Pulse Blogfest!

Simon Pulse, my imprint at Simon & Schuster, have just launched Pulse Blogfest, a two week, massively multi-author extravaganza of blogging such as the world has never seen!

Pulse has been collecting questions from readers, and each day from March 14 to March 27 a single question will be answered by, like, zillions of authors. Literally zillions! (Well, more like 120. But that’s still a lot.)

Here’s a list of the participating authors (and yes, I’m on there):

Malin Alegria
Jennifer Echols
Kate Morgenroth
Kim Antieau
Thomas Fahy
Taylor Morris
Marc Aronson
Terri Farley
Sarah Mussi
Susan Fletcher
Donna Jo Napoli
Lauren Baratz-Logsted
E.R. Frank
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Lisa Barham
Diana Gonzalez
J. Adams Oaks
Derrick Barnes
Christopher Grey
Ken Oppel
Lauren Barnholdt
Lorie Ann Grover
Jacob Osborn
Amy Belasen
Randi Hacker
Micol Ostow
Hilari Bell
Margaret Peterson Haddix
James A. Owen
Phil Bildner
Catherine Hapka
Bronwen Pardes
Franny Billingsley
Pete Hautman
Jamie Ponti
Holly Black
Julie Hearn
Staton Rabin
Judy Blume
Karol Ann Hoeffner
David Randall
Jennifer Bradbury
Nancy Holder
Deborah Reber
Kate Brian
Ellen Hopkins
Randi Reisfeld
Teri Brown
James Howe
Kristopher Reisz
Linda Buckley-Archer
Jeffry W. Johnston
Ashley Rhodes-Courter
Marina Budhos
Cynthia Kadohata
Paul Ruditis
Christian Burch
P.G. Kain
Alex Sanchez
Melvin Burgess
Ronald Kidd
Robyn Schneider
Niki Burnham
Annette Curtis Klause
Lisa Schroeder
Nancy Butcher
Chris Krovatin
Elizabeth Scott
Deb Caletti
Nancy Krulik
Nic Sheff
Janet Lee Carey
Evan Kuhlman
Gloria Skurzynski
Patrick Cave
Dakota Lane
Brian Sloan
Cassandra Clare
Hope Larson
Thomas E. Sniegoski
Rachel Cohn
Richard Lewis
Sonya Sones
Rhody Cohon
Julie Linker
Todd Strasser
Susan Cooper
Greg Logsted
Pamela Todd
Melissa de la Cruz
Tom Lombardi
Wendy Toliver
Kavita Daswani
D. Anne Love
Roderick Townley
Stacia Deutsch
Whitney Lyles
Kristen Tracy
Cheryl Diamond
Chris Lynch
Allison van Diepen
Cameron Dokey
D.J. MacHale
Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Frances O’Roark Dowell
Eric Marcus
Judy Waite
Erin Downing
Amanda Marrone
Robin Wasserman
Sharon M. Draper
Kelly McClymer
Scott Westerfeld
Kathleen Benner Duble
Lisa McMann
Suzanne Weyn
Kathleen Duey
Nico Medina
Matt Whyman
Clare B. Dunkle
Kai Meyer
Ellen Wittlinger
Kelly Easton
Sarah Miller
Elisabeth Wolfe
Annabel Monaghan
Bil Wright
Janet Ruth Young

Click here to enjoy the bloggage..

196 thoughts on “Pulse Blogfest!

  1. Hola Peoples! Como estas?(sorry don’t know how to do the upside down ?) or Bonjour peoples! Comment allez vous?
    Yeah so um…I kinda wrote a poem, can you guys tell me if it’s majorly suckish?
    In the darkened hall,
    Murmuring spirits pass, by and by,
    To her knees may she fall,
    Searching for something, something in the shadowed sky,
    Insanity is a question, though many have asked,answers are hidden out of reach,
    For were we all sane, would this horrid world, this wretched life, be the same?
    Life goes on and on, a circle in which we live and teach,
    Oh please, though my shepherd,must my thoughts become tame?
    It’s a wonder how glorious things are everywhere,
    Then become cruel in the beat of a heart,
    But we travel on by and by,without a care,
    Pretending all is right, passing the death that becomes a dart,
    But a dream, a memory, love.
    All Gone, gone like a passing dove.
    Well um yeah there it is…

  2. that was really good!!!
    so 2 make a long story short, i have a somewhat swollen lip that really hurts….like, really REALLY hurts. so…yea…

  3. wow. very fool TZ!

    that stinks Riderchilde-wa. hope it feels better!

    me is tired. i just got done dancing. and wow. it goes fast. very fast. but i loves my dance. it’s way fawesome. hehe.

    well off to study. and do math homework. bleh. laters.

  4. i feel so bad for all of you …you’re all talking about studying and school and stuff and im on spring break…but i have a ton of makeup work to do from when i had the flu but ill do that another day lol….

  5. why aren’t you happy??

    i’m tired. i fell asleep studying. and my mom just woke me up. but at least before i crashed i got my math homework done. and now i just have to look over some stuff and do some extra credit and then i can go back to bed. *yawn* goodnight.

  6. my lip’s feeling a little better now, thnx tho! 🙂

  7. i too still be on spring break, but that also means that i will be studying my butt off while you all are on break. However i dont mind, because the earlier i can stay up all night reading ‘Pride and Predjudice’ the better.

    Scott-la finally posted an entry in blogfest! *cheers!*


    and i think i did really good on all my finals! …which is even more happy-making. 😀 hehe.

    and ya know what else! 41 days of school left! and that’s just a rough count it might be a few less for teacher inservice days and whatnot. yippie!

  9. I feel all weird having no intrnet access besides my madres phone. Haha I added some Spanish in there. Ok I have to shop cause I’m at a mall. A weird mall. Ur I hate TN!

  10. HEY yall!!!!
    well im maggy and i just read the uglies series. i live in ct so not many teens like to read so i would like to get to know you guys, im in a hurry but ill leave my email maggy_salinas_p@hotmail.com

    by the way did any of you read the extras?
    i need to get it.
    i hated the fact that zane died!!! soo sad
    p.s. not buuble makin

  11. lol bran-la i do that all the time, and get some funny looks. My friends think its pretty funny when i randomly say “I’m mucho tired” or “Me gusta your shirt.” but now that I’m learning german I can annoy them in 2 languages! or when i combine german, spanish, and english to make a sentence…

    “ich bin mucho bordo und habe el headache.”

    *sigh* i need something to do.

  12. what the heck? I ain’t Mexican. I’m American like 100%! I just use random Spanish words. My sister is watching some stupid kiddy show. Fun.

  13. And I didnt mean that like its bad being Mexican, both my best friends are part Mexican (although one doesn’t look like it) I’m just pround of my culture and American background!

  14. i sorta know a little spanish + french, but not that much….next year i’ll be taking latin…..hmmmmmmmmmmm……………………………..

  15. I know a little bit of Spanish because my grandma was like 50 percent spanish

    I love SUperman/Tom Welling!!!!

  16. all you guys and your different languages. *sigh* all i gets to take is Spanish. but i might teach myself French. i’ll probably take all 5 Spanish classes so i can be a part of National Spanish Honors Society. and i wanna learn French so i can spend some time in Europe taking pictures.

  17. weee im bored
    im sorry you bombed the test TZ
    i think i failed mine too
    but it wasnt my fault
    i forgot my calculater that day

  18. Me too and I swear that is an extremely RARE thing coming from me, so like yeah. I was not in a very good mood after that. And you know what sucks even worse? I got the answers right, but he said I didn’t show enough work! Ahhh! dude, seriously…

  19. I know! What’s he think? That I’m cheating or something? I’m physically incapable of being sneaky plus I’ve got a huge conscience, I’d never be able to pull it off.

  20. that stinks TZ. i think i did bad on my art final. but i won’t know for sure till like monday. so i’m gonna be like going crazy worrying about it.

    notta lot. bored. what about you?

  21. HEYYYY!!!!
    guess what???????
    my bday was on the 22!!!!
    im 16 now!!!!!!!!
    and by the way,, i do speak 2 languages and am learnin french at the moment.
    but i love being mexican cuse
    1.- love the food
    2.- ive been drivin since i was 11
    3.-i am spending all summer in a beach house in mexico,, tannin!!!!
    soo yea!!! but
    to :BRAN-LA
    sorry no offense there!!!!! 🙁

  22. Yay 2 of my favorite authorss are participating in pulse!! Scott Westerfeld and a personal friend of mine Lorie Ann Grover Cant wait to see how it goes!!

  23. Have you ever noticed how people write like a bunch on here and then the next day it takes them like two days to write anything?

    I love Sueprman/Tom Welling!!!!

  24. Baha! This is so exciting and Lisa Mcmann is my facebook friend! So are you…but I’m not sure if it’s a fan’s page for you or not. 🙂

  25. My mom dosn’t know that I told you guys where I live… So yeah let’s kee that on the DL. Btw I didn’t say on this post!

    I love Superman/Tom Welling!!!!

  26. OMG i SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO want There to be a fourth Midnighters book i LOVE SCOtt DUDE He is ONE Of the BEST writers i have ever ya know READ!!!!!! oh and i love all of hiis books HIIGH HIIGH HIIGH HIIGH I LOVE YALL!!!!

  27. BOYD TEXAS MAN SMALLEST DARN TOWN IN AMERICA (not real,,, i dont think?)
    BUT IT is Perty small yall

    WE are Located North West of DAllAS About of 60 Miles that way

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