Goliath Spoiler Zone

Oh, yes. It’s that time of year: A TIME OF SPOILAGE.

Use the comment thread of this post to discuss all that happens in Goliath. If you haven’t read the book, however, it might be wise to NOT LOOK AT THEM.

Seriously, don’t let what happened to this person happen to you. I quote from the famous Specials spoiler thread, back in May of 2006:

oh god, i read the spoiler section before i read the book. i would have read the book by now but the bookstore doesn’t have it in yet! i got the first two before the sale date. why can’t i do that now!? crap i can’t believe i read the spoiler section…crap

Those, my friends, are the lamentations of one who has been spoiled. So don’t even drop in to say, “La-la-la, I’m not looking!” Because you never know what your eye might glean.

Just in case anyone needs it, here’s my tour schedule for the next few days. (For the whole tour, go to my Appearances page.)

Thursday, September 22

Unity Temple on the Plaza
707 West 47th Street
Kansas City, MO 64112

This is a “ticketed” event, but the tickets are more or less free. You just have to pre-order a copy of Goliath from Rainy Day, and you get two tickets along with the book. Click here for details and here to get tickets.

Friday, September 23

891 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105

Saturday, September 24

2720 West 43rd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55410

Sunday, September 25

8100 24th Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55425

Click here for details.


349 thoughts on “Goliath Spoiler Zone

  1. Just finished Goliath! Now I want to know all the backstories to that picture of Alek crashing Dylan and Lililt’s wedding, and the word cloud (probably Tesla).

  2. So the oddest thing happened. I was driving up Hwy 101 in California, listening to Goliath on audiobook, when the Leviathan reached “halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco”.

    And I went, “No, they couldn’t be….could they?”

    Then they mentioned Hearst Castle.

    I live on the Central Coast of California and am a journalism major at Cal Poly SLO. I’ve grown up going on field trips to Hearst Castle, including in college. I was ridiculously excited that the Leviathan was at Hearst Castle, and thought about driving all the way up to San Simeon to see it—

    Then I remembered it was a work of fiction set in WWI. I deflated a bit but that part of the book made. my. day.

  3. Ahhhh, that was so good. Although, this is one of only two series I’ve ever read where I am NOT satisfied with the ending. Please say there are short stories and such in the Manual of Aeronautics? 😀 Other than the open-endedness, though, GOLIATH was brilliant. Everything worked out excellently. (Although I too was surprised that Barlow didn’t know about Deryn being Deryn.)

    I want more books written about Deryn and Alek in this universe!

  4. I love the line near the beginning where Deryn is serving Volger tea and says, “Dr. Barlow saved all these newspapers for you, though I can’t imagine why.”


    Thank you so much for the great book and characters, Scott. I look forward to rereading the Leviathan trilogy again and again.

    I thought the ending was bittersweet – they are leaving the L.! 🙁 🙁 They’re moving on with their lives! They’re growing up! 🙁
    Oh, well. They’ll still have Bovril.

  5. Ah, haven’t read it yet, seems good! Love the spoilers on this page though x3. Except… WHY HE THROW HIS EMPIRE FOR LOVE?!!!?!!?! BOY, YOU COULDA RULED THE WORLD! Well I guess that means he has less problems with the government now.

  6. Scott I am in love with your book. I have been done with your series since when Goliath came out, and am trying to move on to other books but none of them feel as rich and alive as Steampunk so I am having trouble enjoying them. I am constantly thinking about the world of Steampunk during the day and wonder “what would I have done differently and what experiences I would I of had” if I had lived in such a time and setting. Its just amazing to me, I have NEVER felt this way about a book (as I am not an avid reader). Thank you (and at the same time you have cursed me :P) for the wonderful creation you have made.

    PS: Also I need to know: What happens next? Please include SOMETHING somewhere?

  7. after nearly A MONTH of waiting, I finally received this marvelous novel yesterday afternoon. I finished reading this morning. During that time I had several exclamations shouting out “Scott, you’re a genius!!!!!!”

    OOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG. I nearly cried tears of joy when Alek found out our heroine was a girl. That book made me happy/sad/laugh/cry/inch to the edge of my seat….you get the jist. Bravo….bravo.


  9. I finally (yes FINALLY–my library’ hold system can be aggravating at times) got Goliath, and all I can say is…wow. Just…wow.

    I tried, I really tried to read through this entire section before making this comment–I got to about 120, then I gave up.

    I noticed most people’s favorite scene was THE KISS, either the first or the last, but my favorite scene was actually at the end of Chapter 19, which was their make-up scene in Japan. It was just absolutely…perfect.

    “It was awful, being at war with you.”
    “I missed you too, daft prince.”

    SO BEAUTIFUL asddjkgn,.kfng *runs of to doodle fanart*

    And oddly enough, even though the illustration on page 202 was my favorite out of them all, I didn’t get the box until reading this section.

    And I love how Alek has a fencing pose when zapping Tesla. KEITH THOMPSON YOU ARE AMAZING! ASFKJSLFNASGFN; L;AS

    All in all, and ending of absolutely epic proportions. ZOO-NINJAS FTW!

  10. Also, did anyone notice Volger’s line to Alek, “You’re the heir to a empire, not a zoologist.”? That line is really ironic, given the ending to the book. Teehee. ^.^

  11. Aweome. Pure Undiluted awseome.
    I loved the whole Dalek arc, the way their romance played out. And it was a fitting end for both of them. I dont want an epilogue, I think the book is better without it, but since its over (unless its not over !!!!) it’d be nice to get random facts about the future of the characters and the world, like J.K. Rowling did.
    Speaking of character’s futures, I’ve been speculating. Perhaps after blowing up at Alek (which you know will happen) Volger will be offerred a job. Since he is all clever and devious and without a prince to keep safe, maybe Dr. Barlow will ask him to join the Zoological society. So we’d still have Varlow, even if it was platonic.
    Anyway, a pure masterpiece, especially since I was terrified Deryn and Alek would end up like Tally and Zane or Jess and Johnathan. It was the best end to a trilogy I’ve read in a long time.

  12. This book made me SOB!!!! I don’t even know why, I would just be reading a line, and I would start bawling! I can’t think about it without tearing up, because it is the SWEETEST thing in the world! When Alek throws away his scroll, I screamed out loud! The chapter that started with “She was a girl. Her name was Deryn Sharp and she was a girl diguised as a boy.” you know, after he finds out (takes him long enough! I love how oblivious Alek is) was my favorite chapter of the entire series! It’s just so sweet, because Alek wants to be able to trust Deryn, but he’s not sure if he can. And then when he figures out that she’s in love with him, I just love it so much! This book was amazing, and I cried (A LOT) when it was over. GO DALEK!!!!

  13. My book arrived yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! It. Was. ANAZING. I love the pictures! The one of the bears and the bones is so creepy! AND THE LAST PICTURE. *screams!* It was awesome, the whole book! I stayed up til midnight to finish it. Then mum came in and I quickly turned off the light so it was pitch black and she couldn’t see the book. “Are you reading??” ” Nooo. . .”
    The book has so many great quotes! It feels unreal. And when he electrocutes Tesla for Deryn! Ahhh… Pure awesomeness! Words cannot describe how much I love this book.
    Mr Thompson’s illustrations are epic, they add so much more to the book. Bravo, Mt T!

    PS. Yay, we won the rugby world cup!
    PPS. I was beginning to think that the book was in one of the crates on the container ship that crashed in tauranga, and had sunk to the bottom of the harbour! I’m so glad it finally arrived 🙂

  14. It’s so funny how alek thinks that the idea of moving pictures broadcast to everyone is crazy. And now we do have it! TV!

  15. pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make a forth… or more 🙂 i to feel a hunger for more i even stoped reading it for hours just so it would not end (so much pain to not reading it ) so i caved and finished and want need more i even have a plot alek and deryn leave the leviathan but find their way back on it once germans attack britian they go in and try to help when captain hobbs is seriously hurt deryn take command (at end of goliath sohe said she would settle to fly a air ship of her own) fast forward (you mister scott-la aka the bomb) put the rest inbetween) then alek and deryn find themselfs in trouble togethor again with no hope of getting out when oooooolllldddd klopp appears and saves them and fast forward again klopp and deryn and alek and all the old friends and ALLIES attack berlin to take down the Kaisar and then more suprises for you to make. so plz make it you dont have to make it like this but it has to involve alek and deryn. k so what are ya waiting for start writing. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    P.S. Kieth Thompson make some more unparrallel pics

  16. i will be a regular fan to this website 🙂 and i found out about leviathan in my school library it was really cool i thought it was a bout a machine fish when i read the back and the next day checked out behemoth too read both of them in 2 days got in trou8ble for not going outside so i went out side to read i would read the leviathan “series” anywhere any time f y i i never read uglies series but knowing me i peobloly will stick with the leviathan series

  17. so uh hows cool life u having plz do what ur fans love i think a forth book would be great this could be ur biggest book ever or biggest “SERIES” ever plz consiter this i will visit this site daily bye for now 🙂

  18. Hokay, so did anyone else think it was weird when the Mexican doctor accidentally grazed her boob and thought she had a bomb, Alek told him her secret and gave the doctor permission to feel her up? Awkward sauce. If I were Deryn, I would’ve been all “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”when he told her to take off her shirt, and then “FRIENDSHIP OVER!” once Eddie Malone revealed himself.

  19. *sigh* That was a happy/relieved/sad sigh. Don’t know how it can be both sad and happy at once…. but those of you who finally finished the book can probably understand. Mr. Westerfeld you did quite an amazing job. You wrapped up every loose and and left me a world to dream about. How ever did you think of Darwinists and Clankers? When I write I try to write about something that isn’t on the shelves and something I, myself, would want to read. You did a very good job of that. Also, I can tell you did a lot of research on your subject because it was believable. Lastly, please write another steampunk novel. The genre suits you.

    P.S. You should have a series of short stories (each with dramatic cliff hangers) called something along the lines of “The Adventures of Aleksander” XD ^_^ I know I would read them.

    P.S.S. This series made me wonder multiple times if I would be able to fabricate a loris.

  20. I know the book came out a long time ago, but I just reread the series (in 3 days) and I just had to post here! Scott, I must say, this is pretty much my favorite series ever! (and I’ve read a lot) Harry Potter is first (what can I say, I was recruited young 😛 ) but this has moved in right next to it. (with the Bartimaeus trilogy and the Hunger Games moving back in the line)

    The ending was absolutely perfect! I love Alek and Deryn, and Deryn is actually my favorite heroine ever! seriously, if this world existed I would either be her or her best friend. I loved how Alek grew as a character, and how even though Deryn loved him and thought things wouldn’t work out between them, she still kept her head. And Newkirk! He saves Deryn! him, Neville and Sokka have to hang out some time. And I loved Bovril! OK I loved everything – like how Lilti came back, and how Barlow didn’t know about Deryn being a girl, and all the romantic scenes, and the action, and the comedy, and Varlow hints. I never thought about how it would all end, because I couldn’t figure out how everything would work out nicely. I was resigned to a bittersweet ending, but you did it perfectly! It left me wanting more of the story, but not really because it ended perfectly and more would be too much, if that makes any sense at all.

    Anywho, rant over. Thanks Scott (and Keith, seriously the artwork was AMAZING) for this incredible story! I am now recruiting my mom and my room mate so I have people to squee over the books with. If I can ever write a book one tenth as cool as this (ok, even one hundredth as cool) then I’ll consider it a job well done 🙂

  21. Oh, and I also wanted to mention the final picture of Alek and Deryn making out. I noticed some other people mentioned it was zoomed out quite a bit (which was super special awesome, cuz then the Leviathan was included) but it would be great if a close up was included in the Manual or Aeronautucs. It could be “taped” to the inside back cover or pages or something, like the picture was taken of them (possibly by a sneaky Bovril somehow? 😛 ) or like Deryn sketched it out. Of course it would be drawn by Keith (with the tape drawn, too).

    Anywho, just a random thought I had to settle the inner fangirl – it would be odd if the picture just popped up in the middle of the book, so I thought something like that doodled in the margins or something would be cool (ever seen the Harry Potter companion book Magical Beasts and where to find them? similar concept, but with Keith’s awesome drawing skills)

    Anywho, random ramble about nonsense over. Now back to my Shakespeare essay… (on the Twelfth Night – ironic. the crossdressing made me think of this book all over again 😛 )

  22. Ok third comment in a row, but I would just like to reiterate that I loved the ending! You gave the perfect amount of information. And the epilogue in the form of a newspaper, and the comment about Alek and Deryn having better things to do, were absolutely perfect. I know a lot of people want sequels, but personally I think that would ruin it. The rest is up to the imagination, and thats a good thing. Though if there were another book set in the same universe (having to do with different characters, and maybe mentioning Alek and Deryn, kinda like Extras) I wouldn’t mind, but I just know I wouldn’t like the new characters as much as the old ones. So, basically, I loved the way you ended it, tied everything up, and left the rest up in the air. That’s the way a perfect ending works, in my opinion, and this series is actually the only one that truly masters it. (I love Harry Potter, the HG, and the Bartimaeus trilogy, but this ending was the best of all of them)

    Seriously, barking good work! 🙂

  23. Damn and blast Scott!

    You were my favorite author before, but seriously!
    I got a late start reading Goliath because of an Amazon order, but I just finished it two hours ago and I absolutely cannot stop thinking about it!

    As soon as I got my hands on the book I flipped thought the pages and squealed with job when I saw that last picture.

    At first, when Alek was mad at Deryn I was mad at him. I kept thinking “you daft prince!” and that phrase refused to leave my mind. I complained to all my friends about what a bum rag he was being!

    Then we went back to being awesome and I giggled when he almost regretted saving that stupid reporter! Boy was I mad at him. He was a jerk for even contemplating sending in that story!

    But then when Alek traded his secret to save Deryn’s I was grinning like an idiot and even did my girly happy dance; once no one was watching, of course.

    I still can’t get over Alek saving Deryn from Telsa.

    Oh man. This ending is the best ending I could have imagined. It was a perfect conclusion. I’m going to re-read the entire series for a second time this month.

    You are amazing.

    Oh, and Brovil is my absolute favorite character. I’ve always loved his “Mr. Sharp”.

    One last thing. I seem to have a curse where if I get a character who I absolutely love, they always end up dying. You did it to me in Specials with Zane. Thank you so much for keeping all my favorite characters safe in this series. 😀

    You are amazing. Keep up the good work. I cannot wait to find out what you come up with next!

  24. Also!
    I forgot!

    When I first opened the book I squealed with joy at the dedication. haha. “That’s me!” I yelled when I jabbed my finger at it. My dad just looked at me funny and continued reading his own book.
    He’ll understand when I pass Goliath on to him. I have a list of friends wishing to borrow it. 😀
    It’s funny that they think I’m going to part with this book anytime soon.

  25. I only know one other girl who read the series and she dubbed it “okay.” CAN YOU IMAGINE?! All the other crazed Leviathan fans I know have been boys so I’m surprised that like, 98% of the people who commented are girls (but I guess there are less guys who would admit that they are crazed fans of something.) But trust me. I thought I was the only girl. Yay!

  26. He should beware of posting something like a firmware dump, especially if he doesn’t know whether or not sony owns that firmware. Its like posting a console’s bios file or rom on the internet. Might be able to get away with it if it was developed using open-source software though.

  27. There are simply no words to describe the tidal wave of epic-ness this book, this series, and its author and illustrator have brought into my life (sorry, I’m running out of words… and breath after reading the book). I was literally left with a feeling of emptiness when I realized I finished the trilogy and, alas, reached the end of the adventure. This amazing tale really brought me into my senses; it taught me the difference between action and fate, that the latter can truly only be shaped by faith in our dreams, ourselves, and the choices we choose to make (and perhaps a barking bucketful of luck). It also taught me that all forms of love require sacrifice.


    I love how Mr. Westerfeld ended Goliath with a slight cliff hanger. We’re left to wonder what REALLY happened to Deryn and Alek. Did they truly become zookeepers? Did people (other than the ones who found out during the course of the book/s) FINALLY accept the fact that Deryn had been a girl all along? Did they eventually find themselves back in the Leviathan? It’s all a bit of an open ending.

    To end this, can I just say that Deryn and Alek ARE BARKING PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. IF THEY DIDN’T END UP TOGETHER (which I doubt) I WOULD’VE STARTED A REBELLION.

    You with the wonderful historical fiction skills.
    I just wanted to express my gratitude, sir, for this OE CNUORHEVCNUX NJAUVOICRH NEOU: THJiORTJU ORI:VEHE BOOK. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I LOVE IT SO MUCH I READ IT THREE TIMES IN A WEEK AND I WAS NEVER DISSATISFIED AND it was just so beautiful. And so interesting, the way he grabbed hold of the politics–usually WW2 is covered rather than WW1. But no, he did WW1, and he did not dissappoint. Thank you. Just. Yeesh, just thanks. Just barking thanks.

  29. I was just wondering, did anyone else realise that none of the Goliath art is in the “Crashing The Bash” April Fool’s art reveal?

  30. Oh, my god! I love this book, and this whole series so freaking much!!!! It’s definitely your best work, Scott (with Peeps [but NOT The Last Days] a close second). I truly loved every heart-wrenching minute of it.
    I love Alek and Deryn, their romance is so epic! Back in those times, men may have loved women, but they didn’t truly respect them, you know? But knowing all Deryn’s done, I love how Alek truly respects her in a way that he probably wouldn’t of if she were just another girl. It’s so great.
    I was also surprised that Dr. Barlow didn’t know Deryn’s secret. I thought she was going to reveal that she knew all along, because of woman’s intuition, or something, lol.
    Anyway, it was such a great book!!! (Though it would’ve been fine if you killed off Eddie Malone and/or Adela Rogers. Reporters are SO annoying!)
    …I LOVE DALEK!!!!! Oh, and Bovril!!!! (By the way, I think Barlow’s loris should’ve gotten a name.) Ah, I feel better now that I’ve gotten everything out. No one else I know has read the book, so I have no one to talk about with! No one understands these feelings! lol.

  31. It’s just so awesome and hilarious that Deryn falls in love with Alek over the entire epic trilogy, but Alek’s like “Oh, you’re a GIRL?!? Hmm…. I LOVE YOU!” in the space of half the last book. Also, if your name is Scott Westerfeld and you’re reading this, THANK YOU FOR SIGNING MY COPY OF LEVIATHAN EVEN THOUGH I ORDERED IT LATE. It was a Xmas present, and it was wondrous and amazing.

  32. Wow. That was… wonderful. That book was fulfilling. I laughed. I was sad. I almost cried. I was on the edge of my seat. I felt everything, as a book SHOULD make me feel. Thank you for writing this series! Thank you for this great ending!

    The way you described Japan was awesome. The way you describe NY was epic. Hell, the way you described everything was great. I wish I were a darwinist, but since I’m Christian, I’d probably be a Clanker.

    I was SO SURE SOOOO SURE that Dr. Barlow knew that Deryn was a chick! I was honestly surprised that she didn’t know. But I laughed so hard at that scene because she said she made it a policy to never be surprised.

    I might just might go around saying “Barking spiders!” for a while.

  33. OH MY GOSH I LOVED IT!!!!!! My absolute favorite part was when Alek found out he was in love with Deryn, and he killed Tesla for her!
    *my heart melts* That’s called “true love.”

  34. SOBBING. I’ve now dragged my friend into the wonderful world of Leviathan. I suffered depression after the book ended because I SO wanted the Leviathan world to be REAL (and don’t give me any of that “it’s real in our hearts” crap. It’s not the same as flying). Speaking figuratively, of course. AWESOME TRILOGY, SCOTT. Can’t wait for that manual!

  35. Oh my god I love comment 166 and I can,t wait to read the book, Scott there is no way to describe the supspension I’ve had! My moms making me clean the house before I even get the book 🙁 what page do deryn and alek kiss and what page does alek find out deryn a girl? Please! I’ve read 25 books this trimester and omg this series is my favorite! ANSWERS!

  36. I loved this series. Yes, I’m a boy, but this is my favorite series since Percy Jackson. Just finished Goliath. The problem with most books is that they start strong and then end to lovey-dovey, like Ranger’s Apprentice. But this didn’t. The whole book was flawless. The only problem was that it had to end sooner or later. The ending was perfect. And though my brain asks for an epilogue, I know that it would ruin the book. Epilogues give you an exact outline of how it ends. But without the epilogue you can only imagine what will happen. That’s just how it worked when The Mark of Athena came out last month. For a year I’d been dreaming about what might happen, and though I didn’t know exactly what would happen, I had several scenes built up in my head. The real book disappointed me. So I thank you, Mr. Westerfeld, for writing such an incredible, hooking series–I’m going to recommend this book to everyone I know. And I beg of you, please, please, PLEASE don’t write an epilogue or I may be forced to read it. And that would be wrong. I’m not surprised that people want one, but that would suck, because then it would REALLY be over. *groan* Please don’t tell me that the Manual of Aeronautics.

    On another subject, I’m not sure what intrigued others about this book. I was hooked by the fact that we knew everyone’s secrets before anyone else. It took on a point of view I’ve never seen before–and I really enjoyed it–that even with the alternating POVs, we learned everyone’s secrets. What also caught me was the difference in dialect, and how it remained constant throughout the whole series.

    Mr. Westerfeld, thank you for such an incredible series, and I hope to read more of your work in the future.

    Somewhere along the Rocky Mountains in the USA.

    PS: I hope I didn’t sound too serious in this. I’m actually quite the goof nugget.

    PPS: I’m also a nerd(not the kind with huge glasses, an exaggeratedly nasal voice, and pants pulled up too high. I’m the kind that does things like memorize 57 digits of pi, knows the exact spelling, number of syllables, number of letters, and definition of antidisestablishmentarianism. And it is a real word.)

    Sorry for dragging this out so much.
    Somewhere along the Rocky Mountains in the USA.

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