Fan Art Friday (cosmic all-kissing edition)

Hey, all. It’s time for FAF(cake), the cosmic all-kissing edition of Fan Art Friday. I think this needs no explanation, because we all love cake.

Let’s start with Alek and Deryn, shall we?

First a tiny wee gif from UniYuki:


And here’s an eerily similar in style, but way bigger and non-moving, image from Ridgetail95:

She looks like the surprised one here, which tells a story. (Like, he’s figured out her secret and is like, ba-BOOM, and she’s all, “Wha??”)

That’s something I’ve noticed while trawling the interweebz for Dalek lip-on-lip action: every picture tells a story. Sometimes they’ve obviously been together for a while, and are just chillin’; sometimes she’s surprising him, and sometimes it’s the other way around, like the above.

Here’s a case of them having obviously known each other’s secrets for a while, from stkidd (who seems to specialize in kissing fan art!):

Go check out all of stkidd’s art. She has a great one of Deryn snoozing with a sketch of Alek. Heh.

From DanyDiSalvo, here’s one with the ever popular title, “Engine Grease.”

Pretty intense. (And seriously, I do see the title “Engine Grease” a lot. Is THAT what the kids are calling it these days?)

Here, from Miyu999, comes a more comical approach. Clearly it’s right before a battle (“Will we ever see each other again?”), and it also proves what I learned while writing this series: all scenes that feature Bovril are fundamentally awesome.

Note that we’ve made the all-important jump to Alek being on the left side of the frame! Is it just me, or do the vast majority of Dalek kisses have Alek on the right? Is this a geographical thing, like Austria is kissing Britain?


And now an even more comical, in the sense of sequential comics, take on kissing from britata348. (Note that Alek is back where he belongs, on the right!)

And here’s a fanciful image from Art-BandGeek (who we’ve seen here before, but CAKE demanded a revisit) that actually is a bit like a scene from Goliath. (only in that Deryn’s wearing wings. But this was drawn BEFORE yesterday’s art reveal. Hmm.)

And yes, Alek on the right again. Hmm.

Are we bored of Alek and Deryn yet? Never!

But let’s have a slightly different take anyway, another lovely sketch from stkidd:

As the French say: Yowza.

All you naughty shippers, Dr. Barlow is married, you know, and had had two children by 1914!

And finally, one last Dalek kiss, a sweet one from MaiaBlackWolf:

Again, I say: Awww.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for all the kisses!

(Don’t forget: I’m going on tour soon. Check out my Appearances page to see if I’m coming anywhere near you.)

136 thoughts on “Fan Art Friday (cosmic all-kissing edition)

  1. lolz I wonder if Scott can tell that his fans are giving him very strong hints of what they want to read Deryn and Alek doing ^^;

  2. Jesus, Scott-la, what is this, consolation?! After yesterday’s shocker? How do you think I… WE can see Alek and Deryn kiss when we know the likelyhood is that they won’t stay that way forever? And who’s the homophobic douche bag I’m hearing about? Stuggs’ll kick ‘is er ‘er bloody arse, ‘e will! ‘El curse th’ day ‘e was borned, ‘e will. ‘El… Oh snap.

  3. As soon as I saw “Dalek” I freaked out. Seriously, I was thinking of two Daleks (Doctor Who) kissing. And it wasn’t very pleasant… Then I realised it was Deryn + Alek. But it was weird.
    Anyway, we all love Dalek kissing. In many ways πŸ˜€
    PS: Is it really important the fact that Dr. Barlow is married? Who cares if she doesn’t care? 8DDD

  4. Plz don’t take this the wrong way, but in the 4th does it look like alek is disgusted and deryn is hungry? Luv the pic though

  5. cool! I loved all of those….and I have the same birthday as Dr. Barlow!! πŸ˜€ Awesome. Could it get any better? I’m pretty sure it will when I get Goliath :3

  6. HEY EVERYONE: I honestly don’t think Scott-la is mean enough to deny us Dalek-kisses in Goliath. Just saying. And I *love* cake! (I’m such a fangirl…)

  7. Theory time:

    In english and a few other languages all the writng goes left-right; So maybe (I’m just geussing here) in most of the pictures Deryn was draw first, followed by Alek, and the artists went left-right. That would pretty much explian why Alek is on the right, right?

  8. I KNOOOOOOW! I was just talking the other day with a friend about how Barlow is married and has two kids when Leviathan takes place!

    Volger must hate Alan Barlow =.=

  9. Haha scott. I don’t know if we kids call it engine grease, but @ my school we call it playing board games. My english teacher made a joke about it when we read romeo and juliet

  10. Theory on the left/right thing: as English speakers we’re used to starting on the left side of the page, and most people (maybe, just theorizing here) start with Deryn because they might find her harder (or more fun) to draw. Anyone else see that as a possibility?

  11. *Hetalia fan*

    “Is this a geographical thing, like Austria is kissing Britain?”

    Me: …WHUT.

    (All in favor of Leviathan characters cosplaying Hetalia, say “Aye!”)


  12. Heyo… Guess what, guys? I have a real live perspicacious loris as a pet.

    I am not kidding. Seriously. I have cosplay pictures that feature him. (And, no, it’s not a stuffed animal. It is a real, living, breathing perspicacious loris.)

    I sent Scott-la the pictures, and if he posts them on next week’s Fan Art Friday, you will all get to see them!!


  13. Also, I love the term ‘dalek’. I want someone to draw a fan art with Deryn + Alek = a Dalek (as in the Doctor Who villain). I would do it myself but my drawing is dismal.

  14. O.O There HAS to be a kissing scene between them, right? I mean, Scott would not have teased us with this Fan-Art Friday by not having Alek and Deryn kiss… right??!!!

    As for Dr. Barlow being married. Hahaha! I feel like we have no shame. xD

  15. As for the whole Deryn being on the left and Alek being on the right… I REALLY hope it isn’t some sexist thing going on there…. lol. No, but, seriously. >.>

  16. I like the books more for the action than the romance. I do think Deryn and Alek are cute though, and would love to see them married in the end…

    10 years later or so….

    And I would like to say, Mr. Westerfeld, that I really do enjoy these books.
    Thank you for writing them… and thank you to Mr Thompson for such beautiful art!

    If these books are ever made into a movie I hope it’s animated! I say that, mostly because I’m going to school for animation … and because more books need to be made into animation!

  17. come on guys lets not get bloodthirsty. alan barlow didnt know what he was getting into when he married the boffin

  18. omg pless let ther be a pic of them kissing and omg dreyn gets wings ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  19. Scott,
    I’m assuming/hoping we get to see a written excerpt before the whole book is released. When will this happen?

  20. @ TheWordMaster Oh, Stuggs The Train-Bard? Well, my guess is he’s gone back to the moorlands, lives in the local Ye Olde Tavern when it’s open, and lives in a dumpster in the alley beside the pub when it’s closed. If you ever go to Scotland, and you see him, give him the V-sign for me, will ya? He’ll probably call you a “bloody fookin’ arse-rag dingleberry”, or something like that. If he does, ignore him and in two minutes time his memory of you will be swallowed up in his jug of bourbon.

    “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villan” – The Dark Knight

  21. @Ashley… I think it would be great if it was, like, an anime. Not that a normal animation wouldn’t be awesome, but I can just picture a Hiyao Miyazaki (sorry if I misspelled that) Leviathan movie.

  22. Every time I saw the word Dalek I thought of two Daleks (Doctor Who) Kissing. I’d say I’ve been watching that show too much. I’m almost up to date though!

  23. @Hannah-la

    YES PLEASE! I second the Miyazaki/Leviathan initiative. Not just because I already drew them as Miyazaki chars either, though they do pull it off well.
    -loves Ghibli- Ho gosh that would be brilliant.

  24. Great Fan Art! One thing, since this series has mild alternate history themes, Barlow’s husband could have died already. That would make Varlow plausible.

  25. I wonder if the Barlow’s have any descendants? They might not like us speculating over their ancestor’s love lives… On a totally unrelated note, when Alek finds out Deryn is a girl, he needs to be drunk.

  26. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOLIATH IS COMING OUT IN uhhhh………………….. 15 days?

  27. So, Scott, may I call you that? I am guessing you said yes (if you even read this) I have a question to ask you.
    ou have finished goliath and it will be out soon also the Manual of Aeronautics will come out after that. So whats next?
    please respond or say Narplaid in your next post so i know you read this, even if you want to keep the answer a secret.
    goodluck and goodbye for now
    <3 Narplaid

    P.S Narplaids are real!!!!!! they are a hybrid mixture of narwhals and platypuses

  28. Why is every single Leviathan fan-art ever some sort of wishful romance scene? Where are the fabulous beasts of Darwinist manufacture? The lumbering Clanker mechs and walkers? I want to see London and Paris, with their soft bio-luminescence, and the smoke stained metal spires of Berlin and Prague. There’s nothing wrong with the kissing and the hand-holding and jazz…I just want to see Scott’s fantastic world be given its due, and I know that our community’s artists are capable of that

  29. @all you sickos
    i am not a homophobe!!!
    i am just conservitive

    i wish i could go to forum, alas i have no permission from the parentals! they said i could in october, so can u hold down the fort till then!? and remember to tell everyone it was my idea! hee hee thank you

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