The Alpha Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Workshop for Young Writers is an annual retreat for twenty young writers (ages 14-19) who spend ten days working with professionals to improve their craft. It’s an awesome workshop, especially this year, because Holly Black and Tamora Pierce are two of the tutors.
Now, you may be thinking, I’d like to do that some day! Indeed you can, but not this year, because applications are already closed. However, you can support those who have been accepted this year, a few of whom need financial aid. The organizers are trying to raise a modest $2500 by selling a delightful zombie book called Ned and Zane Jane.
Zombies. Young writers. Brains. What more could you ask for?
Click here to learn more, chip in, and help spread the word. And here to learn more about Alpha.
Make sure to bookmark the spot. Maybe it’ll be you going there next year.
In other charity news, check out Maureen Johnson’s recent post on the work the Harry Potter Alliance is doing. Very awesome stuff.
First comment! WHOA! I’m been dreaming of this day!
*Jane, not Zane, Mr. Westerfeld. :D:D
Oh, yay, thanks so much for posting this! I’m an Alpha alum, and Alpha was one of the best experiences of my life (if not THE best experience). I wouldn’t have been able to go without a scholarship. So I’m glad to see Ned and Jane getting attention from such a prestigious source. 😉
Wow, after I corrected Scott, I have to correct myself. I’m such a hypocrite!
Oh, they are blessed-major.
Hope they have the bubbliest time ever!
Fifth! Yeah, but Scott, I’ll never to be able to do that- the simple fact being that if/when I move to the Americas I’ll be /over/ 19. Yep, sucks to be British.
I wonder if it’s possible to chip in from the UK…
wow that sounds awesome. I like the look of the book to 😀
ned and zane 😛
i didn’t even notice until i read Jillian’s reply.
Wow, that sounds amazing…
Ned and Zane 😀
Wow, thank you so much for linking Ned and Jane!
Seconding everything Elena said. If Alpha seems like something you’d enjoy, you should apply next year for sure.
Holly-wa – we’ve gotten a couple of donations from overseas, so that should be feasible. Plus, Alpha has had students from Canada, New Zealand, and, yes, the UK. Just saying. 😉
Gee, wish i could. I’m … from norway, so I can’t go… Bogus.
Vendela, apply next year! We’ve had students from all over the US, Canada, the UK, and New Zealand.
Awesomesauce! Overseas donations FTW!
Haha, I was being gloomy because of travel, not worrying about not having a chance of being accepted because I’m not from the US.
Le sigh.
From another source–thanks for linking this, Scott! Your blog was where I first heard of Alpha, and it was a great experience, but it is really nice to have a discount on that pricing.
Also, Holly-wa, there have been attendees who were slightly older/younger than the stated age limit, due to one circumstance or another. I wouldn’t say send in an app if you were 30, but under 20 you may still have an opportunity.
From another source–thanks for linking this, Scott! Your blog was where I first heard of Alpha, and it was a great experience, but it is really nice to have a discount on that pricing.
Wow… sounds cool. Still in the age range 😀
Wow… another Elena, O.o
Wow awesome! ^_^ Thanks for linking us, Scott! Like Jasmine, your blog was the place I heard about Alpha first. It’s truly an amazing writing experience, and I’d definitely recommend submitting a story for it next year!
For those worried about age, I turned 20 during last year’s workshop, so don’t flip if you’re borderline. If anything, contact someone to make sure you don’t miss out on an awesome opportunity because you’re unsure if you’d still be allowed.
Ned and Jane was tons of fun to work on, and I’m sure you all will love it. It definitely captures the fun, quirky atmosphere of the workshop.
Sounds great! I want to go!
Also, I love the HPA. I listen to Mugglecast and Pottercast so I knew all about their raising money for Haiti- they had a four hour telethon! It’s amazing how much money they raised through Helping Haiti Heal.
I cried when Zane died.
ping @Fern —> I cried too, and when it comes to Tally, I am team David… but I still adore Zane.
That sounds like it is awesome!!!
that was cool!
omg!……….i found my dress for my senior prom!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
TEAM DAVID ALL THE WAY!!!!! ( oh and why do i keep getting the impression that Mr. Westerfeld is going to publish another book in the Uglies series and Zane is going to somehow rise from the dead like a zombie?)
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