Okay, it’s time to get rid of our protest-y black boxes, and check out the real version of FAF. My apologies for making you wait!
Here’s CatieKay’s rendition of a CERTAIN SCENE from Goliath.
Super atmospheric, with lightning! For some reason, the katakana in the lower left is defeating me. Can anybody translate? (Ka-i-ri-so? My Japanese sucks these days.)
And from Unforgiven-Unloved, check out Alek’s expression. He is in LURVE.
And the last of the SOPA-edits is AvistheArtistGeek, with her Leviathan Xmas decorations. 3-D FAF!
Just imagine little wee Deryn climbing up a Christmas tree on the tinsel ratlines. SO MUCH KAWAII.
But wait. There’s more!
Here’s a cartoon from fellie220:
There’s just not enough marker in fan art! Love the lurid colors! (Love typing “lurid,” too.)
And here’s some bonus chapter fan art, from Melissa M:
Volger looks funnier in a lizard head than I imagined him. But of course, IT’S VOLGER IN A LIZARD HEAD. (Not to mention: TAZZA WITH A HALO!)
This one’s for all of you who want the Leviathan series updated to World War II. It’s also a fandom cross-over move, with Deryn and Alek in Hetalia mode. (Hetalia is a web-comic that anthropomorphizes the countries of WWII in comical and stereotypical fashion—and, as pointed out in the comics below, has been adapted into a manga and anime.)
Interestingly, it’s actually a collaboration between top-cap and magic-the-echidna, who did half each of the image. Click here for a larger version.
And from RakWel we have an Uglies cover redux!
Everything is very manga and Japanesque today, isn’t it?
And now for a vanishingly rare species: So Yesterday fan art!
Anybody remember the purple hand scene? ANYBODY? (Seriously, SO Yesterday is my book that the least people have read. GO FIX THAT.)
We’ve seen work from Art-Band Geek a few times here, but I thought this was a touching scene:
Dalek looks happy there. Happy Dalek is a good Dalek.
And finally here’s an alternate Clanker walker from Tyler:
It’s not from the books, but it totally has that clunky Clanker look.
That’s it! Don’t forget, there will be a reveal of Tally from Shay’s Story (aka the Uglies Manga) early next week. Like, Monday or Tuesday.
Also, some slightly annoying news: The release date for Shay’s Story has been delayed a week, due to paper shortages! But that’s only because the publisher wanted to make it bigger, so you can see all the lovely art.
It now comes out March 6, 2012.