Uglies Exclusive Edition/Gen Con

Below is my Gen Con schedule, but first some interesting news:

Early this year I returned to the Uglies universe to write a short story called “How David Got His Scar.”

David, of course, has a scar through one eyebrow, the origin of which is the subject of much discussion. In the novels, Tally asks him about it, and he says, “I’ll tell you how I got it one day.” But he never does. Because he and I are perverse that way.

In the Shay’s Story graphic novels, he STARTS to talk about it once, but only says something about being chased by a bear. Still perversely uninformative.

But now, dear readers, you can discover the unvarnished truth in this Barnes and Noble Exclusive edition of Uglies! Just look for this black sticker at B&N stores:


That’s right, you can pay money for a book you already own for the sole purpose of reading 4,000 new words! (Not even 4,000. Like, 3914 words.) You could also go into a store and just stand there and read it. (But you would never do that. You are a TRUE fan. Have I mentioned how great your hair looks today?)

You can also order this exclusive edition online right here.

The story is set in the time before David has met Tally, but after Shay’s runaway friends, Croy and Astrix, have reached the Smoke. It was fun writing in that world again, particularly from a new viewpoint, and it was weirdly easy too. (Read NOTHING into this statement. Unless you want to.)

Also, because someone is bound to ask, I hereby declare this story CANONICAL.

Anyway, here’s my Gen Con schedule. See some of you in Indianapolis!

Thursday, August 14
Writer’s Craft: Creating Story Arcs
Room 243

The Art of Leviathan
Room 243

Friday, August 15
Dealers’ room

Q&A with me
Room 244

Business of Writing: Selling Your Stories
Room 243

Saturday, August 16
Dealers’ room

Pushing the YA Envelope
Room 243

Impact of Reader Gender on Your Writing
Room 243

On Tour in 2014 (Updated)

With Afterworlds coming out, I’ll be traveling and making appearances all year long. The tour in September and October isn’t set yet, but here are a few places I’ll definitely be:

Comic Con
San Diego, CA
July 24-27

Signing at the Mysterious Galaxy Booth (#1119)
Saturday, July 26
1:00p.m. – 1:30p.m.
My books will be on sale there too!

“What’s Hot in YA?” panel
Sunday, July 27
1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.
Room: 25ABC
Signing afterward in the Sails Pavilion:
AA09 02:30 PM – 03:30 PM

The Yellow Book Road Bookstore
Just me, talking about Leviathan and Afterworlds
2750 Historic Decatur Road
San Diego, CA 92106
Sunday, July 27
Store: 619-955-5188

Leaky Con
Orlando, FL
July 30-Aug 3
Details forthcoming, but I’ll be there!

Gen Con
Indianapolis, IN
Aug 14-16
Details forthcoming.

Texas Teen Book Festival
Austin, TX
October 18
Details forthcoming.

Charleston, SC
Nov 7-8
Details forthcoming.

Also, if you’re a fan of Justine and live in Australia, her new novel, Razorhurst, is out there this week. She’ll be launching it in in Sydney and Melbourne, so click here if you want to join her at the party!

Anyway, that’s how my year is shaping up so far. There will be many more events, especially when I go on tour for the release of Afterworlds on September 23.

Hope I get to see a lot of you in person!

In the meantime, the Afterworlds trailer remains awesome:

Click here to see it bigger.

Melbourne and Brisbane Festivals

First of all, thanks to everyone who came to the Mortal Instruments viewing last night here in Sydney. It was a gas, and the screams were many. So. Many. Screams. Also, I got to sign someone’s Chicken McNuggets box, because global capitalism is global.

I have some cool Leviathan VR pictures to show you, but first here’s a post about my next two weeks. I’ll be at the Melbourne and Brisbane Writers Festivals, and hope that some of you will be too.

Click here to buy tickets.

Tuesday, 27 August
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM

ACMI Cinema 2
Federation Square
Corner Flinders and Swanston Streets
Participants: Scott Westerfeld
Chairperson: Rob James
Scott Westerfeld grew up surrounded by science and technology. It’s no wonder that his books – including Uglies, Leviathan, Midnighters and Peeps – are shaped by science. Find out what makes his stories tick, and how science can be a novelist’s best friend.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM

Deakin Edge, Fed Square Federation Square
Corner Flinders and Swanston Streets
The Steampunk World of Leviathan
Participants: Scott Westerfeld, Naomi O’Brien-D’Ambra
The Leviathan trilogy is set in a steampunk World War I. The books even look like they were published in 1914, when almost all books were illustrated, even books for adults. Tour this extraordinarily rich world with the perfect guide, author Scott Westerfeld.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM

ACMI Cinema 2
Federation Square
Corner Flinders and Swanston Streets
Science Fiction, Science Fact
Participants: Scott Westerfeld, Michael Pryor
Chairperson: Andrew McDonald
Scott Westerfeld and Michael Pryor talk about the inventions and ideas first put forward in fiction, later proved to be fact – or wildly off the mark. Who is the better guide: scientist or novelist? Or does the future rely on both?

I’m also teaching a YA Writing masterclass, but that is sold out.

Again, click here to buy tickets.

Click here for tickets.

Friday Sept 6th

Maiwar Green, State Library of Queensland
Featuring Kevin Kwan, Clementine Ford, Scott Westerfeld, Justine Larbalestier, Kimberley Freeman (Kim Wilkins), Stuart MacBride and Benjamin Law reading work they scribbled in their youth. A special ‘Juvenilia’ mixed tape set by Simon Reynolds will wrap up the night.
No ticket required.

Saturday Sept 7th
Sat 11:30AM–12:30PM

State Library of Queensland
Scott Westerfeld and Max Barry talk with Marianne de Pierres about dystopias, being a teenager in a world that wants to kill you and our fascination with broken futures.
TICKETS $12-$16

Justine and I are teaching a YA class here too. Also sold out.

And I’m also doing two sessions in the kids section, but I think those are limited to schools. If I’m wrong about that, go here and check them out.

Also, you should check out Justine’s blog for her schedule for both festivals.

My US Trip

Justine and I have spent the last six weeks traveling in the US, which is why there have been zero postings here. Apologies! I realize that this hasn’t been a very bloggy year for me, but it has been a writey year, and which would you rather have, really?

Let me take you on a slideshow of various things I did while in the States:

Shortly after I first arrived, I was greeted by the sight of my latest publication on bookstore shelves. It’s an essay in a collection called Breakfast on Mars, edited by Rebecca Stern and Brad Wolfe. Basically, it’s a bunch of YA writers taking on the dreaded essay, many teen’s least favorite form of writing.

My essay, for reasons you might guess, is all about illustrations in books.


If you’re a teacher or librarian, or anyone interested in non-fiction writing, you should check it out. If you ask me, Stern (a former fifth-grade English teacher) and Wolfe have helped fill a huge gap in the world of YA and middle-grade letters.

The next cool thing to happen on my trip was Manhattan Henge, a twice yearly astronomical event in which sundown lines up with the crosstown streets of Manhattan. It looks like this:


What were the ancient peoples who built Manhattan trying to tell us about May 28 and July 12? We may never know.

The third thing I did was have an amazing dinner with respected private citizen Maureen Johnson and her English offsider, Oscar Gingersnort. This was at 11 Madison, and included crazy-ass dishes like this one:


The courses were many and wondrous, and gave us the opportunity to plot the destruction of all other YA authors what to do at Leaky Con next year.

Nextly, I had a meeting with my excellent publishers about how to market my next book, Afterworlds. The ideas were many and wondrous, and will be revealed in due time. I can’t wait to see what you guys think of this book, which has been three years in the writing. (Because it’s really two books in one.)

Afterworlds will come out late next year, probably on October 28. (This date is a clue to the book’s subject matter! Spin on that one, fannish brains!)

One of my other projects for this trip was to start gathering my “papers,” all the editorial, artistic, and business flotsam that I’ve collected over the last two decades. I’ll be donating them to an as-yet-undetermined institute of higher learning as a huge tax dodge boon to future scholars.

The first step was to collect exactly one first printing of each of my foreign editions, a project which, even in its opening stages, ate my living room floor:


I also found my very first (incomplete) novel, the least embarrassing page of which looks like this:


And that’s all you will ever see of that novel, unless you travel to the as-yet-undetermined institute of higher learning personally. (It’ll be in the box with the big padlock encrusted with contact poison.)

I just realized that this piece of juvenilia is called Keeps, only one letter away from a somewhat more recent (and less appalling) novel of mine. I wonder what the ancient peoples who made me become a writer were trying to tell us about the letters “-eeps.”

In mid-July, Justine and I also had the great pleasure of teaching at Alpha, a residential sf, fantasy, and horror writing workshop for teenagers (basically, a week-and-a-half-long genre writing camp). The young writers and the staff there were smart, committed, and tremendously stylish, as you can see here:


We had a great time. The awesomeness of the students makes me think we’ll do more teaching of this kind in the future. Watch this space for details.

Also, there was a waffle tower. I haz proof:


From there, I traveled onward to San Diego Comic Con, the premier geekfest of our time. There I had many and wondrous business meetings, which you will see the fruits of soon right here. Also many costumes were witnessed. The best of which was Sharknado Hat:


I also enjoyed this shirtless steampunk dinosaur hunter (based on a Greg Broadmoor comic, I think):


Also witnessed were a cavalcade of capitalism aimed directly at the geek dollar, like these bathrobes:


And these leggings:


So let me get this straight. These are Dr Who-themed leggings in the style of van Gogh. In the words of Tally Youngblood, isn’t that one thing too many? (Nah. It’s probably one thing too few. And, yes, I know the reference from the show.)

After SDCC, Justine and I spent a week in LA, where various meetings were had. Some of these shall be the subject of my next blog post. But no, there is no fresh movie news of consequence. The usual movie options are afoot, but the feet in question are slow moving. Sorry to disappoint you. The wheel of Hollywood turns slowly, but it grinds exceedingly fine. (Not really. It usually grinds pretty crappily. But it does grind onward in the case of Uglies and Leviathan. We shall see.)


Okay, more about the trip in a week or so. I’ll be blogging here more often, because I’m almost done with Afterworlds. Thanks to all of you who’ve stuck around and enlivened the comments section while I’ve been writing.

Caio for now.

My Interview on the ABC

When I was at Adelaide Writers Week last month, I did an extended interview with Sean Williams, who writes the Trouble Twisters series with Garth Nix. The ABC was kind enough to film the talk and put it online.

I talk about Uglies, Leviathan and the history of illustrations, living with another writer, from whence inspiration comes, my other books, and pretty much everything else writerly. It’s a whole hour long!

Hope you enjoy it. Thanks to Adelaide Writers Week for having me, to everyone who asked questions, to the ABC, and to Sean for being a great interviewer.

Here is the ABC page where you can download this as audio or video. Click here for the other talks from Adelaide Writers Week.

A few notes:

1) For you USians, note that “the ABC” (Australian Broadcasting Company) is not the same as “ABC” (American Broadcasting Company).

2) At 13:15, I meant to say “Book 2” instead of “Book 3.”

3) Justine, in the audience, is caught tweeting at 26:45.

4) My pronunciation of “manga” is weird sometimes. I’m from Texas.

5) At 36:00 I briefly confuse Miyake with Miyazaki, because I was wearing the former. #humblebrag

My Doings in 2013

I don’t have a book out this year, so I won’t be on any sort of tour. But I will be traveling around a bit and doing a few live appearances (mostly in Australia) so it makes sense to list everything in one place for easy linkage. And this is that place.

Here are all my known appearances in 2013. I will update this page as things change. Note that Justine will be at many of these things.

Canberra, Australia
April 26-28

I’ll be doing a presentation about Leviathan and the history of illustrated novels on Friday (April 26) at 5:00PM, Event Room One. (And otherwise hanging out, so come say hi.) Conference site.

May 3-10

I am turning off my internet for this whole week. Get off my lawn!

Aurealis Awards
Sydney, Australia
May 18, 7PM

I’ll be hosting the ceremony for these yearly awards for Australian fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Hopefully I will be funny. Click here for details.

Sydney Writer’s Festival
Saturday, May 25, 11:30AM

I’ll be on a panel with Lauren Beukes, David M. Henley, and James Bradley. What is speculative fiction, and where do the boundaries start to blur between genres and sub-genres? Have the classic genres changed now that we live in a world where technology has caught up?
This is free and no bookings required. Event details.

Alpha Teen Workshop
Pittsburgh, PA
July 13-16

I’ll be teaching at this week-long writing seminar for teenagers. Admissions for the workshop are closed, but there will probably be a bookstore appearance in Pittsburgh. Check back here for details about that, or at the Alpha site.

San Diego Comic-Con
July 18-12

I’ll be hanging out here and getting into trouble. They might make me do a panel or two. Check back here for details, or at the con site.

Melbourne Writer’s Festival
August 22-30

I’ll be here and doing stuff. Details not set yet, but you can always check back here or on the festival site.

Brisbane Writers Festival
September 4-8

I’ll be here too! Details following. Festival site

All in all that’s a fair amount of travel, but nothing like when I go on tour. I’m kind of glad to be mostly hanging out at home and writing.

But next year i’m planning to have a book out, so who knows . . .

Adelaide Writers’ Festival

I’m headed to the Adelaide Writers’ Festival in a few weeks, so I’m hoping to see some of you South Australian fans there.


Here’s my schedule:

Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden
Leviathan: Scott Westerfeld (US/AUS)
This is me having a long chat with my old buddy Sean Williams. We will be talking about All Of The Stuff.
Click here for more.

Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden
Highways to a War: A Reading
War stories are among our oldest narratives and this session of readings will explore some of our more recent wars. Christopher Koch has taken us to Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia. Peter Robb has introduced us to the mean streets of Italy and Brazil. Tom Keneally has chronicled both the World Wars. Scott Westerfeld explores an alternative First World War and Ross McMullin chronicles the letters home.

It looks like I’ll be doing a reading for this second one, and with Tom Keneally! (AKA the guy who wrote Schindler’s Ark.) Click here for more.

For more details about the festival, click here. Note that these sessions are FREE, and at the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden.

Thunderbolts and Lightning

Long time, no see. Like, a lot longer than usual.

Turns out I didn’t post for our whole six weeks away in St Louis, Las Vegas, New York and South America. It was a very awesome and exhausting trip. But sorry to leave you hanging.

Luckily, good times were had by all, and were well documented, so there are a ton of cool pictures and videos to share with you. Spoiler alert: Brazilian fans are very awesome.

At this exact moment, however, I’m jetlagged to buggery, and will share with you just this one amazing thing.

On our flight from Rio, Brazil to Santiago, Chile, Justine tapped me on the shoulder and pointed out the window. (She is a window sitter and I am an aisle-ist. Is there any more perfect marriage?) Outside, somewhere over Argentina, was a huge anvil of clouds, its structure revealed by the lightning flickering and flailing within.

It was a very big and violent thing to witness, especially from the fragile vantage of a flying machine. But any nerviness was totally outweighed by old-fashioned awe.

My iPad camera I managed to capture a fraction of what it looked like:

Pretty intense, right? But go look at it bigger on YouTube.

More cool stuff soon. Promizes!

New Things

Still traveling, but here are some things you might want to see:

That’s right, there is now a paperback boxed set of Leviathan! Collect them all, or just throw them at people. (Very heavy, with sharp corners.)

Part 2 of the Uglies graphic novel is out December 4, and I haz cover flats!

I am excited.

And finally, Leviathan is out in Brazil . . . with subway ads! I am fancy in South America, it seems.

Note that Justine and I will be down in Brazil next weekend! A rough schedule follows:

November 24th

4:00 pm – Presentation at Cine Livraria Cultura (room 2). About Leviatã and books with pictures. With simultaneous translation.
5:00 pm – Signing session at Livraria Cultura (ground floor), with Scott Westerfeld (Leviatã, Ugly and others) and Justine Larbalestier (Zumbis x Unicórnios)
Address: LIVRARIA CULTURA – Conjunto Nacional – Av. Paulista, 2073

November 25th
2:30 pm – Debate at Livraria da Vila with the public about Zumbis x Unicórnios. With Justine Larbalestier and author Fábio Yabu. Moderator: Ana Lima. With simultaneous translation.
3:30 pm – Signing session
Address: LIVRARIA DA VILA – Rua Fradique Coutinho, 915 / 11 3814-9954

November 27th

7:00 pm – Signing session at Livraria Cultura/RJ with Scott and Justine.
Address: Livraria Cultura – São Conrado Fashion Mall Shopping Center, 2nd floor

More details following, including (maybe) another event in Rio!

Me in San Diego (PLUS VOTING!)

Okay, so it’s time to vote for the next Manual of Aeronautics art reveal. But first, my appearances at San Diego Comic Con have been finalized. There will be two signings, one panel, and two Cool Random Things. Keep reading to find out what those are.

Thursday July 12
Signing at Mysterious Galaxy Booth #1119
I’ll be signing and chatting to anyone who drops by, and there will be plenty of my books for sale. SPECIAL RANDOM THING: Mysterious Galaxy may have secret advanced copies of The Manual of Aeronautics, which you can actually buy! There will be a code word or something. (Check back here to see if this becomes a real thing, rather than a thing that didn’t really happen, because I dreamt it.)

UPDATE: Yeah, this is real. Twelve copies only. First twelve peeps in line for this signing gets to buy one each. (The code word is “WEASEL-FACE”!)

Saturday, July 14
Me having coffee with you.
That’s right. SPECIAL RANDOM THING 2 is that during Comic Con I will announce a phone number via this blog and my twitter (@scottwesterfeld). Text the name “SCOTT” to this number to be automatically entered into a contest. The winner of this contest will have coffee with me on Saturday at 4PM, at Comic Con. Or maybe instead of coffee we will saunter across the convention floor and pose with Full Metal Alchemist cosplayers. That is the sort of thing that would be fun. (I asked, and you will NOT be signed up for spam by entering this contest. But you will received a text asking you to opt in for more “news and offers.”)

UPDATE: New rules: Just go by the Simon & Schuster booth (#1138) to find out how to enter.

Sunday July 15th
Room 25ABC
I’m on a panel called: What’s Hot in YA, with Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures series), Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me), Lish McBride (Necromancing The Stone), Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone), Melina Marchetta (The Lumatere Chronicles), Myra McEntire (Hourglass series), James Dashner (The Maze Runner series), and moderator Nathan Bransford (Jacob Wonderbar series). After the panel is another signing:

Sunday July 15th
Autograph area AA09 in the Sails Pavilion
Signing with me will be all the people above, plus bonus guest Veronica Rossi (Under the Never Sky). My books will be for sale here too, but I can’t guarantee there will be any Manual of Aeronautics left.

And finally, if you’re in Sydney instead of San Diego, you might want to check out my wife Justine’s book launch for Team Human:

Thursday, July 12
Kinokuniya Sydney
Lvl 2, The Galeries, 500 George Street
Sydney, Australia 2000

Justine will be in conversation with the lovely and talented Margo Lanagan. Come say hi! It’s free and stuff. Click here for the event details on Facebook.


This will be the all-beastie extravaganza! Would you rather see . . .

1) The mighty Behemoth!

2) The fearsome spike-pooing flechette bat!

3) Or the all-knowing message lizard!?!

How do you even DECIDE such a thing when the choices are so awesomely Thompson-esque?

Oh right. You decide by voting—by number, please. And as always, feel free to use this comment thread to debate and inveigle your co-commenters.

Let the voting begin. See some of you at SDCC.