Still Alive!

Barely. But the first leg of my tour is almost done. Last events in October:

Ann Arbor District Library
343 South Fifth Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Provo County Library
550 North University Avenue
Provo, UT 84601
My keynote speech requires tickets, and I hear they’re sold out! But google “Provo Book Festival” for details.

And don’t forget my chat next week!

Click here to RSVP for the Scott Westerfeld Live Chat!

And finally, I’ll be in NYC as part of the NYPL readings series next Wednesday. Check my Appearances page for details, and for the November part if the tour in France, Miami, and Vancouver!

25 thoughts on “Still Alive!

  1. Nice to know that you’re still alive. 😉 I’ve had Behemoth on my shelf for half a month now(I can’t believe that!) because I keep telling myself I need to finish another book first. Fifty more pages!

  2. I would be devastated if you died Scott-la. Who would finish Goliath? Did you enjoy Quail Ridge?

  3. I was so dying to meet you when you came to Dallas, however ironically I was on my first trip to New York. Now I’m back home and you’re finishing your tour in New York. I don’t know what to make of this. I wish you’d come back down here sometime.

  4. I am sooooo happy that you’re alive, if you weren’t the 2012 would have come earlier…(hehehehehehe…)
    Last night I had a dream that you came to my house and you told me that you were my long lost uncle and you stayed and lived with my family for like a few weeks until my mom kicked you out because all you and I could talk about was your books and plus you were eating us out of house and home… It was the best dream ever!!!!!

  5. must be tiring touring all these places!!! by the way, thanks for coming to jjhs it was a lot of fun 🙂 hope you liked everything!! 😀

  6. yes you’re tired…but you’re enjoying your awesome fans 🙂 Thanks for the chat reminder!!

  7. Sigh….the chat is during my tennis match. This stinks. You should do some sort of question-answer thing that’s not actually at a certain time, so that those of us who can’t make it could maybe send in questions and you could answer the best ones on the blog?

  8. Scott!!
    You went to: Cincinnati, OH, Ft. Thomas, KY, Naperville, IL, Novi, MI, and then
    Ann Arbor, MI. Why skip Indiana? Hey! Not all of us are hillbillys!!
    Please come!!

  9. I am very happy you are still alive! I’m also sorry I haven’t finished Behemoth yet. I have at least nine other books I’m already reading, but after the next 2 (one of them is for school,) Behemoth is at the top of my priority list!

  10. I get to meet you tomorrow! Words cannot explain how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I can’t wait to read Behemoth! Glad I got to meet you today, even though I made a fool out of myself. Oh well, there’s always next time!

  12. yay, you’re alive! sigh.



  13. Okay. So yeah, HI! I saw you today! It was amazing! I thought everything you said was just……inspiring. I have only read one of your books and am working on the next one. I got a book signed by you and I love how you cross out the printed one and then sign it. I loved your advise about doing the novel(for next month) at the same time everyday, I do that with homework, and I might be able to get it done. Last year I failed. I don’t think I am good at writing but I have ideas and stories in my head all the time and I always think it would be a good book but I never give the time or work in to it. But I will make time.

    ~Thanks lots! Can’t wait till your in Ann Arbor again!

  14. Duuuuuude 🙂 I was sure as hell not disappointed last night!! You’re really awesome and insiring, and I loved everything you said. Thanks so much for hanging out in Ann Arbor with us! Hope you’ll come back soon!

  15. Last night was really amazing, and I hope you make Ann Arbor a permanent stop on your book tour. Thanks for putting up with us snapping when you said cool things and my mime friend asking about time machines. 😀

  16. Hey it’s Hannah from Anderson’s in Naperville! Thanks for much for sending Rachel that voice mail…she totally freaked out! It was awesome and it made her day. 🙂 Thanks for coming out here too. I’m REALLY enjoying Leviathan so far.

  17. Scott, thank you so much for coming to Provo [and answering my question] [and signing my books] [I was the one in the missing bike Threadless shirt, who asked the question about So Yesterday]! Your speech was amazing, and you’re just the greatest!

    Also, I think you would get along famously with my older brother.

  18. Hi !
    I like the legend uglies!!! They are my favorite books and you my author to prefer! Sadden for the bad translation because I am french and I am only 12 years old and I am not still very strong in English ^^. And irritates his me I do not manage to find secret you would have address ?
    I saw that there would be an adaption in movie in the cinema. I would dream to be the actress who would play Shay! It is my character favorie! Finally here is it was just for saying to you his !
    Thank you.

  19. Oh yeah. I’m the ‘liar’ who gave you the picture that I drew of the Uglies book cover in Ann Arbor. x)

  20. My husband put Laviathan and Behemoth on my Kindle this week and I’m already done with them. Love them by the way, couldn’t put them down. sooo when’s the next one gonna be out? (hint,hint,hint) I’ll be checking out the rest of your works in the mean time, any suggestions on where I should start?

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