Hey, all! We have some cool news about the Impostors series covers and the Uglies Netflix movie.
First, check out these three new covers by artist Aykut Aydogdu. They are truly beautiful, and perfectly capture the surreal identity issues of the series:
Click to zoom.
Aykut also did the cover for the final book in the series, TITLE REDACTED. It’s the best of the four covers. But you can’t see it yet!
And down here is a Zoom interview with me, talking about the covers and spilling some news about the Uglies movie. Watch to the end to learn how to WIN a free copy of all three books!
Does this mean it’s not really titled Mirror’s Edge?
Also, I really like the new covers, but it sucks for those who like their series books to match styles across formats, i.e. all the hardcovers have the same style covers.
YES! I can’t wait to read and re-read the new book when it comes out! Thank you for making books that make people stop and think. You are an amazing writer and thank you again for making some of my favorite books.
I know many don’t seem to like the changes, but I’m a fan! Very different and stylish!
I’ve read everything you’ve written that’s out and love your writing.
My daughter, who’s now 26, got me hooked when she was a preteen!
I know you don’t have any control over the cover art, and I agree with the sentiment above, but I will say these really are beautiful. Been a fan since I was 14, I’m now going on 29.
Hey! Awesome video! Super excited for the movie. I loved when you came to my school. That was so long ago been hoping for a movie ever since. I loved hearing how coming to my school in Indiana shaped your view of hover boards. Those were fun times.
Looking forward to the Uglies movie!
Loved the new covers, and I’m looking forward for the movie!