown widget….nd all the other stuff….walll paper ect.
    um i think that a video game would be awesome!
    i cant think of anything tho
    altho a ringtone would be cool, i agree, but what song?
    so i think that it should have its own song?
    that kinda weird tho but i dont know
    movie have their own songs, why cant books,
    i guess
    uh yeah

  17. scott (mr. westerfeld) do you know how fawesome your books are? amazing a couple ideas for the design below:

    1. some profile layouts for various sites (ie. gaiaonline, facebook, myspace…)

    2. video games!!!! if you made them i would be one of the first people out in this world ready to buy them!


    3. (this is not really a suggestion)
    YOU MUST MAKE A MOVIE!!!!! but if you do make sure its not like harry potter i dont think anybody cares how longs its going to be just add every little detail there is!

  18. COUNTDOWN WIDGET! I dunno if someone already said this cuz I’m too lazy to read the comments. But we need a widget.

  19. i just put the wallpaper on my iTouch. it looks amazing! (but i dont know if it is as good as my last wallpaper of draco malfoy)

  20. How about a ringtone? A snazzy recording of your suave, endearing voice saying “This is Scott Westerfeld, and your phone is ringing. You better pick up, because it might just be me calling you.” 😛

  21. to gabi: this is what I mean:

    This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 at 10:24 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

    See the last sentence? It’s just not right. pinging is a way of life…. or at least my life. 🙂

  22. Hee hee, you spelled Leviathan incorrectly.

    There should be a character quote widget-as long as it isn’t too spoilery. (With illustrations)

    Also, maybe one of those personality quizzes, like, Which Character Would You Be? from Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan.

  23. Kat-la: lol! ha!
    Ping to scott-la: im doing this on this post cuz i figue u wil be reading alot of these comments.. do you hate michael jackson? becuz u havent said a word about him(which is pretty evil) and i think that u should let us know that u are not a completely cultureless poison to the planet..ooh i know! MAKE BOOK SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U KNO, SINCE SCHOOL IS STARTING AND WHAT NOT!! COME ON, GOOD IDEA! AND ORIGIONAL! YES! IM SO CREATIVE! OK ttyl.

  24. Hey I love that pic!!!!! And I don’t have an i phone, just a reglur cell phone (which i love!!!!) but i can set it as my background on my computer!!!!!!!

  25. YaY im totally setting to my backround!..hmmm the countdown thing is good..maybe you should have like a page of like books that you would recommend people to read..idk

  26. ohh you should have a calendar of like events, book tours and book releases!!! i cannot wait for leviathan!! it looks sooo amazing!!

  27. I think it would be cool if we got a widget type thing. However, to add to this, what if you dropped a little hint each day? Not anything big, but maybe an attention grabbing sentence from the book, or a slowly revealed wonderful picture, just a tiny bit each day.

  28. I agree with whoever said personality quiz. They’re so much fun!
    A lot of people are suggesting a ringtone. Why not a playlist/soundtrack instead? That would be soooo awesome!!! 😀 😀 😀

  29. This might sound really weird, but they don’t have wall paper for uglies (for your phone) do they?

  30. The engineer in me wants something to do with the gears! The moving ones are way cool too.

    And yes, something for the Uglies series would be cool too.

    I do have an iphone and love the idea, thanks!

  31. the pic looks awsum! i just finished reading peeps and loved it
    there should be movies for uglies series, so yesterday and peeps

    the scary thing is im exactly like an trendsetter from so yesterday (i started the colored hair extensions, backwards shoe laces (the knot at the toe instead of the ankle, fingerless gloves, 5 million bracelets, and leather bracelets carved with character’s names…i have zane (from pretties/specials of course) and jasper (from twilight)…i also started the as much music as possible trend at my school)

  32. I think it would be really cool if the clockwork parts of the cover could move and were used as framework for things like websites and other apps.

  33. Here’s some ideas:
    1. new fonts, but only if they’re really obscure and unique.
    2. waalpapers/screensavers
    3. countdowns
    4. copuld you have a quote box? Ya’ know, one of those lil’ widgets with changing quotes?
    5. IM icons
    6. i agree with dahlia-wa. personality quizzes are FAWESOME!
    7. Oh, and ping to isabelle-wa, no. no they don’t:(

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