Justine and I are back on the road, where she’s promoting her new book, How to Ditch Your Fairy.
Here’s where you can see her tomorrow and the next day:
Wednesday, 1 October 2008, 4:00PM
Pooh’s Corner
Breton Village
1886 1/2 Breton Rd. S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI
Thursday, 2 October 2008, 7:00PM
With Kathe Koja and Michael Spradlin
Oak Park Public Library
14200 Oak Park Boulevard
Phone: (248) 691-7483
Oak Park, MI
Coming very soon: The German publisher of Peeps has been running a fan comics contest, and the results are amazing! I was going to post them today, but we’ve been traveling. Tomorrow or the next day, depending on how the hotel internets stack up.
And for those of you who are interested in yet more political dialog, there’s another post by me over on YA for Obama, in which I discuss Morgan Freeman in greater detail.
Okay, so I finished reading How to Ditch Your Fairy on Thursday evening. It was great!! Also, I noticed that Justine used the word “littlies” in there.
the imperial system sucks…metric system rules….end of story.
Okay, I can tell from the dates that no one seems to be on. But, scott, you sereously have to come to San Antonio. Really. That would be totally happy-making! E-mail me if you can see the e-mail I put in. if you can’t, then o well, I guess.
to emily-wa, jessica daylight, and iminlovewithjonathen- who is jonathen? And i cant believe some of u guys r actually arguing about the metric system! Im in the us and i hate measurment-all kinds-so i dont no what ur talking about “imperial system”. Ps zane is sooooo mine!!!!!!!!!!!!! And tallys. I hate david!!!!!