Fan Art Friday (mit Musik!)

Hey, all. It’s time for Fan Art Friday (mit musik!). In this edition, we have representative art from the Leviathan, Midnighters, and Uglies series. So all of you must be happy!

First up is Max, who did a school poster project for Leviathan. What kicks that over to awesome is doing it while WEARING A BOWLER:


For Uglies fans, here’s a post-voyage-to-the-Smoke Tally by DolceCircee of Deviant art.


And here’s a Dr. Cable in pencils, by Fanna:


And finally, as a reminder that not all art is visual, let’s have a little music! For all you Midnighters fans, here’s “Wasted Time” by Mel, aka @mindcaster . . .

Okay, my embedding has gone awry, so just go over to YouTube and watch it, okay?

That is all. Please enjoy your weekend festivities.

31 thoughts on “Fan Art Friday (mit Musik!)

  1. Awesome art, awesome song. Just… AWESOME!! Hats off to Max, DolceCiree, Fanna, and mindcaster for the totally icy creativeness!

  2. Cool Fan art!!!!!!! I didn’t watch the vidoe song thing yet, but I’ll be sure to comment when I do!!!!

  3. Hahaha awsome, yesterday I convinced my best friend to start reading the Midnighter books!!! I think shes really going to like them!!!

  4. awesome poster max- you’d better have gotten an A! and i really like the disheveled Tally..i think that’s when she’s at my favorite/strongest. and very cool song..
    awesome fan art.
    and awesome fans <3 westerlies

  5. Wow. these are awesome. Would someone please tell me how I can submit my art? I’ve made a lot of Uglies and Midnighters stuff that I want to share, but I have no idea how…please help!!!

    p.s. I absolutely love the song!

  6. as far as submitting fan art- scott posted earlier:

    Just send fan art to my email address: scott at Note that the “at” should be an @ sign!

    now i just need to make something to submit!

  7. BOWLER HAT??? Where’d you find it, dude? I want to go as a boffin for Halloween…failing that, Aleksander…^.^

  8. Omg! I love the fan art! Especially Tally 🙂 & Scott please update us about the Uglies some people would really love! to know !!!

  9. Wow, that song had better go in the Midnighters movie!
    Ok, so maybe nobody’s decided to make one yet, but as I said, YET.

  10. Scott-la… I’ve been reading mind rain {the last book left of uglies TT_TT

    and I noticed you joked about writing the trilogy from Shay’s point of view…

    Did you ever seriously consider that? Are you still? Or is that not an idea at all?

    I know you’re busy with the Leviathan tril right now, but I was curious…

  11. Oh no… You missed a Fan Art Friday 🙁

    Can you make it up with a Super Saturday Fan Art Frenzy or something? 😉

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