Hanukwanzamas Deals

From now till January 4, the UK e-book of Afterworlds will be available for £1.49.
Click here to buy it from Amazon.
Or here to but it from Sainsbury’s.

Greetings from Sydney. I’ve been here for a month now, recovering from the Afterworlds tour and putting the finishing touches on my next novel. (The title, etc. of this book is secret now, but much will be revealed early next year.)

In the meantime, and with due deference to the season, here are a couple of cool items to compliment your Hanukwanzamas haul:

Barnes & Noble has a signed and bonus content edition of Afterworlds on its shelves now. The extra material is one of the chapters that Darcy discarded after receiving her editorial letter. (So it’s part of Darcy’s book, pre-rewrites!)

This edition has two stickers on it, one for the extra content and one because it’s signed by me:


Alas, you can’t order the signed version online. But you can order the bonus content edition (without signature) right here.

For Uglies fans, I earlier this year wrote a short story called “How David Got His Scar.” The story is set in the time before David has met Tally, but after Shay’s runaway friends, Croy and Astrix, have reached the Smoke. It tells the secret story of David’s eyebrow scar.

To find this B&N hardback exclusive edition of Uglies, look for this black sticker in B&N stores:


You can also order this edition online right here.

Okay, there are some other holiday deals out there, but I can’t remember them. Will update this post when I do.

And happy Hanukwanzamas!

10 thoughts on “Hanukwanzamas Deals

  1. I was just at my local B&N today and they only had the extended version of Afterworlds, no signed copies 🙁 They also had Uglies with the bonus chapter, which I read in-store, since I already have the book.

  2. Happy hanujwanzamas Scott-la!
    Can’t wait to hear about the new story!
    (also maybe an update on Shay’s story #3?)
    I just finished Afterwords about 15 minutes ago, and dang, so icy. Let’s put it this way: the first non-fantasy/non-science fiction book I’ve read in a while (Darcy’s story anyway). At first I was concerned I would only be interested in Lizzie’s story, but Darcy actually helped me with my own writing. I graduated college in May, in New York City, and am still here trying to finish my first novel but I also have to work nearly full-time so things are going slower than I’d like and I was starting to wonder if somewhere other than NYC was where I should be – but no, no way, at least not right now.
    I’m more determined than ever to finish this novel, and be more grateful that I live in New York City as a writer and aspiring author – to not take for granted what the city has to offer writers and readers which is one of the reasons why I came to college here in the first place.
    My point is, thank you for helping me remember that, and for another kick-ass story, I mean stories!

  3. I remember when we all used to comment and have conversations on here and these posts would get hundreds of comments #tbto2011and2012

  4. We just don’t have a lot of people on here any more.

    Can’t wait for more info on the new graphic novel!

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