My inbox just received this boo-ti-ful image. It’s the painting for the Chinese cover of Leviathan. The artist is Li Tao. (Li is the surname, and the artist is male, just so you know.)
Click here for the bigness, because the bigness is bigger.
Needless to say, I love this cover image. It has a wonderfully exuberant forward motion to it, not unlike this Chinese propaganda poster. Or this one! (I mean, it’s just dying to be remixed into a poster, IF THAT SHOULD OCCUR TO ANYONE.) I also really love the styling of the Leviathan overhead, and the Hapsberg seal. So much heraldry!
Can’t wait to see the final version with text and my name in Chinese on it. (Just to be clear, this is the simplified Chinese version, for the mainland.)
Dr. Barlow portrait from The Manual of Aeronautics coming soon!
I first came on the blog by accident. It was the day after christmas and my cousin and I were trying to lable my map of Europe clanker and darwinist. I think we decided to do a google search for a leviathan map so it would be easier and we somehow came across the goliath bonus chapter. Best day of my life. I think I read the series about 5 times total in the month of November. And that is my little story for you all today.
Greetings from China! So surprised to learn that it’s gonna be Chinese version, WOW!!! Barking spiders, this cover is totally awesome!
Awesome cover, I love it! One of my favorite foreign ones.
Though er… Did anyone else notice that the Hapsburg double-eage is now holding a hammer & sickle? When did the Hapsburgs become communists o_O ?
Looks like the cover of a Final Fantasy version of Leviathan…LIKE!
i’m frantically trying to get in the last bits of freedom i can before school starts ominously soon, so i’m just reading all the comments. i’m glad not to be too different from the rest of you, SteampunkJedi and PWH and Ginny-la and M@X. little bit of discovery, i just had.
and good point, Alex, since when was Austria communist???
okay, i guess i’m the only one still looking at this page. too far in the past, i guess.
I just LOVE this cover!
LOVE the series mr. westerfeld. please make more! I REALLY LOVE SHARP, and the story’s perfect!