Team Human Birthday!

Team Human is out now! (In both the US and Australia. w00T!)

Click here for more about the book. Or here to read some of the scintillating reviews.

Here’s the awesome trailer!

If you do Twitter, there will be a big tweet-up about the book AT SIX PM TODAY (US east coast time) with the co-authors, Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan. Here are the details:

UPDATE: The tweet-up is over now but it went splendidly, and trended WORLDWIDE!

If you missed the tweet-up, come chat with all three of us at on Sunday:

Sunday July 8
8PM US-ET (5PM Pacific Time, 10AM Monday AUS-ET)

We’ll be discussing what it’s like to collaborate on a novel, which should be interesting. Click here to find out more.

Okay, that’s it. See you on Friday for FAF!

12 thoughts on “Team Human Birthday!

  1. I don’t actually have anything to say, i just wanted the honor of being one of the first few commenters… But Team Human sounds cool, even if I’m still not entirely sure what it’s about.

  2. Team Human does sound cool. So… the tweet-up was yesterday at six? I’m confused. I don’t do Twitter (or Facebook for that matter), but confusing is confusing nonetheless.

  3. @4: Confused is confused (instead of confusing is confusing) My fault being confused, not yours.

  4. Oh, Scott, why yet ANOTHER vampire book? sounds interesting, but aren’t there ALREADY enough vampire-zombie-werewolf-type books on the market?

  5. Friends don’t let friends date pretty girls from Istanbul who name lorises after beef tea.

  6. “On the day of the Judgement, the Leviathan and the Behemoth will fight in mortal combat, and the remaining flesh from the battle will provide food for the victorious, who survive the Judgement.”

  7. I saw it on the shelves yesterday! It was kinda exciting.

    I like how this book seems to be poking fun at all vampire archetypes. Anything that pokes fun at any archetypes is okay in my book. Heck, or anything that challenges completely changes the way we look at old archetypes. Say, for instance, why these vampires are different, or – like in this example – “why does everyone have a huge freaking crush on all these vampire hotties? Chyu.”

    Which, btw @7, is why Twilight was so popular. Meyers challenged the previously known archetypes that Dracula (and all other related novels) set.

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