Show Us Your Steampunk Winners

For the last month or so, there’s been a cosplay contest happening over on FaceBook called “Show Us Your Steampunk.” To enter, contestants had to dress up and hold a book from the Leviathan series. There were a ton of great entries, but there could be only three winners! (Selected not by me, but by “like” voting.)

Here they are!

The grand winner was Whimsy Dreaming, who formed a spectacular steampunk trio:

They win Deryn’s actual flying goggles and hat, as worn by the models on the cover of Behemoth and Goliath, plus a signed set of the Leviathan trilogy, AND a full set of the Uglies series.

I met you guys, didn’t I? (In Austin, I think. The tour all blurs together.) Well done. Plus, you should totally form a band.

And in second prize is Sarah Spitzer, with this winsomely posed picture that uses the ineffable power of CAT.

Sarah wins Alek’s flying googles featured on the cover of Leviathan and Goliath and a signed set of the Leviathan trilogy.

And finally Salome Gongadze, whose hat just gets more awesome the more you stare at it.

Salome wins a signed set of the Leviathan trilogy.

Thanks to everyone who entered. You can click here to see the rest, FaceBook required.

40 thoughts on “Show Us Your Steampunk Winners

  1. Cats have crazy amounts of power over everything! (>^.^<)
    I love the first pic, which totally has that awesome-industrial-victorian-steampunky look to it! ALL of them are pretty kewl actually. GO STEAMPUNK! πŸ˜€

  2. The grand prize winners should totally form a band, even if they can’t play instruments I’d go just to watch them pose.

  3. Awesome steampunk, everyone:)

    Mr. Westerfeld, I’m reading a book by your wife right now :0 Its HOW TO GET RID OF YOUR FAIRY and it’s really good! It was sort of a surprise that she was your wife…I read the back flap and at the part where it said she was married to you I was like OMG:):0:)

  4. LOVED the grand prize winners! but i have to say i thought there were WAY better ones than who won 2nd and 3rd πŸ™
    P.S. PLEASE form a band!

  5. The first and third ones picture quality was good (which made them good)j and all the outfits where cool, but the second one’s pic quality (forgive me iPhone owner who took that pic) sucked. That totally made the outfit not too cool. I didn’t even see the cat until it was pointed out.

  6. Nook schmook. Nook is cool, but Kindle Fires are hot! (Pun intended.) @ Whimsy Dreaming- where did you get your costumes!!!! I would wear them around my house just for fun! Seriously!

  7. Congarbulations, winner peoples!!! I love all of them and the hat in the last one is DEFINITELY AWESOME!!!!!

  8. The first one is also artfully placed. Perfectly in fact….. hmmmm, maybe if there were some leaves flying around them, that were orange….. or ginger….. oh well
    Everyone KNOWS that cats have amazing powers
    And the last one really does get better

  9. @ Gampire- only Deryn’s aunties’ fat cats could survive a bomb!
    Which brings me to the question of whether they were fabricated, or not.
    The cat, I mean. Not Deryn’s auntie’s. That would be weird.
    But seriously, love the fancy eyeglass thing on the girl holding Goliath.
    Someone really needs to make a Steampunk store.

  10. @Rachel-27, they do have a “steampunk emporium” which is an online store and frankly stinks. They have all old timey little house on the prairie outfits, not cool ones like the ones these guys are wearing. You can also search “steampunk outfits” but all you get is dudes stuff and a bunch of models wearing clothes that are practically one (possibly four, if you’re lucky) piece of thin fabric that nobody outside of an asylum would wear.

  11. Is it me or does the third girl from whimsy dreamings boots/legs look a little strange?

  12. *sigh* i didn’t win. I’m actually kind of upset :'(
    but then again, the winners ARE awesome. but again then again, i had a snake…

  13. Wow, I didn’t notice this until now… Thank you to all who were involved in this contest! I’m flattered.

    I am really appreciative for all of the support I was given– I really did have a lot of fun putting together this costume, parts of which my father gave me as a present when I passed my flight test, parts of which I scavenged, and parts of which I made.

    I am very sorry to hear that my time and effort spent attempting to adapt the picture to represent a cluttered, Victorian style canvas painting, such as this one, , fell short. However, since this was only for fun, I suppose I have plenty of time to improve πŸ™‚

    Most of all, I want to make sure Tess gets credit. She is one star kitty <3

  14. Hey! I read this book called “Liesl and Po”, and “ineffable” is one of Liesl’s favorite words! Kewl!

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