Peeps is Boingled

Last night, Cory Doctorow posted a nice review of Peeps on ur-techogeek blog Boingboing. A short excerpt:

Scott’s managed to write a vampire novel without ever once visiting the tired old tropes of horror fiction. Instead, he invents marvelous, scientific explanations for the characteristics of vampirism . . . This is some seriously inventive science fiction, written in an engaging style that’s bound to spark young readers’ interest in biology and parasitology (there’s a short bibliography on parasites at the end of the novel). For adults, this scientific take on a hoary old subject will inspire admiration in the ability of an original talent to mine fresh ore from even the oldest veins.

But you really must read the whole review.

Boingboing is the first stop on my blogroll pretty much every morning, and yet my savvy publicist at Razorbill managed to spot it before I did. Thus, the news had already spread around the Penguin office, where it was pronounced an excellent way to start the week.

And in keeping with the theme of my last post, all of this happened because I pressed Peeps into his hot little hands at Worldcon. So thanks again to Glasgow, and to Cory, both for this review and for being a force behind one of my favorite media spaces.

Loving the tribe even more now.

Peeps comes out August 25,
but feel free to buy it now.

9 thoughts on “Peeps is Boingled

  1. I’m dying of boredom, can’t wait to read Peeps… I shall get it as soon as it comes out…
    On a totally off topic note, did anyone see the new nike commercial and immediately thing MBWS (missing black woman syndrome)?

  2. Actually, my first idea for the MBW formation came from a Nike ad, pretty much like I described it in So Yesterday. (For those of you who haven’t read SY, the Missing Black Woman Formation is a white guy, a black guy, and a white girl–like the Mod Squad–often deployed in “cool” advertising.)

    Heh, heh. Cory’s review managed to push Peeps down to under 4,000 on Amazon. Not that I (or any other professional author) ever look at Amazon ratings.

  3. Cool. By “capsule review” you mean the one of those “keep your eye out for” ones on the sales charts? Or the short reviews in the YA zone?

    (Or, I could just get off my butt and go buy Locus, as I would anyway.)

  4. Amina- I finally saw the Nike Shox ad you were talking about.

    Yes, another in a long line of Nike ads featuring the Missing Black Woman Formation. Of course, it was shown during a WNBA game . . . hmm.

  5. I am writing about the MBWF, the one in So yesterday. I just started reading the book and it says she found the MBWF in google and I decided to search there to see for myself. I came upon your blog and read it to see what it said about MBWF, and then realized you wrote So Yesterday! I have seen MBWF, mostly in Nike, and then some other ads online, on TV and even in magazines, though never totally realized the MBWF. I thought it was super cool of you to point it out in your book, for bookworms like me. Now that you mention it, MBWF is almost everywhere and to me it seems like someone needs to notify nike. It isn’t fair that white people take over and always have. But to get off the subject, I will read Peeps when I finish So Yesterday. I love vampires and believe they exsist, though I am a mere child. By the way, I am 12 years of age.

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