Welcome to my new-look site, now with 100% more blog!
First things first: This just in from my editor at HarperCollins, the rough cover of Midnighters 3: Blue Noon!
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Like all the covers for this series, it’s really great. I think it’s cool to finally see Jessica on the front cover, up close and with long red ponytail flying, but blurry enough not to upset any mental images of her. I’m also glad to see that she’s dressed to move. Actually, she looks pretty together.
Notice we don’t have a cover quote yet, just a space for one. Any ideas who I can get one from? All my favors were used up getting Ursula Le Guin and Garth Nix to blurb the first two. Bless them.
One note on these covers: The first one had the clock set to 12:05, the second to 11:55, and this one is dead-on midnight. Does anyone know what this means? Not me. Also, the color scheme went from blue to orange to purple. Turns out that this last color makes a lot of sense for this book. But that’s all I’m saying, lest I engage in spoilage.
I will, however, be posting an excerpt from Blue Noon in early 2006.
Hope you enjoy the new site and my occasional blogging. There’s a lot of information about my next novel, Peeps, which is about vampires and set in contemporary New York. Uglies fans will find an interview with me about the series that I did for Check Your Pulse newsletter. Another big new feature is News, which has a potted history of my entire career. (Future biographers take note.)
Special thanks to Justine for all her webmistress work. All the weird inconsistencies are my fault, I assure you.
That is all for now. Hope you guys like it.
Yay! We did it!
Hmm, purple, wonder what that is about. I never acutally noticed the clocks on the front of each cover, it was all a blur to me. Though i dont know if i will be able to wait until early 2006 to get this book! Im sure it will be great tho. And as for a cover quote, i have some ideas, but can you tellme what you want it to sound like? I dont know what the book is about, buti can always think of something. Auf Wiedersehen.
Okay, “occasional” is not blogging. I expect Mon-Fri at least every other day posts. Or I will so call you out on the schoolyard to fight!
LOL. gwenda is crazy( not literally, at least i hope not)
I do like the cover of Blue Noon. I think there should be books narrated by each character on there own. I would love to read a whole book from Melissa’s point of view. You probably know why
Cool cover. I think it’s the best. Try quoting a poet, say one of Robert Frost’s more angry poems. I like the purple.
What? I have to wait until 2006? Aw.
I think it should be something like Deep Purple, just to be funny. Too bad there’s such things as lawyers. I can’t wait for 2006! I’ll just be reading all of Scott’s other books.
New site looks great, as does the new cover. Funny, I hadn’t noticed the time on the clock; guess I just assumed it was midnight.
Shiny galley of PEEPS showed up in the mail today. Can’t wait to put the boy to bed so I can start reading. I suppose I could turn the clock ahead and tell him it’s bedtime, but that’s cheating.
Ooh! Awesome new cover. I love the Midnighters so much. Thanks for writing them.
Tevans says: “I would love to read a whole book from Melissa’s point of view. You probably know why”
And you say Gwenda is crazy?
Where’s my case of antique armagnac, Scott? My quotes don’t come cheap . . . oh damn, I just remembered that I did it because I really liked the book.
I’m looking forward to the third MIDNIGHTERS. I also (finally) read the British one volume edition of THE RISEN EMPIRE the other day. There’s got to be a sequel in the works for that, right?
Now I must get back to work myself.
Hey, you found my new site pretty fast, Garth. (You weren’t Googling yourself, were you? Shouldn’t you be busy writing Cryptic Thursday, or something?)
Glad you liked Risen Empire. Love to write a sequel, but it would have to be so long . . .
And yes, as you can see I’m working very hard as well.
LOL. your right
Niiiiiice! I drool with anticipation.
“Googling myself” indeed! Actually, as a regular reader of Justine’s non-blog blog I saw that you had committed bloggery and thought I’d spend a few minutes of avoiding work on SIR THURSDAY by commenting.
P.S. I hope you got a mug from BOOKS OF WONDER after your signing. They have the best mugs. Which reminds me, I can now avoid work some more by making a cup of tea.
Congratulations on your shiny new blog. Now entertain me.
Ha! See, Scott? People do read my musings!
You got a mug, Garth? We didn’t get a mug. However, it was wonderful in every other way.
Mugs? There were mugs?
Well, at least we got to see the worm in Eoin Colfer’s eye. It’s actually a silicon stich, but he uses it to scare the littlies. He also claims his eyes are made of steel. Ah, to watch a master book-signer ply his trade.
I think you get a mug from Books of Wonder if you *buy* a lot of books, not just sign your own . . .
I often end up with a serious trade imbalance after a signing at a good bookshop, particularly when they also sell second-hand or collectible books, like BoW.
Hmmm, sounds like not even a free mug will tip the imbalance back your way.
Tis hard to resist buying books at Books of Wonder, specially with the author’s discount . . .
I want to be a writer. I hope my books are as good as yours. ( I’m talking to Scott, Justine, Holly and Garth).
Tevans, you are too kind.
And thanks to Justine, Holly, and Garth for dropping in on my inaugural post. Now I will go take more silly pictures.
*drooling over cover* I looooooooove it! And whoa! In my last e-mail I said Scott should get a quote from Holly Black on this book…. and here she is! *woot!*
I love silly pictures.
oooohh! I LOVE the new cover, best one, maybe. I can’t wait to read the excerpt! Morgan, you were right, this site rocks!
🙂 I love to be right.
I think we are all crazy in our own crazy little worlds…
yes i too scott think you are a great writer! ur books are so good. i have no clue on how you think of those topics to write about…
really, what did make you think about writing midnighters?? its so amazingly imginative… i love it!
I wanted to ask the same question. How did you come up with the idea for the Midnighters?
I’ll be posting about how I got the idea for Midnighters tomorrow (May 16), once I’ve gathered my thoughts . . .
Scott..Amazing,not to be rude, but i did like the first cover of the first midnighters book the best. Or maybe I just think that becuase it was the book that started it all. Anyhow, I dont want you to give any of it away, but I was just curious as to what is going to happen text wise throught Blue Noon. What I meen by that is, will it become in any sense more mature, or might it have any material that an older audience might enjoy? Please reply soon.Oh and by the way, all of your books bleedin’ rule.
I cannot wait for Peeps either!
You could let me do the cover quote…I could get the book done in 3 days, 4 max. But yoy probably do not takje me seriously. I’m 16 years old and live in New orleans, and for my 16th birthday (may 29) I got touching darkness as my only ‘day of’ birthday present. Anyway, I CAN NOT wait for this book, you do know that it is evil to make us wait until MARCH! But I shall be patient. I thought you should know, you are one of my favorite authors ever! Also, I LOVE jess and jonathan as a couple! Favorite couple out there in fiction land. Thought you should know, because I just thought you should, for some reason, I get the feeling someone dies in this book…Don’t know why, I just do. This is turning into a rather lengthy comment. Ta then, and bye bye!
Wait. There is one confusing thing about the purple cover. The title is “Blue” Moon and the cover is “Purple.” Hmmm.
Well, as I was reading all these old blogs I nearly fell out of my chair. I am amazed that Garth Nix, the writer of the oh so loved Sabriel series….and (duh) Scott Westerfeld…one of the only other authors on the planet that interests me with reading….(strangely I read insanely well…but never have enjoyed doing it)…are having a blog conversation? Wow…errr..yeah….that was all….serious sounding-ish…….anyways….GO MIDNIGHTERS…err yeah, sorry about that……=P
I think the cover for Blue Noon definately looks the coolest! I cannot wait till March (still 6 monthes away grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). And you, Mr. Westerfeld I applaud I love you books and cannot get enough of them ( I read Touching Darkness in one night and then re read it the next day The whole Mellisa and Dess in the car scene made my stomach drop the first time I read it! What can I say except keep up the good work!
Well I think the title looks brilliant. Quick, someone write a blurb! Garth Nix, I’m waiting for Grim Tuesday, but it has some time yet before release!
Garth Nix hurry up and finshSir Thursday ans Scott come on get Blue Noon done! Im geting bored ready some books again and the Liberary doesnt have anything good so hurry up!