Me at BEA

Hey, all you lucky publishing and bookselling types going to Book Expo America. This is where you can find me:

Friday, 8:00AM
Justine and I will be at the YA breakfast. (There’s an 8AM now?)

Friday, 2:30PM
I’ll be giving away and signing galleys of Leviathan in the autographing area, Table 21.

Friday, 6:00PM
Justine and I will be at the ABC Not-a-Dinner and Silent Auction.

Saturday, 10:30AM
I’m doing a panel about alternative history with Holly Black and Cassandra Clare at the BEA Big Stage. This should be cool.

Saturday later
Various cocktail parties. I’m the dude in the snazzy suit.

Sorry to all of you who can’t be here in NYC. We’ll miss you! And to make up for it, I offer the first official look at Leviathan interior art!
Yep, that’s how good Keith’s illustrations are. And this is one of fifty—in other words, two percent of the total art!


Leviathan comes out October 6, and you can preorder it at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or at independent book stores everywhere. My Canadian fans can pre-order from or Chapters Indigo.

Folks from Oz will also get the book in October, from Penguin Australia, and Francophones will be seeing it in autumn 2010 from Pocket Jeunesse.

63 thoughts on “Me at BEA

  1. Haha I was like “What? I went to Books-A-Million a week or so ago and I never saw Mind-rain!” I can’t wait until June 2… I wanna get it! Maybe Leviathan… I don’t know, it’s just not sounding that interesting to me… robots and wars and stuff like that just isn’t my style I guess, but I’m sure it’s going to be really good, because Scott-la is just a truly amazing author! Hehe
    We had Anthony’s suprise birthday party/going away party today… I missed the suprising part, but oh, well. We watched Night at the Museam: Battle of the Smithsonian. That was freakin awsome!! It was soooo funny!!! I think it’s better than the first one… but that’s just my opinion. I am so mad at Anthony for having to move! Like, all of his friends are, too, it’s hilarious

  2. Will you be at BEA Sunday at all? My daughter is totally nuts about you and I didn’t know you were there today. I was in meetings. I asked her if she wanted me to look anything up while I was here and she said “see what Scott Westerfield is up to”. If you will be around, please e-mail me or twitter me at conciergemktg.

  3. D= Nuuuuu. Stupid inability to be able to go to New York EVER!

    *goes to whimper in a corner*

  4. curse the west coast of Canada 🙁
    Scott some time could yyou come to Vancouver…..even Seattle would be good enough for me
    oh and please fix the trojen thing

  5. yay! go leviathon 1 but im also pretty bummed out, i mean why cant you come to maui? ok fine i guess you could come to oahu. ( i wonder how much an inter island plane ticket costs?! )

  6. hey you should pic me and my BFF mel she and i love your books and cant wait for the movie we can so do if u have any questions email me PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

  7. LUV the art from Leviathan!! I read the first two chapters today (in the back of Bogus to Bubbly), and it sounds really good so far!

  8. I can’t wait! Why does it have to come out in October!
    PS Is it going to be series or just one book?

  9. I am SOOOOO happy about the movie or TV show. I really thought I could be a great Shay but everyone says she “Caucasian” and I’m “African-American.” So if I can’t be Shay, I at LEAST have to be an extra.

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