While we were at ConFusion, Justine and I sat down with Jim Hall of Cult Pop, a local Detroit cable show about “anything interesting.” (Usually, this means science fiction writers.)
For those of you who live in southeastern Michigan, you’ll find it airing on Comcast (channel 20).
Luckily for those you who don’t, Cult Pop is also available online. Click here to go to the Cult Pop site, then click on #13 to see us. (A lot of other cool people are on that list too.)
Notice that I cleverly wore a shirt that would strobe attractively, plus I was slumping:
Also, as many adult interviewers do, Jim asks us a lot of questions about what YA is. You guys might find our answers non-earth-shattering on that score. But it’s a half hour (!) of fun and excitement, with lots of news about my and Justine’s next books.*
*Speaking of which, Leviathan is almost 25,000 words long!
if thats cool
you see my point
click my name!!!!
Lol. i looked at the site. OMG, ITS FUN!!!! I did all (most of) the things on the list. I like the pinch yourself one the best.
the closest nordstrom’s is an hour away, i hate that…stores really need to expand. i’m guessing there’s juicy couture stuff there? i haven’t been there since the beginning of the school year lol…
I tried to fix my printer just now and my ink cartridge attacked me. So now my hands are dyed blue and pink. On the bright side my printer works again.
THE INK WON’T COME OFF!!!!! This will be a fun thing to explain tomorrow.
Yes, they do sell Couture there. Limited but they do sell some.
I just did book hunting. Thats the 1 time a month i go onto website and hunt down good books so i can go buy a bunch at one time. i found……counting……6 books. they all sound good. Now i just got to convince my mom to take me to Barnes and Noble.
Ooo, ink. Thats bad.
How are u typing with it on your hands? doesn’t it get ink everywhere?
I’m typing with my toes, duh! No, just kidding. It dried on my hands after I tried to wash it off, so now my hands are stained. Such is life.HeHeHe!!!
Once I opened a bottle of ink too fast and it spilt all over my favorite (and new) shirt
I had to throw it away after that 🙁
YaY!!! And HoLa to all accident prone peoples! (I wasn’t saying yay about your shirt Netta-la) I had a similar incident once except it was with paint. Lots and lots of paint.
I was writing in English class and my pen just like, burst. Ink was all over my hands and my test.
Good times…
I like Tali-wa’s site. Its cool.
Have you guys heard of Maureen Johnson’s Zombie Idol? You rewrite a paragraph in a book and add a zombie. The winner gets an ARC of Suitte Scarlett!!
So. Bored. Snowday.
wow nobody’s been on here in a while
something weird – did you know steph meyer wrote her series (<3 <3 <3 edward <3 <3 <3) becuase she had a dream about the scene in the meadow? how cool is that??
also – my worst dream thats totally recurring is that i’m in my house (any of them, i’ve moved 7 times 🙂 ) and i’m all alone at night and none of the lights will turn on. I can’t even light a candle or start a fire or anything!! its the scariest thing EVER and i’m not even afraid of the dark. 🙁
? lol ?
I hate dreams where you want to scream at some one but you cant.
I love Superman/Tom Welling!!!!
i know i did that last night…..lol
One time I had to scream so I sat up in my bed during a dream and scrame. When I woke up I was confused.
I love Superman/Tom Welling!!!!
Mzu9V6 qazwsx
zJKevr wwwwqqqqsssddd
IAYnYq eeeerrrffddgggggggccccc
PAfNfu Vasyu testit vasyu.net
This is truly perfect 😀 Thanks for putting this online 🙂
Friends, can you assist? A good friend of mine is considering getting themselves a new CBR 1000 as their first new bike! Never rode anything else before! I did say this is probably not a very good idea for the first one, but they are adamant and wont change their mind! What do you rekon, is this ok and would u then just recommend proper training lessons?