The Behemoth Tour Takes Shape

It’s Friday, but I got no new fan art this week. (Boo-hoo.)

And yet I have cool news! The mighty computers of Simon & Schuster have begun to reveal the details of the Behemoth tour. Not everything is set in stone yet, but at the end of this post you’ll find a list of cities that I’ll definitely be going to.

But first, here’s a bunch of events in and around New York (as far away as Baltimore) that I’ll be doing in the next month or so. Most of this early stuff has to do with Zombies Versus Unicorns, because that comes out September 21. (So soon!)

Obviously there are more details to come, but this is what I know so far.

Wednesday, September 15

I’ll be reading (from ZvU) with Susan Beth Pfeffer (The World We Live In)
KGB Bar (you must be 21)
85 East 4th Street
New York City

Thursday, September 23

Symphony Space, Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater
2537 Broadway at 95th Street
New York City
Zombies v Unicorns Debate
Team Zombie: Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld
Team Unicorn: Holly Black, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Naomi Novik
Compere: (the totally impartial) Justine Larbalestier
($15; Members $12)

Friday, September 24

Baltimore Book Festival
ChildrenÒ€ℒs Bookstore Stage
Mount Vernon Place
600 Block North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland
Zombies v Unicorns Debate
Team Zombie: Justine Larbalestier, Carrie Ryan, Scott Westerfeld
Team Unicorn: Holly Black, Kathleen Duey, Diana Peterfreund

Sunday, October 10

New York Comic Con
Javits Convention Center
Scott Westerfeld Spotlight
Panel Room 6 (1A21)
(Comic Con entry pass required)

Okay, those are the events with firm details. Now here is a list of cities and dates. THESE DATES ARE APPROXIMATE. It’s not my fault if they change.

Philadelphia, PA
October 5-6

JUST IN: Pittsburgh, PA
October 7

Houston, TX
October 12

Just in: Jackson, MS
October 13

Dallas, TX
October 14

Austin, TX
October 15

New Orleans, LA
October 18

Birmingham, AL
October 19

Atlanta, GA
October 20

Slight correction: Raleigh, NC
October 22

Cincinnati, OH
October 25

Chicago, IL
October 27

Ann Arbor, MI
October 28

Saturday, October 30, 2010
12:00 Noon

I’ll be giving the keynote address for the . . .
Provo Teen Book Festival
Provo City Library
550 North University Avenue
Provo, UT

Nantes, France, Utopiales Festival
November 10-14

JUST IN: Paris, France
November 16

JUST IN: Miami, FL
November 21

Vancouver, Canada
November 24th at 7 PM
West Point Grey United Church Sanctuary
4595 West 8th Ave
Vancouver BC
Tickets: $5.00 (can be used towards the purchase of a book at the event)

And now, so that this post is not completely artless, here’s a lovely flyer for the Provo Library event.

99 thoughts on “The Behemoth Tour Takes Shape

  1. You’re kidding. YOU’RE NOT COMING TO CALIFORNIA?? YOU MUST BE MENTALLY INSANE! MENTALLY. INSANE. You have your three biggest fans out here!

  2. *sigh* How come nobody ever remembers that PA has more going for it than Philly? Pittsburghers read too. πŸ™

    Still, I can’t wait to buy Behemoth!

  3. The flyer is pretty awesome!

    I wish you could come to Anchorage Alaska… I know how much you like to stay in warm places but I swear it’s not too cold here… yet… =]

  4. I was ECSTATIC to see that tour days are up, but my heart literally shattered when I saw no California- then it started to beat again when I realized these are TENTATIVE dates/locations…

  5. I screamed in utter joy when I read this.
    THREE in Texas! That makes me so happy! (If I can’t make one then I can go to the other….being in advanced classes brings way too much homework. “OTL)

  6. CINCINATTI! PERFECT! I live so close~!

    I just have to talk my Dad into driving me there :/
    Anybody wanna carpool?! I’m in Ky xD

  7. Mia: PIttsburgh has been added JUST FOR YOU!* October 7, Carnegie Library.

    Other dates in Canada are still a possibility, as S&S Canada has its own publicity department.

    *And for other people.

  8. Awww… no where in my state/city. Sadness. But I still can’t wait for Behemoth!!!! One of my friend’s favorite authors is also releasing a book in October, we’re kind of debating stuff about which book will be better……….. But I sadly have only convinced one friend to read Leviathan (But hey, I’ve convinced to people to read Uglies and the person I got to read Leviathan says they’ll read Midnighters or Uglies next…) Anyway………. YAY!!! IT’S ALMOST BEHEMONTH(OCTOBER), ALMOST BEHEMOTH TIME!!!! HAZAH!!!!!!!

  9. πŸ˜€ I can’t wait until November!!!! it is going to be the BEST MONTH EVER
    First on November 19(a friday morning) Harry Potter DH part 1 comes out then weekend(I will be camping) then on the tuesday Scott comes to Vancouver!!!!!! EXCITMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Yessss!!!! Pittsburgh!! Thankyou. You met me last year Scott and you’d better remember me! I’m excited already.YAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Huzzah for tours! ^_^

    I’d wail about you not coming to newfoundland- but no one comes to Newfoundland. We’re kinda in the middle of the north atlantic, and I’m most of the YA fandom. I terrorize bookstore staff whenever I visit.

    But it looks like you’re going to lots of cool places! *waves flags* Do you know who you’re traveling with at this time, or are you a solo act?

    this has made my day!!!!!! i can’t wait!

  13. …i sent you fan art on facebook… i guess you didn’t like it… *tear

    and HELLO! You gotta come to san francisco! Just remember to wear a flower in your hair…

  14. WAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D I’m DEFINATLY going!!!!!!! I’ll cut off my left arm if I have to!!!

  15. Oh my gosh! Somebody famous – Our own author extraordinaire – is coming to Birmingham, AL! Alabama gets skipped so many times it may as well not exist. But Scott is coming to Alabama!!!!

    And on my daughter’s 15th Birthday, too! I know what I’ll give her this year. **BIG GRIN**

  16. I do hope you are able to come to the eastern side of Canada. Vancouver is great and all, but Ottawa is awesome πŸ˜‰ Try to come if you can.

  17. Well, you do nkow you should come to New Zealand!!!!!!!!!
    You have such a brilliant following here!!!!!!! Especially in Hokitika!!!!
    We love you!

  18. Hey there are people in the middle of this country, you should totaly try coming to the midwest colorado, nebraska, wyoming Please.

  19. Seriously, Scott. not only do Seattle people LOVE books, and authors, but we also have really good coffee, excellent chocolate, Pike Place Market (fish, its what’s for dinner), the Space Needle (which is at least 150 feet taller than the Washington monument in DC, yet another reason why my Washington is better) several great venues for a reading/signing (if Christopher Paolini could book the Paramount, so could you. or your agent), and the Fremont market, which is weird, but cool.

    And BTW, I sympathize with Snazel from Newfoundland. Although, I bet it takes you a lot longer than an hour (without traffic) to get to a city the size of Seattle. I terrorize librarians, since I tend to spend my life’s savings every time I walk into a bookstore.

    And here is the end of another epicly long post from Ginya-wa. get used to it folks, ’cause i ain’t going anywhere.

  20. Have you ever been to New Mexico? I would die if you came πŸ™‚

    Atleast your in Texas, i might just ask my parents to drive me to Dallas…

  21. I second Susan @3. Authors always make a big circle around the Midwest, hitting Chicago and Texas, but leaving out those of us in the middle. I mean, come on! We read, too! I know it’s not up to you, it’s the marketing people, but maybe you could prod them to let you come to, I don’t know, Kansas City (pretty central – lots of people can get there, if they’re willing to put in a bit of a drive), at least once?

  22. Oh you darn Eastern canadians. You already get all the good stuff……this is the first time We get anyone awesome come to sign books.

  23. MANNNNNN. You just HAD to pick 23rd October for Raleigh, didn’t you? I’ve got plans! Which means I’m missing my favorite author…I’M SO SAD!

  24. *GASP* OHMYGODDD!!!!!!


    Thank you SOSO much for coming to Birmingham!!!!!!!!

    But, If I have a volleyball game that day, I may just have to hang myself.

    Aw who gives a frick, it’s Scott Westerfeld, I’m totally coming anyway.


    I WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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