Russian Covers Rock My World

Oh, yes they do rock my world. “Why is that?” you ask.

Well, first let us look at the Russian cover for Leviathan. JUST LOOK AT IT.

The Huxleys! The airbeast’s eye! DERYN IN JODHPURS!

I love her weird glove, and the awesome spikiness of the Leviathan‘s bridge. (Plus, she has red scarf, because is Russian cover! Da!)

I sent this to Keith and he was all, “Now that’s more like it!”

Here is that image in a zoomable version of bigness.

But it’s not just the Leviathan series that has enjoyed the Awesome Russian Cover effect. Check out the paired covers for Uglies and Pretties.

Do you see what they did there? DO YOU?

It’s interesting to see what “ugly” and “pretty” mean in this context. Like, freckles are ugly? I think not. (Maybe they’re zits.)

The only problem with this amazing visual idea is that, of course, Uglies is a trilogy, not a duology. So the Specials cover is lonely:

The hawk(?) is cool, though, because Tally’s like a Cutter bird of prey!

And I’m not sure if there’s a Russian Extras yet. No word from my friends there. (See below.) But thanks to @Radda_in_motion for letting me know about these covers. They really are splendidly pulptastic.

As you may have noticed, I’ve been linking to my Appearances page on every post. That may be annoying for those of you who have already checked it and been saddened, but if it saves even one life, then it’s all been worth it. So, HEY LOOK, IT’S MY APPEARANCES PAGE!

My tour starts in only a few days. Must. Pack. Soon.

In comment 13 below, Alexandra_Piro tells me that there is indeed a Russian Extras, and it looks like this:

Thanks, Alexandra!

92 thoughts on “Russian Covers Rock My World

  1. Oh man! Why can’t I have that cover with English?! That makes Deryn looks so EPIC as if she wasn’t already! And the Leviathan and the Huxleys! I want this to be a movie so bad! X3

  2. I really like the cover idea for the Pretties and the Uglies. Very creative and innovative. I thought that the Specials cover didn’t stay true to the story. Hawks? And why did Tally look like a cyborg? Maybe it was just her futuristic clothes, I guess.

  3. I’m so jealous! I’m getting the English hardcover of Goliath which is boring in comparison (although, in the long run I suppose it’s for the best, because it is of course the inside that matters the most because I would be very upset to open it up and find it was in a language I couldn’t read).

    Do you have links to the Russian covers of Leviathan and Behemoth? I would love to see them!

  4. I just saw this in the forum, and it blew my mind. That Russian cover is so – utterly – incredible, I don’t even have powerful enough adjectives for it. English is insufficient to address this. I am now incredibly jealous of Russian Levi fans.

    I second the request to see the other Russian covers if possible. And I will be printing this cover out and putting it on my copy of Goliath next week. I can hardly wait! 😀

  5. OMG!!!!!!!! WAY BETTER THAN THE AMERICAN COVER!!! no offense american cover. BUT YA, WAY BETTER!!!!! so excited for goliath. i wonder what alek looks like in russia…

  6. Wowzee, wowzee, wow wow!!! I knew that Russia was cool and all but I didn’t know that it would be that cool to make an awsome, bubbly cover!!!
    And the even more awsome thing is that I can translate the cover! And I have a penpal in Russia which I can finally tell them to READ THAT BOOK, since it is FINALLY IN RUSSIAN!!! *spaz’s*

    Oh and incidentally 8 DAYS TILL GOLIATH!!! I’ve already ordered it at my local bookstore! xD I’m that obsessed!

  7. So I’m guessing the expression “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” doesn’t exist in Russia, because everyone would assume everything is awesome all the time.


  8. Yes, the Russian covers are amazing. Another thing that makes me proud to be Russian (although I do have to say I don’t like the Midnighter covers much in Russian).

    On that note, the top cover is actually for Leviathan, not Goliath.

  9. Man why can’t the American covers be that freaking awesome???????? AMERICA YOUR COVERS NEED ENHANCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I didn’t know that the author’s name was translated into the language that the book was being published in. I learned something new today!

  11. Okay, why don’t we get a cover for the Leviathan trilogy like this in America? Hm? HMMMMMMMMM??????????? (or, y’know, stuck with the old ones. Those were better than the new icky ones.) I WANT THAT COVER!!!!!!!!!! Scratch want, I NEED that cover. That is a great cover; although, it does severely limit my imagination. I like to imagine everything. I have a streak for hating covers that severely limit my imagination.

    Okay, I have a serious love/hate relationship with the cover. Love it because it’s artistry at its best; hate it because if I had never read the series and it was my first time reading, the cover would really limit my imagination as it clearly depicts the main character, the Huxleys and the Leviathan with the coloring, textures, et cetera. I need something to keep my imagination going!

  12. I’m disappointed that Uglies/Pretties/Specials were all translated into Russian (Ugly/Pretty/Special), but “Extra” was just transliterated instead of becoming dopolnitel’naya.

  13. omg it is completly awesome i still like the one with alek and deryn on it as humans not drawings but i like the russian one its my second fav :p

  14. oh and it give’s away the hole book like the back text that is on the back of the book just on front and in drawing it is good but gives away the book

  15. Why do the Russians get better covers than we do?????? :'(

    I love how her eyebrow got all weird on the pretties cover.

  16. Lovin’ the Russian covers as well… tempted to get a copy for myself!

    Re the uglies/pretties covers: I like ’em, freckles and all. To me the covers imply Tally was actually pretty before the surgery, but looked ugly to herself because she didn’t look like the social norm; and the surgery just gave her that “plastic” pretty look – which is what I got from the books. Could be misreading them though. Both beeautiful covers, anyway.

    @Raibean: I have heard people using “ekstra” in Russian, but I don’t live there any more so don’t know if it’s a common word? I figured it was a word corrupted from English – the way “musselman” is now a Russian word, although it’s just “muscleman” with a Russian accent. And “dopolnitel’naya” might be a bit too long for a one-word title. 😉

  17. SEVEN MORE DAYS!!!!! 77777777!!! all of my friends are like “agggg we know, we know, your really excited!!” AND THEY R SOOOOOO RIGHT!!!!!

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