
Possibly because I made a big deal out of her excellent new haircut, Gwenda Bond has cast down a challenge upon me. It’s one of those blog-meme chain-letter things, where if I don’t answer five questions, I shall be cast into a fiery hell. Well, then.

1. The person (or persons) who passed the baton to you.

Gwenda Bond, who has a new haircut.

2. Total volume of music files on your computer.

8.5 Gigs, 6.5 days of music, 1991 songs

3. The title and artist of the last CD you bought.

Physical media? Phah. My last iTunes purchase was “Hustle Rose,” by Canadian artsy-electronicky band Metric.

4. Songs playing at the moment of writing.

None. But the bell of the Ukranian church down the street is ringing, which apparently has something to do with Sunday.

5. Five songs you have been listening to of late (or all-time favorites, or particularly personally meaningful songs).

According to my iTunes counter, I’ve been playing:
“Hustle Rose” by Metric
“Pocket Knife” by PJ Harvey
“Mariama” by Baaba Maal
“Midnight in a Perfect World” by DJ Shadow
“Don’t Look Back” by Luscious Jackson

6. The five people to whom you will ‘pass the musical baton.’

I refuse. I break the chain. I call upon the fires to consume me.

But I promise not to mention Gwenda’s new haircut again.

5 thoughts on “Music

  1. I don’t know about anyone else, but I get an ‘access denied’ error message whenever I try to view Gwenda’s new haircut…

  2. John, try copying the URL and pasting it into your address bar. Everyone should have access to Gwenda’s new haircut.

  3. Not to worry. I have re-linked to the sturdier Blogspot address, rather than the photo archive itself. Crisis averted. Return to your hairdressers.

  4. Metric! Rock. What a great band and what a great, epic, masterful song “Hustle Rose” is, huh? I assume you’ve got the rest of their debut album. I was in love with that album for months about a year ago. Listened to it everyday. Sadly, though, our love has dimmed.

    Keep your eye out, Scott, if you haven’t heard it already, for their self-released (first) debut album, Grow Up And Blow Away. Very different sound but same panache and sense of grandeur.

  5. Bah. Never trust the iTunes counter. It told me the song I’ve played most in my iPod was Michael by Franz Ferdinand. I just bought that song with my pepsi can iTunes promo things (Me and my dad went recylcing-diving for those. We have like 40). I’ve only listened to it like 4 times because I’ve only had it that long.
    And *woot* for a new haircut!!!!

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Possibly because I made a big deal out of her new haircut, Gwenda Bond has cast down a challenge upon me. It’s one of those blog-meme chain-letter things, where if I don’t answer five questions, I shall be cast into a fiery hell. Well then.

1. The person (or persons) who passed the baton to you.

Gwenda Bond, who was a new haircut.

2. Total volume of music files on your computer.

8.5 Gigs, 6.5 days of music, 1991 songs

3. The title and artist of the last CD you bought.

Physical media? Phah. My last iTunes purchase was “Hustle Rose,” by Canadian artsy-electronicky band Metric.

4. Songs playing at the moment of writing.

None. But the bell of the Ukranian church down the street is ringing.

5. Five songs you have been listening to of late (or all-time favorites, or particularly personally meaningful songs)

According to my iTunes counter, I’ve been playing:
“Hustle Rose” by Metric
“Pocket Knife” by PJ Harvey
“Mariama” by Baaba Maal
“Midnight in a Perfect World” by DJ Shadow
“Don’t Look Back” by Luscious Jackson

6. The five people to whom you will ‘pass the musical baton.’

I refuse. I break the chain. I call upon the fires to consume me.

But I promise not to mention Gwenda’s new haircut again.

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