German Behemoth

I’m liking this German cover of Behemoth, which follows the original flavor Leviathan cover rather faithfully:


According to Google Translate, Im Labyrinth der Macht means “In the labyrinth of power.” Pretty good tag line for the book.

Comes out from CBJ in Germany on April 24, 2011.

Note that this isn’t what the US cover would have looked like if the redux hadn’t happened. This is:


Leave all complaints and compliments in the comment thread below.

106 thoughts on “German Behemoth

  1. ok…that’s out of the way…i like covers without pictures of characters on them like the US version. i like the intricate designs of the two covers above, but either way, no matter how the cover looks…the book is still AMAZING!!! πŸ˜€

    ~If i don’t look at you, it’s because i can’t see who you truly are.~

  2. I think you should have stuck to this cover, i personally like this better. same with the orginal Leviathan cover

  3. DEVASTATED at the cover style change for the US books….I loved the original style! It was absolutely amazing!

    Super sad the Behemoth cover posted didn’t get used. πŸ™ !

    Can’t wait for the next one!

  4. And they changed the US cover from this coolio one above to to the one they currently have because . . . ?

  5. Ah! Apart from the fact that I didn’t like the over change because my books wouldn’t match after the change, I just plain liked the original cover better than the one with the characters on the frontÒ€”I thought it was more elegant before the change.

  6. Hmmmm.. . . . i love both the covers but it doesn’t really matter to me as long as the picture painted by the writer is good thats what matters

    p.s i can’t wait untill it comes out!

  7. Man, I really did like the original style better. It was so stylish! And the new style kind of clashes with the internal illustrations, imo.

  8. I like both, but i would rather have a fantastic book with a mediocre cover than a mediocre book with a fantastic cover. It doesn’t really make a difference to me.

  9. I like it, but it’s kind of distracting. What I mean is, it’s almost… hard to look at with all the background noise. But, I do like how it symbolically represents the book.

  10. Original covers beat redo’s! I was really mad when I went to the book store to buy Behemoth and saw the cover, and since I have the original Leviathan cover with the Behemoth redo I just took them off since they didn’t match.

  11. I like my books to match and really enjoyed the original mechanical-inspired covers. Silly America for switching them! Does that mean that Goliath will have to follow the new design format?

  12. To be completely honest, I absolutely love the US cover above more so than then other one that I currently have. I don’t care as much about the covers matching when it actually comes to the content of the books as they are both stunning. However if given the choice I would choose the originals hands down in this case.

  13. Well, at least the spines still look nice together on my shelf. Very sad that the covers no longer match, but that is the way with books sometimes. At least the content stays the same! Love the series, btw.

  14. Too bad the Australian cover is the same as the US, because the original cover looks beautiful and really eye catching. But I am still purchasing the series no matter the cover, but I think the original is more effective.

  15. I fancy covers without characters, too.

    Always when putting a face on something you take away the readers chance to imagine their own.

    Just like after you’ve seen a movie of your favorite book and (wether you liked the movie or not) when re-reading it you just see the actor’s face and not “your” character’s face.

  16. The covers without the characters on them are way, way better. I feel like all books these days have stock images of people on the covers, and the original Behemoth cover is just so freakin’ beautiful; it can stand alone.

  17. DANG IT.
    I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove that cover!
    They so should of stuck with it!
    I don’t really care about the matching as much as how I don’t like people on covers..Except for the Uglies series, actually. Just thought of that. And some other ones.
    Heh Heh.
    But the original is better!

  18. Graaghhhh I wish they had used that cover! It’s so pretty and steampunky and has awesome covers!
    But I do wonder who’ll be on the Goliath cover. Lilith maybe? Any clues/hints?

  19. I’d love to see special editions of Behemoth with that cover eventually! Or even just a nifty option to order that cover? maybe a DIY PDF print-out? eh! it might be a fun idea. πŸ˜‰

  20. I loved the original cover design: it’s why I picked Leviathan up at my library BEFORE realizing it was written by one of my favorite authors. It’s just so freaking cool. I appreciate the elegance of people-free covers, and I could leave it out on my desk and people would go, “Ooh, what’s that?” whereas now I have to shield the cover when I read in school for practical reasons, which is unfortunate because it’s a little cool. But there’s no merit to a photo-strewn cover in a brilliant series like this.
    (Also, now my books don’t MATCH. This topples one of the fundamental fancies deep within my soul.)
    …Who’s going to be on the third reduxed cover? I think they ran out of main characters.
    Bitter rant over! Going to go stare amorously at the original cover or bake a cake or something.

  21. I’m with eveyone else who likes the original covers better.
    They are intricate and exactly what I’d expect thing in the world of Leviathan to look like.
    Also that tag line is awesome!

    With the current covers the two protagonists are already used up. So my question is: Who’s going to be on the front of Goliath? Bovril?

  22. Wow…. the US cover woudl have been great without the redux! With the people on the books it seems so crowded….
    I really like what the Behemoth cover was going to be. Too bad that’s not what it is. πŸ™

  23. Man… Why didn’t we get this in the US?! Gah, so mad… Great book still, but I’ve never been a fan of having pictures of people on the cover of books :/

  24. Since I ended up buying the audiobook of Behemoth and I really want a paper copy and I know German, I think I will buy this one instead! That really is a stellar cover, and I REALLY REALLY DO NOT like covers with real people on them (with one or two exceptions, of course). One of the reasons I didn’t buy this one hardcover is BECAUSE of the lame cover. Too bad we can’t get together and have a strike or something to get whoever-it-is to go back to the original style… that style is WAY cooler than ANY face! And it destroys the chance for imagination to create its own version of the characters.

  25. I think the US cover makes a good companion for the US hardback, and I’m disappointed that they didn’t use it. Mildly disappointed, I should say, since I probably still wouldn’t have bought it due to what seems to me to be an overly tall format for the book. I actually prefer the cover that has the faces on it (though I still can’t figure out which is meant to be Deryn and which is meant to be Alek), but not having the hardcovers match did guarantee I’d only be buying the paperbacks.

  26. Wow… I like this US cover better. I mean, the new one is great and all, but this one seems to capture the feel of the series better in a simplistic yet effective design.

    The story was still fantastic though. πŸ™‚

  27. They really should have stuck with the original cover. Even Sammy agrees! I saw this posted on his website already.

  28. I do not get the decision to change the US cover art at all. I have mismatched books on my shelf for one thing which, as a bibliophile, irks me to no end. The thing that really bothers me thou is that it was a pointless shift. I do not understand the logic of giving us character images on the cover, especially as it does not quite fit with the art. This is not the first book that this has occurred with that I love either. Mary Hoffman’s “Stravaganza” also had a mid series shift from simple cover art to a photographic cover and I confess it disturbs me: clearly the art was designed–at lest in this case–so why change a simple and workable design?
    All this being said; I have, of late, made deep considerations into the purchase of the UK releases.

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