More Leviathan Art

It’s the beginning of the month, so it’s time to post another delicious piece of Keith’s art for Leviathan! So here, direct from Chapter 4, is “Ascending.”

Illustration by Keith Thompson

In case you missed it, here’s the first piece of art I revealed, also from Chapter 4. And here’s the cover.

So what is this picture? Well, that would be spoiling, so you’ll have to wait until October 6 to find out.


And don’t forget, you can pre-order Leviathan from pretty much anywhere!

If you want to Uglies roleplay, there’s a pretty active community over at Bubby is Bogus!

Update 2:
Over on her blog, Justine is running a contest to find the most stalker-y love song ever. Enter your suggestion to win a free copy of Love Is Hell signed by both me and Justine!

FINAL Update:
The final winners of Justine’s contest have been chosen. Click here to see if you are one!

106 thoughts on “More Leviathan Art

  1. Amy-la: Leviathan comes out October 6. (I guess James got an ARC.)

    James: Behemoth (book 2) comes out October 2010, and the third one comes out October 2011.

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