NYPL Appearance

I’ll be posting the schedule for my continent-spanning Leviathan Tour on Sunday, but I thought I’d stick this bit of news here in the meantime: I’m appearing at Teen Central here in NYC next Tuesday!

For the first time ever in the US, I’ll be showing unseen images from Leviathan on a big screen and talking about the series. The books aren’t for sale yet, but I’m happy to sign whatever you bring.

Tuesday, September 22

The Grand Central Branch of the New York Public Library, on 46th, just east of Lexington. (Click here for directions and more.)
Second Floor Community Room.

This event is free, of course, but if you’re in the mood to support the NYPL, just click here.

Update! NEW DATE!
I’ll also be on a Steam-Punk Panel at the New York Anime Festival.

Sunday, September 27
1:30 PM รขโ‚ฌโ€œ 2:30PM
Javits Center
655 West 34th Street

Not sure what room, and you have to have a festival pass to come in. Click here for details about all that.

47 thoughts on “NYPL Appearance

  1. This is why my parents should have listened to me when I said, “We should move to NYC.”

    Just kidding.

    But very exciting for New-Yorkians nevertheless, I’m sure =]

  2. WHY ALWAYS NEW YORK ON A SCHOOL NIGHT??!?!?!?!?! oh…well that was kinda a stupid question….i guess coz you live in New York…duh! hahaha. anyway…how bout comin to somewhere in PA…like Phillie or i don’t know…MY HOUSE!!! hahaha…i think that’d be awesome!!! seriously though…Phillie would definitely fly with my parents…my mom would take me even if it was a school night coz like she knows that SCOTT WESTERFELD is my FAVORITE AUTHOR OF ALL TIME!!!! haha just thought i’d throw that in there so yeah…come to PA!!!…it’s not THAT boring! hahahaha

    GREEN DAY ROCKS!!!!! <3

  3. New York. Of course. Never Wisconsin. Promise us that you’ll post the images you show there on here later, got it?

  4. Another Wisconsinite??? (I think that’s what we’re called…….. because “Wisconsinian just sounds dumb.)
    Scott came to Mequon when Extras came out, but the Harry W. Schwartz he went to SHUT DOWN. So pretty much me = mega depressed. Hopefully he’ll still manage to visit us, perhaps in Madison/Milwaukee?????

  5. no offence cassidy but we are New Yorkers ๐Ÿ™‚
    and i am very lucky to be one! hopefully i will be attending

  6. Texas? Yeah, I doubt I’ll get to New York from here….
    unless, of course, someone is willing to buy me a plane ticket.

    Also, I found this site that scores your symmetrical beauty.
    Reminded me of the Uglies series.

  7. hahaha
    I wish I lived in NYC

    …in how may of your posts have I said that Scott-la?

    too many to count!

    psst… syracuse!

  8. Scott-la why do you have to be all the way in New York! I wish I lived close to New York. I’m all the way over here on the west coast! And your on the east! *sighs*

  9. Hahaha, whoops, I think I knew that somewhere in the back of my head =P …….. but I’ve been very brain-missing the past few days. I added 5+2 in my math class and got 9.

  10. i so wish that you were coming to texas! but i understand that you dont have any say in where you go. but i still wish it!!!

  11. @ Cassidy:
    I didn’t know that! Then again, I can’t remember how big a fan I was when it came out. A Milwaukee visit would definitely work for me . . I live in the SE area of the state.

  12. Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can’t you come to Alabama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugggggggggggggggggggg I want to meet you Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COME TO ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Jan-wa: i didn’t go to the website (i might…maybe..i dont know) anyway so like when i read what the site was just the name reminded me of the Uglies series. more of Extras though even though i remembered that her name Aya not Ana but anyway it just reminded me of it.

    hmmm…was there some character named Ana in any of Scott’s books….god i can’t remember!!! i hate that but im thinking that there was an Ana in the Uglies series but if im wrong someone please correct me and remind me where i’ve seen the name before!!! hahaha.

    and yo! does anyone else live in Pennsylvania!!! seriously you all seem to be clumped in certain states and i feel alone!!!! ๐Ÿ™ hahaha not reallyy i like being an individual. ๐Ÿ™‚ but seriously Scott you sooooo should come to Pennsylvania! (philly is only like an two hour drive for me!) hahah so you just should come…i will totallyy be there if you do!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    GREEN DAY ROCKS!!!! <3

    come to PA!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. w00t!!
    can’t wait till november!!
    (I live in Mississauga, Ontario!)
    I went to my first spanish class today
    i already speak it but i want credits for highschool
    it was fun.
    W00000T!!! CAN”T WAITTTTT!!

  15. Scott-la, Denver, CO??? Tattered Covers??? Plz, plz, plz. Even if I have to leave school early, I’ll get my mom to take me! I wish I lived in NYC or Austraila!! Can’t wait for Leviathan, bt it comes out the day after I leave for a trip. So I can’t get it until a couple days after it comes out. Sadness, right?
    Live, Laugh, Love, Jess

  16. grrr… stupid big cities! Y doesn’t anyone notice us tiny 12-square mile towns? We have a lot of promise ya’ know ( not )!
    On an unrelated note: about the previous post on those Shay-la-matching contacts, on the day that was posted, my mom FINALLY told me i could get contacts and ditch those glasses! Ah, life is bliss. though i may not end up getting those diamond ones, i AM going to get the green-tinted ones I’ve dreamed of ‘O’! See, my eyes r this kinda murky green-gray-brown, like moss. Or pond scum. Or that gooey lichen-gunk that grows on trees. I’ll finally have bubbly forest green irises!

  17. Oh, and ping to Viva La Smoke, yes, there was a character named ana… sort of. Remember in extras, the big face and natural pretty Nana Love? Yeah, u may be thinking of her.
    On ANOTHER totally unrelated note, i have some steam to vent. Have you guys heard of that school program “Baby, think it over” ( if your from aussieland, I’m afraid you’ll have no idea wehat I’m talking about ). Anyways, BTIO is a program based in schools, designed to stop teen pregnancy. So, what u have to do ( its madatory ) is take home this little computerized hunk of baby-shaped plastic and take care of it. Its designed to cry EVERY TWO HOURS! I was up all last night with the freak and if it cries one more time, I am seriously considering hacking it apart and mailing it to my health teacher in a box ( computerized wails start up in the background ). *goes to grab butcher knife*!

  18. wow, does this mean Australia got to see your leviathan art before the US? Cos if so.. awesome!

  19. Damn!! Scott, just go up the river to albany, then cross it and go to the east greenbush public library (middle of nowhere, i know)
    But I was so close to getting to go until my parents asked the date. Damn you school!!

  20. alice-wa*: thanks…but i don’t think that’s who im thinking of. i think Ana was one of the runaway Smokies…*goes to check* I FOUND IT!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ the name wasn’t Ana but An!!! she was one of the uglies that helped David and Tally sneak into Special Circumstances…can’t believe i forgot!!! haha oh well….and uh wow on the whole baby thing…my school isn’t doing that thank god! i love babies but like computerized ones?? yeah…no thank you. i’d probably have thrown it out the window by now. we have a class like that but you take it on your own personal will and you have to stop the crying with a key and they’re really loud. needless to say…im not taking that class!!! haha but that reallyy sucks for you…sorry. ๐Ÿ™

    hmmm…im suppose to be doing homework…that’s the curse of teachers giving us stuff to do online!! like im actuallyy going to do something boring over coming to an informational, wonderful website hahahahahaha. but yeah i should probably get back to it….soon….the weekend goes by too fast!!!!! ๐Ÿ™ but still…..

    GREEN DAY ROCKS!!!!! <3

  21. yeah, mondays TOTALLY suck. I got a ton of alebra homework i should be working on… but i HAD to check this website. Didn’t Scot-la say he was posting the tour schedule today? Or was that next sunday? I was kinda expecting the info to be posted today… am i missing something?

  22. Oh is it next Sunday? darn. I hope you’re stopping off in Idaho. We are part of the continent after all ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. *sobs* *ditches school, hot-wires car, drives to New York…wakes up* *sigh*
    hahaha, everyone have a good Monday!

  24. I totally love the new look for this page, I’ve gotta say. I like to sit and refresh it. My school blocked maureen johnson’s blog and live journal and blogger. If they block westerblog I may have to scream. *hummzz with anticipation*
    : D

  25. Scott-la!!! Over to the west coast!!!!!! WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN OVER IN THE EAST! I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BORED!

  26. COLORADO IS SO BORING. THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS IS…… NOTHING!!! sorry for that not happy bout the tour schedual. <— cant spell sorry

  27. Dang…I’m going to be in L.A. on October 6th…for a concert at the Key Club…I can’t be there later than 6:15…I wonder if this is close to there…and if I could convince my ride to take me there before the show…doubtful…but that would be awesome to meet my favorite author on the same day as I meet my favorite band…*sigh* I need to drive already…

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