Thanks to all of you who’ve come out for the Leviathan tour so far. It’s been great. No matter how tired I am, you guys give me energy.
Speaking of tired, I have a grand total of one (1) day off at home today. w00t! It’s going to be all about sleep and laundry (mostly laundry). And then I head to New England!
Sunday, October 18 4:00PM
In-store signing at RJ Julia
Location: 768 Boston Post Road
Madison, CT 06443
Monday, October 19 6:00PM
In-store signing at Wellesley Booksmith
Location: 82 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02482
After that is Sterling, VA on Wednesday, Washington, DC on Thursday, Baltimore on Friday, and Miami on Sunday. Then Canada, then back to the NYC for a few more things. Click here for all tour details.
As noted earlier, Sarah Rees Brennan has left the tour to go write in Mexico. Sarah just posted her account of us touring together, with much hilarity and occasional fires. Check that out here.
Joining me from now on will be Robin Wasserman, author of the wonderful Skinned. You may remember her guest blogging here for a week last September. (Here’s her first post.) And we also did this IMterview together a while back.
For more about her books, check out these two YouTube clips.
For those of you who saw me (or missed me) in Seattle and Portland, I have some cool news. My lovely wife Justine is headed your way to talk about her book Liar. On Monday, 19 October at 4:00 pm, she’ll be at the Mukilteo, WA Public Library.
Click here for the rest of Justine’s appearances.
And, as always, click here to buy Leviathan.
And now, as promised, some photos from the tour:
Leviathan cupcakes at my agency’s launch of the book. And Sarah interviewed for TV at our A Day Made Better charity event on Day One.
First sightings of our books in the wild!
A nasty 4AM start is counteracted by lovely Jupiter over the plane wing and the oxygen bar at the Wordstock Book Festival.
Sarah and I head to Seattle. One should always dress glamorously for train travel.
Posters for Justine’s upcoming tour welcome me everywhere, which is nice because I MISS HER.
More photos to come, including many from the Steampunk High Tea at Copperfield’s.
I didn’t get to go to any of your appearances! Awww, so sad *sniffle, sniffle* JK, I’ll see you when your next amazing book comes out! Love the pics!
about the third time i’ve missed you comming to nj 🙁
the blogging totaly makes it way less sucky tho 🙂
glad you’re having a great time!
I plan on bribing my father to go to Madison. I’m really upset that you can’t make it to Danbury today… but I guess what’s done is done. I think it would have been better had you actually posted that it was canceled, but its okay, anyway.
very cool
I love the tour photos;D
I like the cupcakes ^^
so much funness
-Lizzy-wa OUT! 😀
Ping to Lizzy-wa,
Do you still get on your blog chasingmidnightwerewolves?
I would so want those cupcakes!
haha in all the pics you have the same face.
I think my Aunt made it to Seattle for me, since I was able to =(. So excited to read the Leviathan!
aww, that’s so sweet!
Love the pics! The plane one looked awsome and I so want those cup cakes
Ooh, lucky 13th comment! Bubbly pictures! I am sick right now but MUST SEE YOU WHEN YOU COME TO BOSTON! 🙂
Well ok you are coming to Wellesley but same thing, right? The point is, I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! 😀
Ping to Team Yoshi Banana,
I love the #13! Hope you feel better and tell Scott-la Jessie-wa says hi! And you are so lucky you live somewhere near one of the places Scott-la going, I don’t live near any of them!
david&zane-la yeah i still go on it i just havent posted in a while. when people comment i get back to them tho. : ) it IS my awesomest (and only) club after all
-Lizzy-wa OUT! 8)
Ping to Jessie-wa,
I will tell Scott-la that you say hi! 13 is my lucky #!
Ping to Scott-la,
I am busy making fan art for when you come on Monday!!!
Ping to Lizzy-wa,
I like your blog! 😀
OH MY GOD I AM SUCH A BUBBLEHEAD!!! So I was rereading Extras and I realized that Yoshi Banana’s name is actually Toshi Banana!!!! So from now on, Team Yoshi Banana=Team Toshi Banana! I don’t even know how I came up with Yoshi, but everyone has their bubblehead moments, right? 😀
I’m going to Madison todayyy 😉
Ping to Team Yoshi Banana,
Lol, thats so funny! Toshi Banana! 13’s my lucky # too! Ya I have my bubblehead moments too!
Ping to Lizzy-wa,
Cool you should make another post on it.
NOOOOOOOOO! *sob* Guess what? I’ll be in d.c. the three days u will! Downside: i won’t get to see u! See, i’ll be there for a school trip ( over my birthday, too ), but i’ll only get to go to drafty old museums! Nooooooo! I could be ON THE SAME STREET as u, my @$%#&*@ tour bus could be driving RIGHT BEHIND U and i won’t get to get to go to any of your signings! *sniff* *sniff* Life of mine, why are you so cruel to me? WHY?
So, in conclusion: if u see a girl walking down the street, lugging every one of your books ( ya’ know, just in case ), it’ll be me. Or, if U happen to be walking down the street and someone comes barreling at u, don’t be alarmed. i mean u no harm.
On a lighter note, i think i found a new tridecalgoism. It is… get ready for it… exsanguinated! I saw this word and i thought “Hmmm… wouldn’t it be awesome if it had thirteen letters?” and it did. Ha! Who’s a genius? 😀
Scott-La should come to Britain- I don’t think he comes here 🙁
Ping to alice-wa*,
That really sucks! So NOT happy-making! I dont live near any where Scott-la’s going. At least you have a chance of seeing him. And awesome tridecalogism!!! Exsanguinated!! What does it mean???
ummm… i dunno, really. it has something to do with dying from bloodloss/production of kosher meat ( ’cause, ya’ know those things r totally related ).
ping to alice-wa
im going to DC the 2-4 of november!
i really wanna see scott-la but the closest place is washington dc and im gonna miss school if i go there! i want to but my parents would NEVER let me! oh well next time try and get the lonely state of north carolina on your tour!
someone famous did stop here! U2! i went to see them! totally bubbly!!!
Exsanguinated means bled out, complete loss of blood. Maybe kosher food has to be completely blood-free, dunno, not Jewish…
oh… whoops… i guess what they say about wikipedia is true… wisdom of the croud: 0, good ol’ fashioned knowledge: 1.
guess what? I lost uglies ‘O’! i was looking for it ( packing for said trip ) and it was gone! Vanished! i’ll find it eventually, though, probably in the most obscure place ( my little brother has a tendency to hide my favorite books ). in the meantime, i guess i’ll settle for bringing pretties and begging my mom for the brick. as the saying goes: every dark cloud has a silver lining and every silver lining has a dark cloud… :p
Looks like you are having a fantastic time =]]
I wish I was on the east coast right now! It would be totally awesome to go to one of your signings. But alas I am stuck up here in Alaska!
Maybe one year you can come up here for some signings =O I promise we won’t let our penguins bite
I just got back from Scott-la’s Madison signing… I really am glad I got to make it, Scott.
Scott! I’m pleased to inform you that someone submitted you to be on is basically a website that takes you to many different websites just be the click of the button. These are recommended sites for anyone to find anything that’s incredibly cool.
I just Stumbled upon your map for your book, Leviathan!! That’s awesome – now so many people will be able to see it!
There you have it!
Does anyone here (includes Scott-la) have a myspace/facebook?
😀 😀 😀 😀 ha ha I love smiley faces!
So mad for two reasons
Number one: I am a t-shirt a phobic
Number two: Because of the reason stated above, I CAN’T GET LEVIATHAN !!!!! :”-( (That emoticon is supposed to be a crying face.) That, and because my mom got me cool shoes and even though they’re cool I still need to read another book since I finished “Catching Fire”. I read it in technically ONE DAY.
That’s the fastest I’ve ever read a 300 page book in my whole life. But I wasn’t at school so I’ve probably done it about 400 times anyway… 😀
Sorry getting off topic. This is why I will never become a distinguished YA author like Scott-la, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Stephenie Meyer, Erin Hunter Robin Wassermann, Carrie Ryan, etc, etc, etc. AHHH! CURSE YOU OFF-TOPICNESS!
The following argument for my precious Leviathan book went like this:
Narrator: After searching for hours at the out of town books-a-million, toty’s mother finally got ticked off at waiting for her daughter who was wondering the iles searching.
Mother: GO UP TO THE FRONT DESK AND ASK Your dad’s waiting in the car for us!!! 😈
Me: Ok, sheesh
Narrator: Since it was Sunday, the books-a-million was unusually low staffed therefore resulting in a longer wait period.
*5 long minutes later*
Me: (talks to cashier helper person)
do you have Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld?
Casier helper person: Yea *Casier helper person goes to a place in the store that I paced up and down at eyelevel for 15 minutes but didn’t care to look past eye level to see that Scott-la’s wonderful books were literally right under my nose*
——Sorry run on sentence. Yet another reason I will fail in becoming a YA author..————
Me: *picks book up and runs to front of store* “I GOT IT!!!”
Mom: Well, how much is it?
Me: I don’t know I just picked it up.
Mom: then look.
Me: *flips over in search of price tag* “twenty bucks”
Mom: 20 bucks! I just bought you forty dollar shoes I’m not paying twenty dollars for a hardback book you’re never going to read again.
Me: But it’s a PRETTY twenty dollar hardback book
Mom: Well at the library, you can get this book as a FREE twenty dollar hardback book.
And that was the end of that.
But my mother underestimates me.
I WILL get my Leviathan.
Just realized.
That If I.
Had broken into the box.
And left my money on the.
This catfight
would’ve never happened.
Enough with my rambles.
I will sulk.
In darkness.
Until my Leviathan.
Is delievered to me.
Or do my homework.
Which in my book,
is worse than death penelty.
Trying to be dark.
Iz not wurking.
I’m more of a smiley kinda gal.
My shirt was tye-dyed.
Yet another way my darkness.
Is overshadowed.
By my cheery personality.
oh wow TOTY-la hehehe such long comments
and thanks Toshi/Team-la! i like my blog to! hehehe oh and im pretty sure you got the Yoshi from Yoshio hes another guy in the book…i think… hmmm yep hes definately another guy in the book i just cant remember who he is or what his last name is… hmm… hmph now i feel bad and need to look it up!
David&Zane-la yeah i really should make another post hehe i just dont no what to rite about
-Lizzy-wa OUT! 😐
guess what! the book fair is this week and LEVIATHAN IS NOT IN IT and
my parents won’t lend me 20$ to bye stuff! i only have six dollars and that won’t even bye me ONE book!
and i NEVER ask for money! i usually save it but, i repeat again, i have SIX DOLLARS!
any get rich fast schemes? i’m in desperate need!!!!!!!
ping to scott-la
do you like chocolate?
Ping to Christina~wa,
I do! And so does Scott-la, I’m friends with him!
Ping to Team Yoshi Banana,
LUCKY! Tell him Jessie-wa says hi!!
Ping to Lizzy-wa,
Ya, you’re right. I dont know if its a first or last name, but it is a name in EXTRAS. Yoshio. I don’t know what you’d make a post about either.
Ping to the OTHER Tally Youngblood,
That sucks! I got it a couple weeks ago, but at least you got new shoes! I desperately NEED new shoes!
Ping to Spagbol,
Just borrow money, LEVIATHAN is worth it! Not as good as UGLIES (series) but worth it. And who doesnt like chocolate?!?!?! Oh wait I dont I LOOOOVE it!!!!!!!!!! lol!
TO MANY PINGS!!!!!!!!!
i can now say that i am a proud owner of leviathan. i cant wait to read it.
Why, Scott-La, Why? Why can’t you rewire that stupid tour machine to make you and your wife to come to fort worth? (I was literally in tears when i saw that all you big authors out there forgot about us cowboys down here. *pout*) lol just kidding! But, seriously, are you coming to TLA next year? My friend Miranda said that you talked with her (lucky her, huh) So PLZ come to TLA next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED Leviathan I got it on the first day, (Actually i had the first copy because i was there when they ounloaded the boxes and put the books on the shelves!) I am so proud of Leviathan and your Work! (Go Scott-LA!)
Dear Scott,
I deeply enjoy your books, for cereal.
Leviathan is pretty great indeed,
but seriously, Sucession is the bomb digity.
Is there supposed to be two C’s in that?
Come to Texas?!
You are thoroughly avoiding us,
but we’re really not as horrible as we seem.
(I don’t even use the word ‘y’all’.)
I, personally, am a native Tennesseean
and Justine was definitely just in Nashville.
So, please consult whomever;
publisher, manager,
whoever keeps you chained up and only going to Canada and the like,
and take a trip into the middle of no where?
I know plenty of people who would be excited.
Unwillful Texan.
I just finished Leviathan!
PS Is it to soon to ask about the second book?
Really? An you send me a link of Scott-la’s and then I’ll try to find you
pingn to Christina~wa,
Just go on facebook and type in Scott Westerfeld and he’ll come up, but you can become a fan and become his friend. If you wanna be his friend just click on that one. My pictures a flower, just sayin, names Jessica! lol
ByeBye every buddy!!!
Allrighty then 😀
YAY! COMPUTER! My Hardrive failed 3 weeks ago and just got it back (Scott, you had the right Idea to save your laptop first). Life without a computer is like a morning without caffeine… sleepy and empty. What a time for it to die! I’ve been frantically trying to catch up and I’m finally done! I ordered Leviathan the day it came out on my Kindle 2. So far its really amazing (sorry I’m a slow reader) and am about halfway through. Deryn is super funny. In the middle of class I start laughing out loud and a bunch of people look at me like what kind of idiot am I? But still.
I won’t be able to see you either. And I’m totally bummed about it because I just recently turned my little sister into a Wester-freak… Scott-head… Junkie-feld… I don’t know, a Big Fan! She’s reading Midnighters now and is begging to borrow Uglies and Leviathan. I’m so proud.
Best of luck on your tour.
PS my Little sister just corrected me, she’s not begging… she’s groveling. *rolls eyes*
Caitlin-la: I know what you mean! Computers are amazing! The key to knowledge! Well, besides books of course! 🙂 Uglies is an AH-MAZING book! lol
Everyone: Ok, just in case any of you ugly-fanatics want a good Scott-la book to read, trying reading Peeps if you haven’t already! And for any of the twilight-fanatics on here, Peeps has vampires so hopefully that will catch your eye! 😉 lol
OMG i just read Sarah’s website… hilarious!!!!!!!! and come on Scott-la you know u would want to own a steampunk straightner!!