Me on TV

This Sunday, June 8, at 9AM I’ll be appearing on WABC-TV’s Weekend show!

Yes, that’s a TV show. Which means that I am going to be on TV.

Update: To watch, Click here and select segment 3 of 15.

Joining me will be Jane O’Connor, author of the Fancy Nancy books for littlies, and comic maven MAC, who’s just come out with a non-graphic novel, Anna Smudge: Professional Shrink, which looks really cool.

TRAGIC NOTE: This is a local NYC show, so my apologies to fans from other states and other lands. My guess is that most of you in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut (one of America’s many “tri-state” areas) should be able to see it. But I’m not sure. I didn’t even know they had a 9AM on Sunday. Is that new?

Check your local listings for Weekend with Michelle Charlesworth. It should be on Channel 7.

This is my first time on TV since my debut on the Bozo the Clown Show when I was . . . like, eight? (I was called out of the audience to do something and I won something. It’s all very hazy.) So I hope I don’t look stupid.

Preparations include:
New shirt (check)
Haircut (check)
Hyper-distilled plot synopsis of Uglies memorized (check)
Raging head cold and cough (check)
Witty banter (um . . . huh?)

Now if one of you tri-staters would Tivo and Youtube this, it would be fawesome. (Unless, of course, I totally suck. In which case, I think my humiliation should be shared with millions. Millions!)

Update: Again, Click here and select segment 3 of 15 to watch.

147 thoughts on “Me on TV

  1. I am really bored. And i cant tell if im hungry…or if its a cramp. Haha. I feel all poopy today.

  2. me too Bran-la. me too. i really didn’t want to get up this morning and go to drviers ed. infact i got all dizzy in the shower and thought i was gonna pass out. luckily i didn’t though.

    i just got done volunteering at this camp. it was so much fun. i have a group of girls who are my little buddies now. when i told them i wasn’t staying they almost cried. and i met this lady who is more obsessed than i am with taking pictures and she let me use her digital SLR. it was magical. 😀 tomorrow i’m going back and we’re going hiking and stuff. should be fun. laters.

  3. Haha. Arent we all during the summer? No one really cares the day as long as your not in school.

  4. I hate it when they show those commercials of the dying polar bears and the little puppies….it makes me want to cry. I just saw one and the tears were just ready to come out. Poor little polar bears!

  5. no, i’m like this all the time.

    and i’m still in school, so i’ve really got no excuse.
    one more week left… Friday’s my last day.

  6. Uhm…I checked the channel guide since I live in New York..I wanted to DVR it…but Eye Witness News is on at 9AM…I’m confused can someone help ? aha

  7. hey ive been looking for the infamous black sticky notes and I thought a while back someone said they had some, can you tell me where you get them

  8. I missed it! The one week I’m actually in NY and I didn’t even see it. I went to Youtube, but I couldn’t find it. All I found was this video of Scott at DragonCon, which I’m in! I’m the girl sitting in the front row wearing a brown shirt, and looking completely out of place. I think my mom and I were some of the only people who weren’t dressed up. Anyway, I hope someone puts it up…

  9. ok someone has to put this up on youtube or something

    p.s this took forever to type cuz i busted my middle finger:(

  10. Nope its not on Youtube. What a bummer! I wanted to see it but noooo, people didnt FEEL like recording it. Its ok, i see how it is. Just leave the rest of the world out of your secret news castings.

  11. So that means you weren’t in town for the Booker T. Gala last night with all the other famous grads??? Too bad. ^-^

  12. I saw you Scott! You were AWESOME! You and your fancy suit. A job well done i have to say!

  13. Great job Scott! Now that wasn’t so painful was it? Nope. DARN! Now we have nothing to hold over your head to force you to write another midnighters! -I mean…uh….um….I wasn’t planning that….*whistles innocently*….

  14. i didn’t cu (grrrrr not in ny grrrrrrrrr) but i’m sure u did great!!!!!!

  15. I’M BACKERS, PEOPLE!! I’ve been in the process of moving these past two weeks. I got internet, cable, and phone like two days ago, just kinda…forgot…to get on *hee hee*. Figures that scott-la would blog about one of the most interesting and fawesome books in the history of interesting and fawesome books THE WEEK INTERNET IS NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!
    woot scott-la good job and nice tips. nice haircut btw :): ): )
    i’m so uber-bored right now. i cant go outside bc it’s the year we have cicadas- and it happens to be the 14th year when the cicadas are there worst. so there’s the fact that if i ride my bike or scooter, i’ll prolly hit a cicada every two seconds. I also cant do that bc i live on a hill that is fun to go down, but going up is very painful and tiring. My backyard is in the 2 week process of an in-ground pool being built. Yes I said TWO FREAKIN’ WEEKS!!! and i live a mile and a half into my subdivision, which means I cant really do anything bc i cant drive…. besides my family just moved to this area two weeks ago. We lived like 40 minutes away from here, so it’s not terribly confusing… but still.
    I’ve got computer and TV and Wii to do all day. that and eat&sleep. Yeah, funness. My parents actually suprised my sister and me with a wii so we got Wii Sports and guitar hero. I’ve been playing The Sims 2 on ym computer- most fawesomest computer game evR.

  16. bored bored bored bored bored bored bored……. oh gess wat i’m saving my Joeseph-Beth Booksellers gift card i got for my bday (november) for Bogus to Bubbly :)……bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. rawr.

  17. Emily-wa:
    We had the cicadas last year. Tips: 1. Carry an umbrella. 2. Wear boots. 3. Avoid walking under trees at all costs. You’ll be fine.
    An Extra At Heart:
    I am bookmarking that NOW! Your link works, by the way, but Scott-la’s not till the third segment, so you might want to fast-forward…

  18. I had cicadas last year too. The first like week you are reallly scared of them but once your friends force you to put one on your hand, their only scary while they fly. Oh, and toward the end of the summer if you see a cicada that looks like its siamese, believe me its not. They are everywhere, then. (mating, ewwww!) Book names, people, book names! Four more days of school!! Yes!

  19. Thanks an extra at heart! Scott was great. Too bad I couldn’t see that on my big screen tv though. Darn.

  20. I have felt bad all weekend! That is just not fair! I feel like i need to just…idk! But i dont feel like people do when they feel good. I need something to make me feel better!

  21. Haha thanks Amy and Tara-la. the issue I have is that my house is just a few yards away from trees. ALOT of trees. As in like a small forest. Yea.
    Thanks for the link, An Extra At Heart! Haha we’ll prolly have the call you AEAH from now on…..
    Anyone here play The Sims 2? Most fawesome and addicting computer game EVER!!!

  22. omg i play the sims 2! it is so addicting! I am making the coolest house ever! Its like sooooo cool!

  23. Hmm…. how about some hot chocolate and your favorite movie, Bran-la? 🙂 hehe, sounds good to me. Although I just ate a banana split (yummyness) and don’t own any of my fave movies… which seems kinda strange.

  24. *shivers* I HATE cicadas!!!!! Oh my gosh thank God they aren’t where I live but when I was visiting my aunt a couple summers ago I had to deal with them for a whole freaking month and just EW! They scare the crap outta me!!!!! Are those the ones that leave icky little skeleton looking shells stuck to the sides of buildings??? Ew, and I’m not even afraid of bugs! Just them! They give me the heebiejeebies!!!!! (<hehe,funny word….)

  25. How many expansion packs do you have?

    I have all but 2. I dont have Teen Style Stuff or….i think thats it!

  26. lol Tally&Zane i’ve been fortunate enough NOT to have seen one up close… that i know of. We also have a handful of woodbees, which, while they don’t sting, are VERY NOISY AND SCARE THE CRAP OUTTA ME!!! I have most bugs…. i like flinch and/or scream at nearly any bug that looks even the slightest bit like a bee or wasp if i dont know what it is at that split second. Yea.

  27. Wow, Bran-la. you’re lucky…. i’d prolly have a couple more but i’m going to a uber-expensive summer camp that goes down the FL for a week, and it’s like fawesome so i’ve been told. My friend went last year, it’s called YoungLife. it’s a christian thing that has some college kids come to middle and high schools nearby and talk to them during like lunch and stuff, and we have these superfun meetings that do the craziest stuff. The camp is supposedly more like a resort than a camp 🙂 it’s like 500 bucks to go and my mom only gave me $100, and with my &6.50 per week allowence i had to do some SERIOUS fundraising…. luckily i sold enough of the fundraising stuff that i owe my mom like around $50. Not terrible…

  28. wait i cant even tell what i meant when i typed post 89…. i think i meant “With most bugs” instead of “I have most bugs….”

  29. fawesomeness… freetime and bon voyage seem really cool. I hope Maxis keeps making Sims2 expansions after they make Sims3 which they’re working on. Sims3 doens’t SEEM like it’s much different from Sims2.

  30. Well if the camp id fun then its all worth it.

    I feel like im hungy but at the smae time i dont no if i am. I feel like a fatty if i eat right now i mean its night time.

  31. Bon Voyage is cool but i rarly send my sims on trip because i hate waiting for it to load but the vacation spots are awesome.

  32. so i hear… i’ve made one sims video so far. working on another, but im not very good at it and my computer isn’t very nice to me- my videos are either normal speed but very very grainy or not-grainy but slow. which doens’t make for a good music video… search acekittycatkitty on youtube and check out my videos. i’ve got one sims video and a few VMK videos. VMK has closed, unfortunately, but was a disney-made chat thing like runescape without the…killing and fighting i guess.

  33. ughh.. i’m totally dreading Monday. 🙁 conditioning starts up… ugh.. so out of shape.. and we’ll probably be doing distance on that huge awful track that i loathe so much. weight lifting.. not bad. and then 3 hours of sitting in a chair listening to my boring teacher throw hissy fits. completely dreading it. and on Friday he was already telling us about the load of homework that he had planed for Monday… what kind of a teacher does that to kids?… making them pessimistic and crap. i still have homework to do tonight. a lot of it. and your not suppose to get homework in the summer. plus i was eaten alive at softball practice by those dang mosquitoes!

    omg! YoungLife! seriously? we have that here too!! i could have gone to the camp but i’m already gonna be on vaca when it is going to be. except ours were in Michigan and Minnesota. ha! that’s still funny though! i didn’t know younglife was such a nationwide thing.

    i use to be so addicted to the sims. haven’t played it for a really long time though. i lost the disc. and it’s pretty pathetic too… my mom bought 2 discs one for me and one for my brother so we wouldn’t fight.. (this was years back when Sims2 had just come out).. and then we moved to a new house and both of us lost our discs. pretty pathetic huh?

    i’ve been feeling that way too Bran-la. like i’m not really hungry during the day but then like i’ll stay up till three in the morning reading and i’ll get a stomach ach cuz i haven’t eaten all day. but i don’t really want to eat then so i just let it pass.

  34. woo im watching jurrasic park though im not really paying attention, its more my brother and sisters movie i always freaked out when i watched it because when i little i watched it with my brother and sister and we were sitting on the bed and whenever something semi scary happened my sister or brother would pull a metal wire under the bed making it shake it scared me out of my wits

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