Double-Plus FAF

Two things before we get to Fan Art Friday:

1) Next Thursday, December 8 at 7PM EST, I’m going to be part of a chat called “Forget English Class; What We Want to Do Is Write!” I’ll be joined by David Levithan, Robin Wasserman, and Lauren McLaughlin, whose book Scored inspired the panel.

This chat will be online, so ALL OF YOU CAN COME! Just click here for details.

We’ll be talking about how high-stakes testing warps education by taking holistic enterprises (like writing, thinking, and comprehension) and slices them into testable skills (like syllogisms and five-paragraph essays).

To prepare for this chat, Lauren and I actually took the essay section of the SAT, and had ourselves scored by a professional examiner. I haven’t seen our scores yet, but all will be revealed at the chat! (I think Figment are even putting my essay online. Yeesh.)

You can also click here for more about Scored, which is out now. It’s set in a dystopian world where every kid gets a Score when they turn 18, determining their prospects for the rest of their life.

2) There’s less than one week left in the Show Us Your Steampunk contest! Just take a picture of yourself in a steampunk outfit holding a copy of one of the Leviathan books, and you’re in. Click here for details.

Even if you don’t want to dress up, you should head over and check the contest out. There are some really awesome costumes and poses. (It’s a FaceBook thing, though, so you have to have an account.)

And now it’s time for FAF!

We begin with this Deryn chibi, by Jett-Wolfe98:

That is some cute stuff.

Also pinning our kawaii meter is this young-and-old diptych of Deryn by danakairi:

Yes, it’s Deryn in a dress. But it’s TINY WEE Deryn in a dress.

And to complete this chibi trifecta, here’s a lovely image of how Alek really feels about the air beast, from LilyFlowerG:

Okay, let’s leave the cute behind and switch to dark and brooding. Check out this moody picture of Alek in his engineering finery, from peibee-an-jay:

I always love seeing his princeliness covered in grease. Heh.

Now here’s some cosplay from Ben, who spent this Halloween as a rigger.

You have to like the humble cosplayer who’s not a particular character, just a rigger with an air rifle and a candy bag.

And here’s a couple of sketches, this Aya Fuse from . . . I don’t know whom!

And here’s a comic one of Alek and Volger from Ian:

From Laura, we have an Alek’s-eye-view image from the raging storm scene in Goliath. With bonus thumb!

From Clare, here’s a cool profile of Alek, proving that he doesn’t suffer from the Hapsburg chin:

Okay, I have a few more in the shed, but I always like to keep a reserve for next week. But if you’ve sent in some art in the last few months and haven’t seen it here, feel free to resend.

Hope to see you all at the chat next week!

Oh, and you can also keep voting on the BONUS piece of Leviathan art!

61 thoughts on “Double-Plus FAF

  1. I don’t chat, but I’d still be interested in hearing what the authors have to say. The SAT tests are scary. I took the PSATs and freaked out. Stupid scary test… I like to know how the authors scored on that essay. Jee, what the heck was the topic? Their usually pretty philosophical, right?

  2. I am really excited to see the final art piece! Let’s hope it’s Deryn in a dress. Anything else wouldn’t make sense.

    I also would like to say that the Alek’s eye view fan art was amazing, and I like the mini Deryn and the Deryn that we know and love, my favourites, but the other art was also pretty good.


  3. I freaked out on PSAT’s earlier this year I felt like my heart was going to content 0.0″

    And my fav Pikk is of His Princliness coverd in grease πŸ˜€

  4. I took the PSAT to! I have not gotten the result yet though. Oh, and the art is awsome. Wish I could draw that good.

  5. I love fan art Friday. I remember taking the PSATs last year as a junior. Earlier this year we got the results back and our school paid for those of us who passed every section to go on a mini field trip. My class has 131 people in it and like 35-ish people got to go on the trip. I got to go on the trip, but I had a friend who didn’t and she told me how the school flipped out on those who didn’t pass something. The tests are full of crap.

  6. That was awesome! And am I the only one who thinks that little Deryn looks like little Rapunzel from Tangled? *soooo adorable*

    And Peibee-an-jay’s stuff is always amazing.

  7. Tiny wee Deryn in a dress is so cute! This is why we need a picture of Deryn in a dress. That and her not getting thrown in prison for kissing Alek…

  8. Tiny wee Deryn is amazing! I love the Alek hugging the Leviathan picture! Soooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!! It even deserved extra exclamation marks. Plus, the rigger cosplay was awesome.

  9. Totally the kiss with both the Perspicacious Loris’s (wearing fake mustaches) on each of their shoulders looking down wonderingly.

  10. Also, Laura’s drawing – the one with the thumb in the picture – is amazing. I cannot believe it’s all done in paper… I wish I was that talented. Wow. That is awesome.

  11. Awesome.
    I just took the SAT today and was like “I bet authors don’t do this kind of stuff”

    Guess I was wrong!

  12. @Lili: there a “contact” button on the side under the facebook and twitter buttons. You need to scan it first, though, because it’s just an email thing.
    I need to find someplace to scan something…

  13. I absolutely do not think that Deryn should be in a dress. I think she should be in clothes more like modern clothes (even a modernish dress would be cool) but still steampunk. Oh yeah and she should be wearing that in a close up of the kiss.

  14. I totally LOVE Peibee-an-jay’s drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I extra love the yellow eyes and the slightly curly hair!

  15. Ya know, I always thought it funny (and a bit depressing) that it seems so many people only care about the Leviathan series because Deryn and Alek are two good-lookin’ people in love. Do they not realize just how good these books really are?! It seems they’re only interested in the lovey-dovey sh!t and don’t care about the plot’s many interesting and intricate turns. I mean, Behemoth had literally one of the tightest, most well-oiled storylines I’ve read in recent memory. The simple cause-and-effectness of it was smarter than any of the teen-novels most people like nowadays. Goliath was much the same way. And Leviathan was quite a way to begin a series, I can tell ya that. The fact that the two main characters have become something of a less popular Edward and Bella is sickening. And I say that knowing full well that there might be some Twilight fans on here that’ll get pissed at this comment. But ya know what? I don’t care, because I know they don’t really like Twilight for it’s insightful and moving story, or it’s clever, realistic dialogue (do you detect the sarcasm?). It’s got Kristen Stewart and some bloke who might actually BE a vampire, that’s why. And I really don’t care for the fact that that idiotic attitude has carried on to Leviathan. That someone could read these books and think “Wow, they’re SO cute together” means they obviously weren’t paying very close attention to the writing style or the twisting, yet conclusive story. It’s probably due to the fact that this is a fiction about war, and at it’s heart is a love story, but more about impossible circumstances and the tougher, less understanding times these almost anachronistic personalities have to contend with. Perhaps I’m rambling, but this is a subject I feel quite strongly about. Stop treating this series like Twilight and more like the different yet un-pretentious novel about an alternate past that it is. The reason this is classified under YA or Teen-Lit in what few real book stores are left is because the publishers are simply looking for a title, a genre for it’s readers to expect it to follow. They must not have really read it. But those of us who have (and have half a brain in their skull) know it’s not nearly that shallow.

  16. Will there be a transcript of the chat available later?

    I won’t be able to attend (busy Thursday afternoons).

  17. Hey Joker-la not everybody is that way people can still love the lovey-dovey stuff (im not a fan of it either) and still be involved in the story its not one way or the other thats why the book is so good

  18. @joker-la I personally wouldn’t read a book if it didn’t have a bit of romance but I also wouldn’t read a book like twilight because purely romance is quite boring to read about. I genraly like authors who know how to have a balence between friendship, adventure and romance.

  19. @Joker-la:
    I understand your POV, but it’s not a bad thing if someone likes a story for all the lovey-dovey stuff. I’m also not a particular fan of romantic things (hence the nickname “Books Before Boys”), but maybe lovey-dovey stuff makes a book good. If someone likes a book and if the book is good, I don’t think it really matters why they like it. If it’s an awesome book, it’s an awesome book. πŸ™‚ People have different reasons for liking a story. There’s nothing wrong with liking a book for romance. I’m not a Twilight fan either, but I knew people who only read it because of the romance. (There was pretty much nothing BUT romance in that book.) But you know, whatever floats your boat πŸ™‚ There are people who are fans of romantic stories and will only read romance novels. Besides, in my opinion, there was hardly any romance in the Leviathan trilogy (I haven’t read Goliath though, so maybe there was more.)

    By the way, I do agree with you that Pattinson may possibly be a real vampire lol.


  21. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the romance; I’m just not as obsessed about it as it seems many people are.

  22. Attention anyone voting for the kiss: you do realize that if Deryn isn’t in a dress and someone sees them kissing, they will both be thrown in prison, because homosexuality was illegal back then… right?

  23. @The Joker-la: I originally read Leviathan because I was getting into the steampunk genre. I didn’t read it for the romance, and even though the romance is nice, I love the books for the storylines and the amazing characters, and the incredible universe that Scott has built in these books. I think most people have – though the romance is really easy to rant about, so that’s why you hear the most about it.

    I agree with you 100% – I’m just a hopeless romantic, so finding a series like this that is 1) steampunk, and 2) unbelievably AMAZINGLY well written, with a dash of romance thrown it, it’s really awesome.

    And Leviathan will never be Twilight, because Leviathan has an actual plot. So don’t worry about that. πŸ˜‰

  24. This is irrelevant, but the first thing I thought when I saw the fan art of Alek and the Leviathan was “Doctor!”
    Then I looked a little closer and felt a bit silly when I realized what it was.
    …I blame the suspenders and flippy hair…

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