Off to NOLA

Headed to the American Library Association’s annual conference.
Next stop: New Orleans!

2:00-3:00PM Justine and I are signing at the Penguin booth #1549.

11:45AM-1:30PM The Pizza Luncheon w/Teen BBYA Participants
2:30-3:30PM I am signing at the HarperCollins booth #1116.
7:00PM Newberry/Caldecott Banquet

10:00-11:00AM I’m signing at the Simon & Schuster booth #1450.
8:00-10:00PM Printz Reception. (Yay, John Green!)

Will come back with photos, I promise. And the Big News is getting very, very close . . .

But in the meantime, don’t expect any quick replies.

25 thoughts on “Off to NOLA

  1. New Orleans! Thats awsome still waiting to hear from ya about NYC but have a good time in New Orleans.

  2. Yeah, I wondered what ever happened to the big news. Not mentioning it doesn’t mean we’re not holding you to it!!

  3. Have fun in New Orleans!!! Will look forward to those pictures. You gotta come to the Bay Area in California sometime as I’d just about die to have a book signed and get to meet you. =D

    Wow, the big news, eh? Well I’m sure everyone is anxious to hear what that is, so announce it soon. =)

  4. Wow, that’s really awesome! Don’t worry, I’ll be in QLD for the next week… so don’t update til then! Lol.

  5. have a funtasticmagical time under water (apologies to all Katrina victims and their famalies…my cousin’s close freind died there…RIP Shelly.

  6. nola is soo cool! i have a friend who moved back there after the mess had died down,can you possibly make a little detour down to houston, and sign book at the galleria or something? it’s only like a day’s drive..:)
    well have fun anyways, and i won’t even bother with the shark news, since it will probably end up coming in like soon..

  7. no offense to new.o. people, but that place truly sucks. it’s plain boring. but it has some realllllllllly interesting places, just wouldn’t wanna live there. ;-(

  8. yeah, i kinda guess so,
    we were all taking about how we realy didn’t like it before katrina, and how now ppl are all like tying to make it kool, but it wasn’t in the 1st place,
    ya noe?
    o well, it’s fun for a few days…

  9. what big news??? *eye twitches* Need to know!!!

    But cool that your going to the new orleans, wish i can go there, i still need my midnighters book to be sign. :]

  10. I just found proof that the world in So Yesterday exists. The website is Freaky.

  11. god, i’m sorry. i get these mood swings some times. the pool is closed that’s why

  12. is an interesting site…it seems like it writes its columns for a variety of magazines. It’s an interesting idea–I wonder which came first: So Yesterday or Maybe Scott got some ideas from the website?

  13. what about that?? really is a great site with some weird stuff. great website!! you know those pictures in the home page, is that like a strip club or something? or a show?? nice website though!! ^.^

  14. yeah! when IS the next time you’ll be signing books in NYC? I would really love to get your autograph!

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