Scare-a-Thon Revealed!

A few days ago, I got an email from Lauren Myracle, author of the TTYL series and a very scary horror novel called Bliss. It was a challenge . . .
to a Scare-a-thon!

Now, a Scare-a-thon is possibly the scariest thing you can be challenged to, at least in modern times. To survive it, you must face your greatest fear, and then blog it.

If you succeed, you’ll have learned something about yourself, something rich and squishy from your subconscious. But on the other hand, you could die of fear!

So don’t try this at home.

Also challenged were M.T. Anderson, Holly Black, Libba Bray, Meg Cabot, Cassandra Clare, Melissa De La Cruz, John Green, Shannon Hale, Maureen Johnson, Stephenie Meyer, Kirsten Miller, Sarah Mlynowski. I link to some other Scare-a-thon entries below, and will update them as more appear on the interwebs.

Here’s my entry:


Okay, not so much scary as disgusting. But it was scary to me.

As for my fellow Scare-a-thon members, I dare you to watch this scarifying video entry from Shannon Hale, in the spirit of Blair Witch Project.

And here’s Meg Cabot’s blog entry, for all you fairy-phobes.

Not to be outdone, Lauren herself met the challenge by learning the dance to “Thriller”.

Finally, here’s where we discover that Melissa de la Cruz is afraid of . . . dentistry!

I’ll be updating as the other entries in Scare-a-thon 2008 appear.

Still to come:
M.T. Anderson
Holly Black
Libba Bray
Cassandra Clare
John Green
Maureen Johnson
Stephenie Meyer
Kirsten Miller
Sarah Mlynowski

Let’s get going, dudes.

Click here for my election-eve post on YA for Obama!

Kirsten Miller faces her fear of eggs.

260 thoughts on “Scare-a-Thon Revealed!

  1. Blechhhh that was horrifyingly delicious. Thank you for distracting me from my nanowrimo. I love you lots.
    Next time maybe you should try cucumber scent?

  2. woah. free time much? so many comments. hehe.


    oh. and i decline your kind offer to be in a band TYC-la. cuz… im not a public performance kind of person.

    unless its the violin. or the bass. or public speaking. or singing. or acting. or dancing.

    that i can do.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  3. i just started my NaNoWriMo today…only 1194 words in…..whatever…..the suckish part is that my mom is counting working on it as my ‘computer time’….of which i only get an hour and a half of each day… now i’m gonna have to come to an agreement with her so that i can have MORE time on the computer…kinda like i did when i was recording my honor band audition….the kind of “if all your homework is done and your room is clean and you don’t make a mess” agreement to gain an hour or so. unfortunately, my mom officially doesn’t trust me about my homework anymore cuz i waited til the last day to do my social studies project which i will probably do really well on making my mom take back all that she said about my procastionating being bad. cuz the the fact is, i can write an essay in my sleep, so there really is no point in writing one until the night before so that you can put all of your ideas up til that point into the essay. but does my mom understand that? nope. of course, this would be different if it was an english class thing that i didn’t do immidatly, cuz it JUST SO HAPPENS that i’m failing (76%) Social Studies like EVERY STINKIN OTHER KID IN MY CLASS. yeah. what does my mom expect? me do well in my WORST SUBJECT even though i’ve got the TOUGHIST TEACHER IMAGINABLE and my mark is actually ABOVE the class average? gosh. of course, it doesn’t matter that i’ve got one of the highest marks out of EVERYONE in math and that my short story for english class was probably the BEST of all of them or that i’m doing triathlon training AS WELL AS doing all sorts of auditions for things? yeah. so naturally i’m not gonna be able to get every assignment in a week early. okay. now i’m gonna stop ranting (i know, me? stop ranting? it’s a stretch) and go back to working on NaNoWriMo………..i still haven’t come up with a title for it……..whatever…..i’m sure that once i’m all hyped up on coffee and phone my friend late in the evening asking for a title…..well, that didn’t work well last time cuz my friend jokingly asked me if i was drunk (apparently it sounded that way cuz of the coffee….which i really shouldn’t of had) anyways, i’ll just hope that tonight i shall get an idea for a title…..

  4. UGH! UGH UGH UGH!!!! Now my mom’s all “you need to finish your homework before you get any computer time” yeah. doesn’t she know that my homework isn’t due til FRIDAY?? gosh. I just wanna work on my book. is that so wrong? *inset rant about me being a misunderstood child who has parents who can’t tell bassoons from ufoniums here*

  5. i don’t know how to spell it…..AH HA!!! that is why it looked so odd…it’s actually spelled euphoniums….i forgot the e…..gosh…i suck at spelling….

  6. I was looking at really old comments of mine and i wrote stuff that was just weird. Like i said butt nugget. which i say but i dont write! And i said Ha. Lar. E. Ous. Like, who says that? (me obviously!) Sometimes, im so weird i surprise myself….

  7. Rah, Obama won! Nooooo!!

    But enough about politics. I need to know what you guys think of my Gaia username- I’m going to change it soon, and I’ve come up with three good ones. Okay, so I only came up with two good ones, the other will be useless after I get out of Middle School, since it’s “Purrrple and Gold” which are my school colors. And I like cats.
    The good ones are uglies related (duh!) and are… “” which is kinda cheating off the book title but it’s still a cute username. The other one is kinda long, so I might not be able to use it- “.Bogus Ugly.Bubbly Pretty.Icy Special.” Which isn’t as good as the first one.

    So, I need feedback. And suggestions, if anyone feels creative enough to come up with a new one for me. I’ve read all of scott-sama’s books except Peeps and TLD, but I’m currently reading Peeps and I have TLD ready since I put it on hold and it came in earlier than Peeps. Also, I love cats and books and I’m christian (catholic to be exact) and obviously my name is Emily. So yeah, I need some help. I don’t exactly like my current username, acekittycatkitty, since I used it for a game called VMK and now the “ace” at the beginning bugs me. But “kittycatkitty” just sounds stupid.

    Of course, so is Obama for prez, but that didn’t stop anyone…

    Don’t mind my little notes. it’s past 2 AM here, I couldn’t sleep even though I went to bed a 10 O_o


  8. Emily-wa, I get that can’t-get-to-sleep stuff only too much … a few nights ago I stayed up til past three cos my mind just would not shut up / down … whichever / both …

    Rofl. Butt nugget.

  9. I am about to read Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin and I was just wondering who has read it and what they thought of it.

  10. Hmm, good idea Julie-wa… Although then it sounds a little weird, “Bubbly Pretty.” Maybe I could just do ‘.Bogus Ugly.Bubbly Pretty.’

    And I haven’t heard of either of those books, Vee-la and Laura-la. Is GONE good, or have you not read it yet?

  11. idk….whenever i make accounts i’m always “andreakate225” it makes it easy….you maybe you could go first name, middle name, favorite number….or something like that….

  12. Hm…I love making up usernames! Like here, It’s T&Z(duh cuz They’re meant to be together.) on YouTube it’s KallieGirl08(Cuz my friend made it for me and couldn’t come up with anything so she used my cat’s name, lol.) On DeviantArt it’s ALovelyMeInside(cuz I think it’s what’s inside that counts, kinda self explanatory) And so on…I’m not sure what username would be good for you though…I’ll think bout it….Hmmm…

  13. Ouch Ouch ouch! Smashed my finger in the door just now! OUCH! Typing with one hand…It’s Bleeding! Ah!

  14. Tally&Zane: ugh…that sucks!
    Dusk: it’s ok i got upset too. and thanx for realizing my intelligence. i think ur smart too.

    i like making up names and titles and basically anything that has to do with words.
    Don’t know who posted about GONE but i love that book. it’s soooo good!! i can’t wait for the sequel SACRIFICE!!!!
    ok so the doctor yesterday took me out of my sling coz he doesn’t want immobilized anymore. but he’s sending me to physical therapy coz i have tendinitis and….*drum roll* I HAVE AN EXTRA BONE IN MY SHOULDER!!!! ya apparently my body decided to grow an extra bone. watever. so i have 207 bones in my body instead of 206! weird i know. oh and i’m on anti-inflammatory pills with a big a** list of side effects but the only ones i feel are dizziness and drowsiness. oh well.
    ok so i’m not saying anything about the election coz i just don’t want to even though i’m saying something about it right now but it doesn’t count coz i said nothing about Barack Freaking Obama winning the FREAKING presidential election. and i’ll say nothing about my idea to move to Australia coz he won! AHHHH!! no i’m not that upset about it. sigh.

  15. Dude! You’re special! My sister’s special too! When she broke her ankle it healed into two different bones! She had to get one of them removed though…and they wouldn’t let her keep it…darn…Lmao, it’s true though. That totally sucks! My friend(aka the clumsiest person in the world) sprained her foot/ankle/I’m not really sure what it was but it’s that thing that’s connected to your leg that *most* people walk on, and she ended up pulling some tendons and doing damage to the ligaments and muscles and stuff and had to go to physical therapy. I heard it sucks crap. Good luck! Okay, Andrea-la, FOUR EXTRA KNEES??? I’m almost afraid to ask…

  16. i don’t get how my friend has four extra knees, but the doctors can’t remove them until she’s finished growing which will be forever from now because she’s gonna get SO tall…..

  17. OHMYGOD JENNA-LA!!!!!!!!!! that is so FOOL!!!!!!!!

    i wood totally work in one of those buildings. but… its KINDA a waste of money… kinda.


    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😮

  18. okay, so i’ve got a LOT to say…firstly, I got into the chorus of the musical (which is a big deal at my school) and so now I offically have a life (in other words, I don’t have to go home from school to hang out alone in my bedroom reading books and eating halloween candy…instead, I can go to rehersal and THEN come home a do that). So I’m pretty excited ’bout that. Also, today at school my friend had to go to the guidence counsoler over “organization issues”…apparently she’s practically failing half her subjects dispite the fact that she’s a genius…I mean, seriously, she’s smarter than me. Except that like a lot of geniuses, she’s very unorganized (i find with geniuses is that they are either perfectionist organization freaks or they are incapable to think if things are organized) anyways, so had to get help from the guidence counsoler cuz she’s failing social studies and not in the way that i am. I mean, she was really close to having a letter sent home to her parents….and not just about Social Studies, about English too….so yeah…and this is just because she hasn’t handed anything in ANY of her assignments cuz she’s just that unorganized. I mean, she’s more unorganized than me…which is saying something considering that my locker explodes on me (with books of course) whenever I open it….i’m actually fairly well known at school as “the girl who kept an entire book series in her locker”…yeah…of course, they got it wrong, I actually had THREE complete book serieses in my locker, but whatever… record for the most books i’ve had in my locker at one time was 26, i think….yeah….so anyways, when my friend told me she had to see the guidence counsoler, one of my other friends overheard and said, “what the heck did you do that got you into the guidence counsoler’s officer faster than Andrea?”yeah…according to my friends, I desperatly need counsoling for “mental reasons”. Yeah….whenever they see the words “Human brain” on a piece of paper that I’m working on, they’ll say “……Andrea? You didn’t switch your brother’s brain with your pet guinea pig’s, right?” to which I often reply with something like, “Oh my gosh, did I not tell you? That is SO last month.” then they’ll look at me contemplating if I’m serious knowing that I’m not (but apparently I’m a pretty good actress) and they’ll play along and say “what’s this month then?” to which I will respond with something along the lines of “remember last year when I collected DNA samples from everyone? I’m finally gonna use ’em” Yeah. It’s things like this that make my friends think that I’m slightly weird….or when I say something really odd….lol…so apparently that’s supposed to equal a trip to the guidence counsoler….I seriously don’t need to go to a guidence counsoler, I’m just as sane as anyone else.

  19. Andrea-la: ok four extra knees totally beats my one extra bone in my shoulder. that’s just…weird and it sounds uncomfortable. congrats on making chorus. and i get wat u mean about geniuses. most are unorganized but then there are some that are like total neat freaks like OCD (ha my friend has OCD only she’s not a genius but she’s smart…weird) soo ya. and um u and ur friends are interesting…in the nicest terms. i guess i’m like that with my friends too. actually alot of my friends think i’m like some demonic psycho and someone who gets depressed alot. i mean gosh u act like a total pessimist and get depressed once and the stereotyping continues for the rest of ur life. ugh!

    wow didn’t know so many other people have extra bones. i was talking to my one friend today and she said she has an extra bone in her ankle but if they remove it that’ll make her ankle weak but having it in there isn’t helping. so basically it’s a lose lose situation.
    Tally&Zane: thanx for the encouragement. my first PT session is on Saturday at 8:00 in the morning! FUN!!!
    Jay-wa: uh…sorry for bringing up the injury and extra bones thing. it’s just that with soap there’s only so much u can say about it (even if u are eating it) so ya i had to make a more interesting topic and figured extra bones would be perfect! mwahhahhaa!!!!

  20. TYC Leader, my friend Maggie and I are planning on moving to Canada, probably with Andrea, because of the election results… But Australia would be better ’cause Scott-la lives there half the year =D But yeah, I was really hoping for McCain for multiple reasons.

    BUT I’m going to drop the subject because if we get off on another prez debate I can’t come back until scott updates and we completely drop what we’d been talking about to talk about what scott-la says.

    So I’m going to be quiet and figure out how I’m going to get to the library again tomorrow to get the second Inu-Yasha book, since I was stupid and only got the first one when I decided I’d start reading manga series. Even though the second one was right there. So yeah, for now I can just continue reading Peeps… Whoo!

  21. lol…Canada is a nice place Emily-wa, come join me!!!! lol. I wish that i lived in australia….i have a friend who’s going there on a trip….she’s from Singapore…coolio, eh? (and no, please don’t laugh at the fact that a canadian said ‘eh’…it’s not funny/worth laughing at…it’s perfectly normal….) I just started reading the book “Diary of a Teenage Girl”…it’s really good…i’m halfway through cuz i read it all through speech class and science class…..oh and spare….lol… science teacher didn’t mind that i zoned out all class except that he had to wait for someone other than me to answer a question. it was mega-funny cuz despite the fact that i was paying zero attention, i could answer all the questions (he ended up having to ask me anyways….). Okay, now I’ve gotta go back to redecorating my shoes…this time they’re all red and purple and super sparkly with gel-pens…..okay….

  22. oh my gosh…i just had the best idea ever to make the best shoes in the history of shoes. i’m not even kidding…i have it all planned out and it would look SO cool…and not bad cool, like new cool….Just I need more socks for it to work…oh and a test-shoe….cuz I don’t have any of those….i’ll just buy some plain white shoes for 99 cents again….oh and some socks…..

  23. I. HAVE. DONE. IT!!!! I have officially turned my regulare shoes and regulare socks into……SHOE SOCKS!!!! in other words, i combined them to make the weirdest looking, most original, shoe EVER!!!! Okay, so they aren’t finished. The sock part is just kinda tapped on and so now i’m gonna go sew it on….it’s time for bed, but who cares!!! i wanna get at least one of the shoes done today!!!

  24. Haha that was fantasitc! Not that I take delight in watching other people scare themselves or anything… 😀
    Andrea-la you’re from Canada?! Me too! Hehe I say ‘eh’ all the time, although I don’t live in an igloo… 🙂 Yay, those shoes sound fantabulous! Okay, I need to go run or something to burn off all my engery… Tata!

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