Comic Con Pix

Because you asked, behold the photos from my trip to Comic Con!

Exhibitors bring some very big and cool props with them. Here’s a life-size Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist:


Actually, it was a bit behind me, and was bigger than it looks here. And that was hardly the biggest thing around. Here’s my pal, Australian writer Sean Williams, next to a huge mecha:


And check out this Nautilus that was at the Disney (I’m pretty sure) booth. (Thus proving the inherent steampunkness of the Mouse.)


Of course, the home-made costumes are much cooler than anything the big companies make. Like this sock monkey:


Yes, a little terrifying. And yet . . . SOCK MONKEY.

Here’s a fan-made steampunk wheelchair, which was much cooler than it looks here. (Sorry about the blurry shot, but this thing was fast too.)


At the Simon & Schuster booth, they were giving out an original Keith Thompson, this sketch of Deryn:


Of course, this item was much sought after. So we had to take turns guarding it with our lives:


Also, S&S had posters for Justine‘s anthology that comes out September 21, Zombies Vs. Unicorns! (I haz a story in it.)


Notice a certain book in the background, too.

Of course, no trip to Comic Con would be complete without a complete DNA scrubbing to remove the GEEK CUTIES, which I got courtesy of Fluxx Bar:


Mmmm . . . scrubby.

Okay, those are all the decent photos I took. I’ll tell you more in future posts.

I’ve been busy this week working on the audio book of Behemoth, which will come out at the same time as the novel. (October 5!) Here’s me recording the Afterword:


Very soon I’ll be sitting down with the narrator, Alan Cummings (also known as Phineas Floop from Spy Kids), for a few interviews. I’ll bring you a report on that next week.

32 thoughts on “Comic Con Pix

  1. A life sized Alphonse???? So cool!

    Don’t tell me you read FMA Scott, because if that’s true, then you really ARE my favorite author 😀

    Glad you had a fun time at the Comic con, and I can’t WAIT for behemoth!

    Although, I don’t really care for the cover. . . it wont match my leviathan one D:

  2. OH WOW SOCK MONKEY! Seriously. That’s awesome. @-@

    (Alsoalso: Can’t wait for Behemoth!)

  3. That looked totally awesome!!!! Comi-Con looks like a place I would have felt at home.

  4. Steampunk wheelchairs seem to be quite popular… I saw at least three or four of them at the steampunk convention I went to.

    That Zombies vs. Unicorns poster is actually the first thing this year to have provoked intense ‘why is San Diego so far away?’ Comic-Con envy.

  5. I am so proud that one of my fav authors (you Scott) reads FMA. It just ended which is sooo sad…

    I can’t believe some people don’t even know what it is.

    Beth-la ~ it’s a manga, also an anime – well, two animes actually but the second one, Brotherhood, followed the manga. It is epic and brilliant. You should def check it out!

  6. scott, u didnt go in a costume? gasp!
    i MUST go to comic con next year. thatll be my new years resolution. isnt it weird how it seemed like 2010 barely started, and its like one day to august?
    so weird…
    luv the sock monkey costume and the sketch of deryn. i wz never one for audiobooks, though. for me it sorta ruins my imaginative version of the characters’ voices. but thats just me.

  7. comic-con looks really cool!
    the sock monkey looks really cool yet scary/creepy at the same time.
    haha, and you know that that wheelchair is cool if my mom thought it was (:

  8. Sock monkey!

    Cool post. I dream of attending this con someday. Eagerly anticipating ZvU as well.

  9. So I’m totally in love with Leviathan… I can’t wait for the sequel~ I’m so sad! My dad had comiccon tickets, but he didn’t let me go, and my best friend went (which hurt a lot) and now I find out that you were there too? (it just puts salt into the wound) (and I want a pic of Deryn and Alek!)

    But now I found out you’re a FMA fan, so you’re officially my favorite author ever~ XD


  10. Thank you so much for the pictures! It looks like so much fun 😀 I love the sock monkey costume and the huge Alphonse.

    Did you check out the Tron stuff at all? From what I’ve seen (thanks to Facebook…) it looked awesome.

  11. If I could I would give Alphonse a hug because of all the crap he goes through. I love FMA, but it’s so sad.
    That wheelchair is crazy-amazing! Wish I could just sit on that guy’s lap and ride around. That would be fun.
    Just started reading Justine’s Magic or Madness books & I’m kinda in love with ’em.

  12. That sock money is EPIC!
    I can knit, I wonder if I could make myself a sock money costume? Haha!

    Zombies vs. Unicorns sounds awesome. Can’t wait to read it.
    But what I really can’t wait to read is.. BEHEMOTH! October 5th isn’t getting here fast enough!!

  13. Oh my gosh ALPHONSE!!!!!!!! That’s so cool you’re into Full Metal Alchemist, Scott-la. I’ve watched the first & second animes and own the movie, The Conqueror of Shambala. I’ve looked at the manga at B&N though. The gags at the end are funny.

    Cool steampunk wheelchairs and chainsaw guns (I want one; so jealous, Scott-la!!) the mecha from Avatar and SOCK MONKEY!!!

  14. Sock Monkey Rules. The FMA thing sounds cool, mybe I’ll get into it and I really want to read Zombies VS Unicorns because it sounds awesome. But what I really can’t wait for is BEHEMOTH! I am so excited! WOO! My friends think I’m crazy because right after I finished Leviathan I went to a friends house and absolutely everything we did reminded me of it. We watched James Cameron’s AVATAR and even that had me thinking about Leviathan. (The big war machines made me think of clankers and the weird animals made me think of beasties.) ComicCon seems like it was cool, I really wanted to go. It seemed like an excellent nerd cave, making it the place for me, because I unfortunately do not have my own nerd cave. I am a nerd and nerds rule. The stereotype and the candies.

  15. Christopher Paolini was also at Comic Con this year! Since two of my favorate authors were there, I realy whanted to go this year. It looks amazing. Also, FMA rocks!

  16. Ooooh that looks like fun… but HEY!!!! What’s wrong with geeks?!? (*goes back to programming*)

  17. FMA is completely and totally amazing! The fact that you like it makes you even more awesome, Scott-la. I wish I could go to Comic Con, but it would require more travel than I can afford 🙁
    These pictures are almost as good as being there, though.
    Super psyched up for Behemoth!
    (Sorry about the unusual amount of exclamation points. Comic Con and such brings out my inner screaming fangirl.)

  18. Ooohhh, man, I wish I could’ve been there! It looks like it was *so* much fun! Also, I don’t think the sock monkey is terrifying. I think it’s kinda cute 🙂 And the wheelchair is AWESOME. And I *can’t wait* for Behemoth, Scott-la!

  19. I loved the sock puppet!
    and.. I can’t wait for October 5th! That date’s going onto my calendar. 😀

  20. …FMA…Avatar…Behemoth…Comic Con…SQUEE! XD.

    Alas, this is the only time of year I kind of wish I lived in the states.

  21. i think Scott-la has a thing for releasing books in october… hehe at least i always know which month to hit up borders!

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😀

  22. Ohhhhhh that giant Al <3 I love FMA. I love the manga and the anime. My best friend and mom have all seen FMA because I forced it on them.

    Sock Monkey for the win!

  23. OMG that’s a Gears of War Lancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is frickin awesome!!!!!!! Did they really have those at comic-con?!?!?!

    I LOVE this game! That is the single most coolest picture/ lancer ever!!!

    I wonder if the Lancer was heavy?

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