BEA Stuff

Justine and I had a great time at Book Expo America (as she explains on her blog), so here’s my report on the festivities.

My signing was a blast, with somewhere about 200 people dropping by to chat with me for, like, 23 seconds each. Thanks for all your kind words and tolerance of my sometimes brain-missing schmoozing. (I can only schmooze about a hundred people per hour before I start to spout the random.) And thanks to everyone who put up with the line changing locations after we ran out of time.

I met a lot of cool people over the weekend, including Shannon Hale. Unexpectedly, we found ourselves enemies on Saturday night! There was this silent auction of art from children’s books, and Shannon, Justine, and I all wound up bidding on the same fabulous piece by John Rocco from his new book Moon Powder. Anyway, we managed not to come to blows. (And Justine and I got the art. Bwa-ha-ha!)

The Alternate History panel with Holly Black and Cassie Clare was also cool. We tried to unpack why messing with history is so much fun, mixing up the familiar with the strange, and days of yore with that which never was. Anyway, the crowd seemed to enjoy our attempts at deep thoughts. Thanks to NYPL’s Jack Martin for stepping in to moderate.

I also did a pair video interviews. One was for Romantic Times, a magazine devoted to romance novels, which is cool. You may not know this, but the romance genre is vast, accounting for about half of all novels sold. And when you add in romance books from YA, fantasy, and sf, it really is the uber-genre. So RT is a big deal, and it was a pleasure to talk to them. (Whether Leviathan is romance or not, I leave as an exercise for the reader.)

The other interview was with Borders, who had their own video studio on the convention floor. Here’s my makeup session, and me being interviewed:



Alas, these interviews won’t go online for a few months, about a week before the pub date for Leviathan. But I revealed a lot more of Keith’s art, though, so you guys should enjoy them.

Anyway, thanks for everyone who worked behind the scenes to make BEA happen, and all the folks who said nice things when they saw my nametag. You rule.

57 thoughts on “BEA Stuff

  1. i’m out of school! haha wait i take that haha away i dont need enemies. but i’m out because i go to private school!!!! super gay. lol gay. lol. i crack myself up cuz the- oh never mind. but Pony-la i so get your ugly special thing.

  2. Scott, i have a request. you spend half your time in America and the other half in Australia right? well, all your books (excluding the Risen Empire and Uglies series) seem to be set in America. (Bixby, Manhattan, you know the drill) And as a little Aussie i would REALLY like to see one set in Australia! it may not have all the glory of New York but it is still a wonderful place! and with a creative mind I’m sure you could think up something brillent about the place!!!!!!!

    And yes, I’m willing to beg.

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