Fan Art Friday

At last! Here is another edition of Fan Art Friday for your art-viewing pleasure.

But first . . . it’s time for another meet-up on the Forum. For those of you who don’t hang out there, the Forum is roughly 99% of this site. It has over 30,000 members and about half a million posts. And once every couple of months, I hang out there and answer ALL the questions.

So let’s do one next Saturday, June 25, at 2PM, US-EST. (Sorry, I know that’s the middle of the night for Australia.) Come one, come all, and I shall try as always to answer as many of your questions as humanly possible.

And now to the fan arts . . .

As previously moaned about, I have read a bajillion fan fics, and it’s really too hard to choose just a few, because so many are so good. But I will choose just ONE, because it was quite off-center and unexpected. Even original.

It’s set many years before Alek or Deryn were born, when the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife-to-be Sophie first met. Now because there are historical characters, this might not have been a Leviathan fan fic at all. But there is a big WALKER at the beginning, so it totally counts.

Check it out, “Prague”, by’s Cardboard Edward.

And while we’re talking fan fic, here’s some fic-related art, a cover created by LinnetLove for a piece of fan fic by Victorian Bombshell (Hah, I got two fics in there):

From Brazil, here is Irwin Dias’ dyptich of disturbing delight, featuring Dr. Cable and Special Tally:

Scary Special teeth are scary!

And now for a big bunch of pencil pieces. First, from Mercedes Amanda, here’s a picture from the ever-popular (and complicated) theme of The Lilit Triangle!

A cool split personality Deryn from Michelle, The Clanker, and color pencil sketch by her:

From Angel Sun, a CUTE manga-style Deryn and Bovril:

And finally from Ellyn, here’s a pre-crossdressing Deryn, looking discontent in her non-uniform!

It’s actually kind of weird to think of Deryn in a dress, isn’t it? And that’s the way it should be, too.

Enjoy your weekends!

62 thoughts on “Fan Art Friday

  1. I finally received the advance review copy of Goliath from my supplier and I am halfway through it. Apparently I’m the one in my country to have received when I did sometime in early June. Can’t wait to finish it! I have it right next to me as I write this…. with much glee!

  2. *sob* *cry* *bawl* Why can’t I have an ARC of ‘Goliath’!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!! I guess i’ll go cry somemore. *sob* *cry* *bawl*

  3. ggggrrrrrrr. i hate being on vacation. im going to be in boston during the forum meet up. 🙁 maybe it will rain and i wont have to go…

  4. Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay…It is almost the first of July. Can anyone say ‘Goliath art reveal’? Because I can! I can not wait (and I mean it seriously, I think i am going to explode) until ‘Goliath’ comes ou!

  5. Scott, Thank you SO much for putting my twins fanfiction on your website, and also my fan-art! Heh, we were totally freaking out when we saw it on your website! I mean… dancing around the room and squeeing. Thank you SO much! 😀

  6. Thanks Scott!!! You’re so cool with the way you interact with your fans. This is just another one of the reasons you’re my favorite author.

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